The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Kutthaka 49 Kumbha<br />

massu-kiriyi. Here corresponding to Sk 'klpti !)<br />

IV.3J2 (battha°, elephant trappings, cp. kappanJ)<br />

V.215 ( = karaQa, cp. Sk. kalpa).<br />

Katth&ka S 1.66 should be replaced by v. 1. kotthnka.<br />

Kntha see under ku°.<br />

Knthati [Sk. kvathati cp. kathati. kathita. kutthita,<br />

ukkatthita & upakulita*] to cook, to boil : kuthanto<br />

(ppr) boiling (putrid, foul? So Kern. Toev, s. v.)<br />

J VI. 105 (of VetaraijI, cp. kuUhita).—pp. kuthita.<br />

Knthana (nt.) [fr. kvath=kuth] digestion Vism 345.<br />

Knthita [pp. of kuthati] I. boiled, cooked Th 2, 504;<br />

KhA 62; Vism 2 59 = KhA 58. Cp. vikkuthita.<br />

2. digested Vism 345. — 3. fig. tormented, distressed<br />

(perhaps: rotten, foul, cp. kilijjati = puti hoti) Miln<br />

250 ( + kilittha). — Cp. Vin. <strong>Text</strong>s 11.57 on Bdhgh's<br />

note to MV vi.14, 5.<br />

KndSQ^^'^ ^ throng J 111.204.<br />

Kndaua (kud-assu) interj. to be sure, surely (c. fut.)<br />

A 1. 107 ; Nett 87 ; SnA 103.<br />

Kndi see under ku°.<br />

Kodin (ku-dSra) a bad wife Pv iv.i".<br />

Kod&rikft at Pv :v.i" & PvA 240 is spelling for kuth&rik&.<br />

Kaditthi (i) [ku + ditthi] wrong belief Sdhp 86.<br />

KaddUa a spade or a hoe (kanda-mula-phalagaha(i'attbai)<br />

DA 1.269) Vin in. 144; J v.45 ; DhA iv.218.<br />

Often in comb" kuddcila-pi^ka " hoe and basket<br />

D i.ioi ; S 11.88 ; v.53 ; A<br />

Kaddilaka=prec. DhA 1.266.<br />

1.204 ; 11.199 ; J<br />

1.225, 336.<br />

Knddha (adj.) [pp. of kujjhati] angry A iv.96 (and akkuddha<br />

IV.93) ; Pv 1.7' ; J 11.352, 353 ; vi.517 ; DhA 11.44.<br />

Nom. pi. kuddh&se It 2 = 7.<br />

Kadrflia a kind of grain Miln 267 ; also as kudrOsaka<br />

Vin IV.264 ; D 111.71 ; Nd* 314 ; DA 1.78 ; DhsA 331.<br />

Knnta [cp. Sk. kunta lance ?] a kind of bird, otherwise<br />

called ad&sa J iv. 466.<br />

Knntanl (f-) a curlew (koilca), used as homing bird<br />

J 111.134.<br />

Knntha, only in comb° kuntha-kipillaka (or °ik&) a sort<br />

of ant ;<br />

J 1.439 iv.142 ; Sn 602 (°ika) ; Vism 40S ; KhA<br />

189. Cp. kimi.<br />

Knnda (nt.) the jasmine DSvs v.28.<br />

Konnadl (f) (kui)-nadi) a small river, a rivulet S 1.109;<br />

11.32, 118; A IV. 100; J 111.22 1 ; Vism 231, 416; DA<br />

1.58.<br />

Knpatha (kuij + patha) wrong path (cp. kummagga)<br />

Miln 390.<br />

Knpita (adj.) [pp. of kuppati]— i. shaken, disturbed<br />

Th 2, 504 (by fire = ThA 292); J<br />

ni.344 (°indriya).<br />

2. offended, angry D iii.238 = M noi^A lv.46o =<br />

1.6'. Often comb''<br />

V.18; M. 1.27; A III. 196 sq. ; Pv<br />

with anattamana " angry and displeased " Vin 11.189<br />

D 1.3, 90 ( = DA 1.255 kuddha). — As nt. kupitai) disturbance,<br />

in paccanta° a disturbance on the borderland<br />

] 111.497 ; Miln 314 ; PvA 20.<br />

Kappa (adj.) [ger. of kuppati] shaking, unsteady, movable ;<br />

A 111.128 ("dhammo, unsteady, of a pSpabhikkhu) ;<br />

; of a kamma: a proceeding that can be quashed<br />

Sn 784<br />

Vin 11.71 (also a°). nt. kuppag anger Vin 11.133 (karis-<br />

simi I shall pretend to be angry). — akuppa (adj.) and<br />

akuppaQ (nt.) steadfast, not to be shaken, an Ep. of<br />

arahant and nibbSna (cp. asankuppa) ; akuppa-dhammo<br />

Pug 1 1 (see akuppa). Akuppai) as freedom from anger<br />

at Vin 11.251.<br />

Knppaii [Sk. kupyate, *qap to be agitated, to shake—<br />

