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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Ku 46 Kujja<br />

Kd (kud- and kum-) 3rd stem of interrog. [iron, ka (on lorm<br />

and meaning cp. kad;=Lat.* quu in (qy)ubi, like<br />

katara< (qu)uter; cp. also Vedic ku how ? Sk. kutra,<br />

kutab, kuha, kva) where ? when ? whither ? whence ?<br />

As adv. in cpds. in disparaging sense of " what of " ?<br />

1. e. nothing of, bad, wrong, little, e. g. kum-magga<br />

wrong path; kuk-kucca = kud-kicca doing wrong,<br />

trouUing about little = worry. —kur) at PvA 57 {in<br />

expl. of kuiijara) is interpreted as pathavi.<br />

1 Kuto where from ? whence ? Dh 62 ; k°bhayai)<br />

whence i. e. why fear ? Dh 212 sq. ; Sn 271, 862 ; Pv<br />

11.6*; how ? J VI. 330 ; with nu whence or why then ?<br />

Sn 1049 ( = kacci ssu Nd* s. v.). kut-ettha =kuto ettha<br />

1.53. -na kuto from nowhere Sn 35, 919 ; a-kuto id.<br />

J.<br />

in akutobhaya " with nothing to fear from anywhere "<br />

i. e. with no reason for fear S 1.192 ; Th Th 11,<br />

i, 510 ;<br />

3i}', Su 56; (modami akutobhayo) ; Pv 11. i^' ('d.)<br />

kuto-ja arisen from where ? Sn 270 ; -"nidana having<br />

its foundation or origin in what ? Sn 270, 864 sq.<br />

2. Kuda at what time, when ? (cp. kadS) Pug 27;<br />

iudef. kudacanar) : at auy time, na k° never Sn 221<br />

(expl. by solasim pi kaiai) SnA 277) ; Dh 5, 210 ; Bdhd<br />

125 ; gamanena na pattabbo lokass' anto k° " by walking,<br />

the end of the world can never be reached " S 1.62.<br />

3. Kuva, kva, where ? Sn 970 (kuvar) & kuva) indef.<br />

kvaci anywhere ; with na : nowhere ; yassa n'atthi<br />

upama kvaci " of whom (i. e. of Gotama) there is no<br />

likeness anywhere" Sn 1137; cp. 218,<br />

Nd' like kuhinci. kuvar) at D 111.183.<br />

395; expl"* by<br />

4. Kutha (kudha) where ? J v. 485 (--kuhir)).<br />

5. Kuhii) (=kuhar), cp. Sk. kuha) where ? whither ?<br />

Often with fut. : k° bhikkhu gamissati Sp 41 i; ko<br />

gacchasi where are you going ? Pv 11.8' ; tvai) ettakar)<br />

divasar) k° gata where have you been all these days ?<br />

PvA 6 ; 13 ; 42 ; indef. kuhiiici, anywhere, with na k° :<br />

nowhere, or : not in anything, in : n'atthi tanha k° loke<br />

" he has no desire for anything in tliis world " Sn 496,<br />

783, 1048 see Nd on 783 & I048 = kimhici ;<br />

Dh 180.<br />

ilnkatthaka (v. 1. BB. kukkuthaka) a kind of bird J vi.539.<br />

Kern (Toev. s. v.) takes it to be Sk. kukkutaka, phasianus<br />

gallus.<br />

Kukkn [cp. Sk. ki^ku ?] a measure of length S v. 445 =<br />

A IV. 404, and in kukkukata Vin 1.255 =v.i72 (cphowever<br />

Vin. 7>*/s 1. 154, on Bdhgh's note =^ temporary).<br />

Knkkuka [fr. kukku] " of tlie kukku-mcasure," to be<br />

measured by a kukku. Of a stone-pillar, 16 k's high<br />

S v.445 .V IV. 404. — akukkuka-jata of enormous<br />

height (of a tree) M 1.233=^8 111.141 (text : akukkajata)<br />

= iv.i67; A 11.200 (text: akukkuccakajata). Kern<br />

{Toev. s. V. kukka) takes it to uiean " grown crooked,"<br />

a° the opposite.<br />

Kokkncca [kud-kicca] I. bad doing, misconduct, bad<br />

character. Def. kucchitaij katag kukatar) tassa bh.lvo<br />

kukkuccai) Vism 470 & Bdhd 24 — ; Various explanations<br />

in Nd* on Sn iio6=Dhs 1160, in its literal sense<br />

it is bad behaviour with hands and feet (hattha-pada°)<br />

J i.ii9=DA 1.42 (in comb" with ukkasita & khipitasadda)<br />

; hattha" alone J 11. 142. — 2. remorse, scruple,<br />

worry. In this sense often with vippatissara ; and in<br />

conn. w. uddhacca it is the fourth of the five nivaranas<br />

(q. v.) Vin 1.49; iv.70 ; D 1.246; S 1.99; M 1.437; A<br />

1.134 = Sn 1106; A 1.282: Sn 925; Nd' 379; DhA<br />

111.483 ; IV. 88 ; Sdhp 459 ; Bdhd 96. — na kinci k'lj na<br />

koci vippatis-sareti " has nobody any remorse .'" S<br />

Ill.l20 = iv.46. <strong>The</strong> dispelling of scrupulousness is one<br />

k'^ij vinodctuij<br />

of the duties and virtues of a muni :<br />

A v. 72 : k. pahaya D 1.71 =A 11.210 --- Hug 59 ; chinnakukkucca<br />

(adj.) free from remorse M 1.108 ; khinasava<br />

