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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Kileseti 45 Kivatika<br />

bhinnakileso " one whose passions are broken up<br />

Vbh 246. PvA 51 ; upasanta kileso " one whose passions<br />

are calmed " PvA 230 ; no ce pi jatu puriso kilese vSto<br />

yatba abbhaghanai) vihine Sn 348 ; pariyodapeyya<br />

attinai) cittaklesehi pan^ito S v.24=A v. 232, 253 = Dh<br />

88. 2-. Occurs in such combinations as kilesi ca khandh^<br />

ca abhisankhSri ca Nd' 487 ; kilesa+ khandha : Ps 1.69-<br />

72 ; 11.36, 140 ; cp. Vbh 44, 68 ; kilesa + sarjsara PvA 7 ;<br />

kammar) kiles3 hetu saT)ScLrassa Nett 113, cp. 191.<br />

3. kilesa also occurs in a series explanatory of tanhS, in<br />

the stereotype comb" of t., ditthi. kilesa " clinging to<br />

existence, false ideas and lust " (see Nd^ s. v. tanhe^<br />

V ). — 4. In the same function it stands with r3ga, viz.<br />

rSga dosa moha kilesa, i. e. sensuality, bewilderment<br />

and lust (see Nd* s. v. rSga n.), cp. Dhs 982. 1006. —<br />

<strong>The</strong> grouping as dasa kilesa-vatthuni is : lobha<br />

oioha mina ditthi vicikicchS thinar)<br />

dosa<br />

uddbaccai) ahirikai)<br />

anottappai) Dhs i548=Vbh 341 ; Vism 683; men-<br />

tioned at Ps 1.<br />

1 30. — <strong>The</strong>se with the exception of the<br />

last two, are also grouped as aftba k°-vatthuni at<br />

Vbh 385.—As three kilesas (past, present and future)<br />

at Ps 11.217. — 5. <strong>The</strong>' giving up of kilesa is one of the<br />

four essentials of perfection : the recognition of evil,<br />

the removal of its source (which is kilesa), the meditation<br />

on the Path, and the realization of the extinction of<br />

evil (see Nd' s. v. dukkha 11.). Kilesa in this connection<br />

interchanges with samudaya, as denoting the origin<br />

of evil ; cp. samudayo kilesS Nett 191.<br />

-avarana the obstacle of lust Vbh 342 = Pug 1 3 ;<br />

Vism 177; "avaraijata id. A 111.436 ; -kkhaya the<br />

destruction of lust Bdhd 8 1 ; -paripantha danger of lust<br />

J VI. ; 57 •pabana the giving up of worldly lust Vin<br />

111.92 sq., IV. 25; Bdhd 129, 131; -puflja the heap of<br />

lusts ; consisting of ten qualities, viz. the four ah^ra<br />

(etc. four of each :), vipallisS, upidanani, yogS, gandha,<br />

Ssava, ogha, salla, vifliiaoatthitiyo, agatigamanSni.<br />

Nett 113, 114; 116 sq. -bhumi the substratum or<br />

essence of lust Nett 2, 192 ; there are four mentioned<br />

at Nett 161 : anusaya°, pariyutthana", sagyojana",<br />

upadana° ; -mara death which is the consequence of<br />

sinful desire DhA 1.317 (in expl. of Mara); -vatthuni<br />

(pi.) the (lo) divisions of kilesa (see above) Dhs 1229,<br />

1548 ; Vism 20. -vinaya the discipline of lust Nett 22 ;<br />

•ippayutta free from lust (dhamma principles, to<br />

which belongs NibbSna) Dhs 1555; -sampayutta con-<br />

nected or aftected with lust Dhs 1554 (as 12 principles)<br />

Vbh 18=30=44 = 56, 68, 80. 96, 120, 323.<br />

KUaieti [v. den. fr. kilesa] to become soiled or stained<br />

(fig.) : indriySni kilesenti Sdhp. 364.<br />

KilOffla [ = next ?] at J in. 49 taken as syn. of loma, hair<br />

and used in sense of pharusa, shaggy, rough (in kiloma<br />

maQsakhap^a as simile for kiloma-vaca).<br />

Kilomaka [ = Sk. Woman, the right lung, cp. Greek<br />

itXivfutv, Lat. pulmo] the pleura M 1.185 = Kh in.<br />

Nett 77=Vbh 193; J<br />

detail at Vism 257, 357.<br />

iv.292 ; Miln 26. Discussed in<br />

Kin (adj.) [Sk. kr^a, perhaps to Lat. gracilis, slim] lean,<br />

haggard, emaciated, opp. thula fat (VvA 103). As Ep.<br />

of ascetics Sn 165. Dh 395 = Th i, 243; esp. as Ep. of<br />

petas: Pv 11. i»'; Sn 426, 585; Sdhp loi ; Miln 303.<br />

For phrase kisa-dhamani-santhata see the latter.<br />

Kii»l» = kisa Vini.36=-J 1.83; f. kisika Th 2. 27.<br />

Xtanti [den. fr. kisa] i. to get thin, to become exhausted,<br />

to waste, weary, worry J vi.495 (pret. ma kisittha =<br />