Lat. cupio, cupidus, " to crave with agitation," cp.<br />

semantically Lat. tremere > Fr. craindre] to shake, to<br />

quiver, to be agitated, to be disturbed, to be angry. —<br />

aor. kuppi, pp. kupita, ger. kuppa. caus. kopeti A ill. 10 1<br />

Sn. 826. 854; Pug II, 12, 30. Of the wind Miln 135;<br />

of childbirth udaravftto kuppi (or kupita) J 11.393, 433 ;<br />

paccanto kuppi the border land was disturbed J iv.446<br />

(cp. kupita).<br />

Kappila [?] a kind of flower J vi.218 (C: mantSlakamakula).<br />

Kabbati' etc. see karoti 11.<br />

Kabbanaka [fr. kuq-vana] bmshwood or a small, and<br />

therefore unproductive, wood Sn 1134 (expl. Nd' by<br />

rittavanaka appabhakkha appodaka).<br />

269,<br />

Kabbara the pole of a carriage A iv.191, 193 ; VvA<br />

271, 275. ratha° S 1.109, Vv 64' ( = vedik5 VvA).<br />

Der. (vjvidha-) kubbarata VvA 276.<br />

Knmati wrong thought, wrong view (cp. kuditthi)<br />

Bdhd 137.<br />

Knmira rVedic kumSra] a young boy, son Sn 685 sq,<br />

(kuhir) kumiro aham api datthukAmo : w. ref. to the<br />

child Gotama) ; FV 111.5'; P^A 39, 41 ( = m5nava);<br />

daharo kumSro M 11.24, 44. — a son of (-°) raja° PvA<br />

163; khattiya°, brahmapa" Bdhd 84; deva° J 111.392<br />

ya"kkha° Bdhd 84.<br />

-klla the amusement o' a boy J 1.137 ; -pafihfi questions<br />

suitable for a boy Kh 111. ; •lakkhana divination<br />

by means of a young male child (-t-kum&ri°) D 1.9.<br />

Komiiaka i. m. a young boy, a youngster, kumaraka va<br />

kumariyo boys and girls S in. 190. 2. nt. "r) a childish<br />

thing A in. 1 14. — f. °ika a young girl, a virgin J 1.290,<br />

411 ; 11.180 ; 1V.219 (thulla°) ; vi.64 ; DhA ill. 171.<br />

-vada speech like a young boy's; S 11.219.<br />

Koinill (f) a young girl Vin ii.io ; v. 129 (thulla"^) ; A<br />

III. 76 ; J 111.395 (dahari k°) ; Pug 66 (itthi va k° vaj.<br />

-paflha obtaining oracular answers from a girl supposed<br />

to be possessed by a spirit D l.i i (cp. DA 1.97).<br />

Komina (nt.) a fish <strong>net</strong> Vin 111.63; Th i, 297; J 11.238;<br />

ThA 243.<br />

Kumada (nt.) i. the white lotus Dh 285 ; Vv 35* ( = VvA<br />

(seta°) ; Vism 174; DA 1.139. — 2. a high<br />

161); J v. 37<br />

nomeral, in \^ati kumuda niraya A v.i73 = Sn p. 126.<br />

-naja a lotus-stalk J 1.223 : -patta (-vaijija) (having<br />

the colour of) white lotus petals J 1.58 (Ep. of sindhava,<br />

steeds) ; -bban^ki a kind of com Miln 292 ; -vanna<br />

(adj.) of the colour of white lotus (sindhava) PvA 74 ,<br />

-vana a mass of white lotuses J v 37.<br />

Kombha [for etym. s. kQpa and cp. Low Ger. kump or<br />

kumme. a round potj i. a round jar, waterpot (=kulalabhajana<br />

earthenware DhA 1.317), frequent in<br />

similes, either as illustrating fragility or emptiness and<br />

fullness: A 1.130. i3i=Pug 32; A v.337 S ; 11.83:<br />

I.i2».<br />

Miln 414. As uda° waterpot Dh 121 ; J 1.20 ; Pv<br />

2. one of the frontal globes of an elephant Vin 11.195<br />

VvA 182 ("alankara ornaments for these),<br />

-fipama resembling a jar, of kaya Dh 40 = DhA<br />

(<br />

(hatthissa) ;<br />

1.317): of var. kinds of puggala A ii.i04 = Pug 45.<br />

with other occupa-<br />

-kara 1. a potter ; enumerated<br />

tions and trades at D 1.5 1 = Miln 331. Vin IV.7. In<br />

similes, generally referring to his skill D i.78 = M 11.18 :<br />

Vism 142. 376; Sn 577; DhA 1.39 (°saia). raja" the<br />


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