k°-vupasanta S i.i67--Sn 82. — akukkucca (adj.) fitc<br />

from worry, having no remorse Sn 850. Kukkutcar)<br />

kunite (c. gen.) to be scrupulous '• about J 1.377 kariijsii<br />

DhA IV.S8 ; cp. kukkuccag apajjati (e.\pl. by sankati)<br />

J 111.66.<br />

Kukkuccaka (adj.) conscientious (too) scrupulous, " faithful<br />

in little " J 1.376 ; VvA. 319.<br />

Knkknccayati [denom. fr. kukkucca] to feel remorse, to<br />

worry A 1.85 ; Pug 26. Der. are kukkuccayana and<br />

°ayitatta = kukkucca in def. at Dhs 1 160 =Nd' s. v<br />

Knkkacciya "^ kukkucca Sn 972.<br />

Enkkn^a (Sk. kurkuta & kukkuta ; onomatopoetic = Lat.<br />

cucurio, Ger. kikeriki) a cock Miln 363 ; J iv.58 ; VvA<br />

163: f. kukkuti a hen DhA 1.48; ThA 255; in simile<br />

M 1.104- 357=A IV. 125 sq., 176 sq. (cp. °potako).<br />

-anda (kukkut") a hen's egg Vism 261. -patta the<br />

wing of a cock A iv.47. -potaka a chicken, in simile<br />

M i.i04 = 357=^A IV. 126 = 176. -yuddha a cock fight<br />

D 1.6 ; -lakkhana<br />

divining by means of a cock D 1.9 ;<br />

-sampatika a shower of hot ashes (cock as symbol of<br />

fire) A i.i59=D 111.75, cp. Divy 316 and see Morris,<br />

-sukara (pi.) cocks and pigs D 1.5 =<br />

J.P.T.S. 1885, 38 ;<br />

A H.209=Pug 58; D 1.141 ; A 11.42 sq. ; It 36.<br />

Knkkara [Sk. kurkura, or is it ku-krura ? Cp. kurura) a<br />

dog, usually of a fierce character, a hound A 111.389;<br />

V.271 ; J I.i75sq.; 189 ; Pv 111.7'; Sdhpgo. In similes:<br />

S IV. 198 ; M 1.364 ; A iv.377. — f. kukkurini Miln 67.<br />

-vatika (adj.) imitating a dog, cynic M 1.387 (-f-dukkara<br />

karaka ; also as k°-vata, °sila, °citta, "akappa)<br />

D 111.6, 7; Nett 99 (-fgovatika; -sangha a pack of<br />

hounds A 111.75.<br />

Kokkn^a [taken as variant of kukkuta by Morris, J.P.T.S.<br />

'885, 39 ; occurs also in BSk. as Name of a Purgatory,<br />

e. g. MVastu 1.6 ; 111.369, 455. <strong>The</strong> classical Sk. form is<br />

kukula] hot ashes, embers S 111.177 ; J hi 34 ; Kvu 208,<br />

cf. trans. 127; with ref. to Purgatory S 1.209; J v.143<br />

(°nama Niraya) ; Sdhp 194 ; Pgdp 24.<br />

-vassa a shower of hot ashes J 1.73 ; rv.389 (v. 1.).<br />

Kakkusa i. the red powder of rice husks Vin H.280 (see<br />

Bdgh 11.328: kukkusai] mattikag =kuijdakan c'eva<br />

mattikan ca). — 2. (adj.) variegated, spotted J vi.539<br />

( = kalakabara 540 ; v. 1. B. ukkusa).<br />

Konkama (nt.) [cp. Sk. kunkuma] safiron Miln 382<br />

Vism 241.<br />

Kankninin (adj.) fidgety J v. 435.<br />

Kunkumiya (nt.) noise, tumult J v. 437 (=kolahala).<br />

Knccbi (f.) [Sk. kuk^i];!, cp. ko^] a cavity, esp. the belly<br />

(Vism 10 ) or the womb; arnjava" the interior of the<br />

1<br />

ocean 1.119, 227 ; J v. 416; jala° the hollow of the <strong>net</strong><br />

1. J 210. As womb frequent, e. g. niatu^ J 1.149:<br />

DA 1.224; PvA 19, 63, III, 195; as pregnant womb<br />

11.261<br />

containing gabbha J 1.50 ; 11.2 ; vi.482 ; DhA<br />

-daha enteric fever DhA 1.182; -pariharika sustaining,'<br />

feeding the belly D 1.71 =Pug 58 ; -roga abdominal<br />

.' trouble J 1.243 -vikara disturbance of the bowels Vin<br />

1.301 ; -vitthambhana steadying the action of the bowels<br />

(digestion) Dhs 646 = 740=875.<br />

Kacchita [Sk. kutsita, pp. of kntsay] contemptible, vile,<br />

bad, only in Com' VvA 215 ; in def. of kaya KhA 38 ;<br />

in def. of kusala DhsA 39 ; VvA 169 ; in def. of kukkucca<br />

Vism 470 ; in def. of pagsu-kula Vism 60.<br />

Kucchimant (adj.) [fr. kucchi] pregnant J v. 181.<br />

Kajati Tor kujjati ? see kujja] in kujant.l dinalocana<br />

Sdhp 166: to be bent, crooked, humpbacked ?<br />

Kujana (aJj.) [fr. kujati] only neg. a'<br />

ratho akujano nama S 133.<br />

Kujja (adj.) [Sk. kubja. humpbacked ;<br />

not going crooked, in<br />

^/qub, Lat. cubare.<br />

Or. Kvipw, Mhg. hogger. humpback] ht. "bent," as nt.<br />

kujjaij in ajjhena-kujjar) Sn .'42 crookedness, deceit,<br />

fraud (cp. Sn.\ 286 kuta ?). Cp. kujati & khujja, see<br />

also ava". uk ', nik°, pati°, pali".

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