C. ma kisa bhava). — 2. [Pass, of kassati. kff] see pari".<br />

Xinara in neg. akissava at S i . 1 49 >s doubtful in origin and<br />

meaning. <strong>The</strong> trsl" gives " without wisdom." Should<br />

we read akittima or akiflcana. as we suggested under<br />

a°. although this latter does not quite agree with the<br />

sense required ?<br />

Kit* (nt.) [cp. Sk. lata] a general term for insect DhA<br />

1. 187; usually in comb" with patanga, beetle (moth ?)<br />

M 111.168 (with pulava); Sn 602; J vi.208 Miln ; 272<br />

(°vanna); PvA 67; Vism 115. kl^a at J<br />

v. 373 means<br />

a kind of shield ( = catipala ? c), the reading should<br />

prob. be kheta.<br />

KItaka (nt.) one or all kinds of insects Vin 1.188.<br />

KKa [pp. of kiijati] bought J 1.224 (°d5sa a bought slave)<br />

n.185.<br />

KIdisa (interr. adj.) [cp. Sk. kidj4 = kir) dria] what like ?<br />

of what kind ? which ? (cp. tadisa) Sn 836, 1089 (=kio<br />

saijthita Nd» ; Pv II.63; PvA 50, 51; VvA 76). — As<br />

Np. S rv.193. — See also Kirisa.<br />

KIra [cp. Sk. kira] a parrot Abhp 640 (cp. ciriti).<br />

KIri«a = kidi3a Th 2, 385 (cp. ThA 256).<br />

KI]a = a pin, a stake, see Khila.<br />

KQati [Sk. kri^ati] to play, sport, enjoy or amuse oneself<br />

Vin 1V.112 (udake k. sport in the water); Pv im'*<br />

( = indriy5ni paricarami PvA 77) D 11.196; J v.38<br />

Th 2, 147 ; PvA 16, 67, 77, 189 — ; c. ace. to celebrate :<br />

nakkhattag J 1.50; VvA 63; PvA 73; ThA 137;<br />

chanag DhA in. 100. — pp. kllita. Cans. II. kijapeti<br />

to make play, to train J n.267 (sappag to train or tame<br />

a snake).<br />

KQanaka [fr. kilati] a plaything, a toy Th 2, 384 (with<br />

ref. to the moon).<br />

KQanS (f.) [fr- same) playing, sport, amusement Nett 18<br />

PvA 67; DhA III. 461 (nakkhatta° celebration).<br />

Dia f . [fr. krI4, cp. Sk. kri(ja] play, sport, enjoyment<br />

udakakilag kilanti enjoying herself on the water PvA<br />

189. — uyyana" amusement in the park DhA 1.220;<br />

IV. ; 3 nakkhatta-kilag kilati to celebrate a festival<br />

(i. e. the full moon when standing in a certain Nak-<br />

khatta) VvA 109, ThA 137; sala-kila sport in the sala<br />

woods J v.38 kiladhippSyena in play, for fun PvA 215 ;<br />

;<br />

— Cp. kilika.<br />

-gola a ball to play with Vism 254. -goK-ka id.<br />

Vism 256 (cp. KhA 53) ; ThA 255 -pasuta bent on play<br />

;<br />

J 1.58; -bhandaka (nt.) toy Miln 229 (=ki|apanaka<br />

M 1.266); -mandala play-circle, children's games, playground<br />

J VI.332 ;'DhA III. 146 ; -sala playhouse J Vl.332.<br />

Kllipanaka i. (nt.) a plaything, toy M 1.266, 384 ; a list<br />

given at A v.203. — 2. (adj.) one who makes play<br />

J<br />

IV. 308 (sappa° a snake- trainer, cp. sappag kijipeti<br />

J 11.267).<br />

KQiki (f.) play, sport, amusement; always ". like<br />

kumara" D 11.196; uyyana" (sport in the garden)<br />

J<br />

111.275 ; IV. 23, 390 ; udaka" ThA 186.<br />

Kllita [pp. of kilati] played or having played, playing,<br />

sporting; celebrated (of a festival) A iv.55 (hasitalapita°);<br />

PvA 76 (sadhu°). —(nt.) amusement, sport,<br />

celebration M 1.229 (kilita-jatag kilati). Cp. saha-<br />

see also keli & khicj^a.<br />

pagsu°° ;<br />

Klvant & Eva (interr. adj. and adv.) [Sk. kiyant and<br />

kivant ; formed fr. interr. stem ki] how great ? how<br />

much ? how many ? and in later language how ? (cp.<br />

rel. yiva). As indef. : Kivanto tattha bherava " however<br />

great the terrors " Sn 959 — Kiva katuka how<br />

painful ? PvA 226 ; k^-cirag how long? Pj and Sn 1004 ;<br />

k°-dighag same Sn p. 126 ; k° dure how far } Miln 16;<br />

DhA 1.386 k'-mahantag how big ? DhA 1.29 ; VvA 325 ;<br />

;<br />

k° bahug how much ? DhA iv.193.<br />

Kivatika (interr. adj.) [fr. last] of number: how much ?<br />

how many ? Kivatika bhikkhQ how many Bhikkhus ?<br />

Vin 1.117.

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