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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Kiriyata 44 Kilesa<br />

dhammSl Vbh io6, i82=302=Dh8 566 and 989 (roaDOdhitu<br />

Idriya neva kusali nAkusalS na ca kammavipSka<br />

: indifierent, neither good nor bad and having<br />

no fruit of kamma), same of jhina Vbh 268=281 ;<br />

DhsA 388. — (b) indecisive, in akiriyar) vySkaroti to<br />

give an indecisive answer, to reply evasively D 1.53<br />

andsB<br />

•pada (ttg.) the verb (i. e. that which supplies the<br />

action) VvA 315; -vada (adj.) promulgating the (view<br />

of a) consequence of action, beUeving in merit and<br />

demerit, usually comb'' with kammavada (q. v.) also<br />

"vadin : D<br />

1.115 (of Gotama) A 1.62; Vin 1.71; a°denying<br />

the difference between merit & demerit A<br />

lv.i74=Vin 1.234 ; 242, Vin 111.2 ; Arv.180 sq. ; S 111.73.<br />

(+natthikavada) ; -vadin adj. to prec. A 1.62; -hetu<br />

being a cause of discrimination Dhs 1424 sq.<br />

Kirlyati (f.) [abstr. fr. last] the performance of (— °), state<br />

of, etc. See sakkacca°, sacchi", satacca".<br />

Killtin (adj.) enveloped, adorned Pv in.g* (=vethitaslsa).<br />

Kite see kili (the sound click).<br />

Kiteftji i^) a mat of fibre or rushes, matting Vism 327<br />

also a screen, a fascine, hurdle, faggots ; a crate, crating :<br />

tassa gandhabbat) kilailja-kaii^uvanar) viya hutva . . .<br />

J 11.249 ; " his music was Uke the scraping of a mat "<br />

;<br />

suvauiia-kilaflja a gilt mat J iv.212. As a fascine,<br />

used in making a road ; DhA 1.442. as a screen (comb^<br />

with chatta, fan) PvA 127; as faggots: J 1.158; Miln<br />

287 ; as a crate or basket, used by distillers : M 1.228 =<br />

374 (soQcjlil^a-kilailja) (cp. the trsl" under sori4^ '"<br />

J.P.T.S. 1909) ; to which is likened the hood of a snake :<br />

S 1. 106 (snake = mara).<br />

Ctenta tpp. of kilamati] tired, exhausted, weary, either<br />

with °kara tired in body PvA 43 ; VvA 65 (indicating<br />

the falhng asleep); or "citta tired in mind D 1.20 =<br />

111.32 (padutthacitta+, of the waning of the gods);<br />

or both °kaya-citta Pv 111.2'; opp. akilanta-kaya-citta<br />

alert, vigorous ; with sound body and mind.<br />

Kitema [spelt klama, fr. ktem] fatigue J v.397 ( = kilantabhava).<br />

SUamati [Sk. klamati, a variation of ^ramati irl from<br />

gri to lean, cp. kilanta, as " sleepy," and Lat. clinSre,<br />

Clemens. To k > ^ cp. kaniiia > ^n>ga, kilissati > iH?yati,<br />

etc. <strong>The</strong> Dhtp (222) & Dhtm (316) paraphrase<br />

kitem by gildne] 1. to go short of, to be in want of<br />

(instr.) DhA 11.79 ; na pin^akena kilamati does not go<br />

short of food Vin 11. 15. 87 ; iv.23 sq. — 2. to weary, to<br />

be wearied, tired, fatigued ; to be in trouble or in<br />

misery PvA 215 (to be incommodated) 277 (be in<br />

distress) ; fut. kilamissami PvA 76. Cp. pari". — pp.<br />

kilanta.<br />

Kitematha [fr. ktem, in formation cp. samatha] tiredness,<br />

fatigue, exhaustion M 1.168; A n.199; S 1.136; as<br />

kaya°, dtta" S v.128 ; as daratha" A 111.238 ; PvA 23 ;<br />

as nidda° A 11.48, 50.<br />

Kilamita [pp. of kilameti] worn out, tired, fatigued<br />

Pvii.83.<br />

Kitemeti [denom. fr. kilama] to be tired or fatigued<br />

J 1.115; PPr- kilamayanto D 1.52. — pp. kilainita.<br />

mSaa [cp. Sk. kilasa] a cutaneous disease, perhaps<br />

leprosy, enum"* under the var. diseases (abadha)<br />

together with kuttha gapi^a k° sosa Vin 11.27: ; A v. 1 10 ;<br />

Nd» 304».<br />

KilUka & °i7a (adj.) [fr. last] afflicted with a cutaneous<br />

disease, a leper, in same comb" as kilasa, Vin 1.93 ;<br />

Kvu 31 ("iya).<br />

Kil&in [fr. gram, cp. kilamatha. E Miiller P. Gr. 38 =<br />

giasnu, gU, cp. gilana] exhausted, tired of (c. dat. or<br />

inf.) Vin 111.8 ; a° untiring in (c. dat. or ace.) S 1.47;<br />

V.162 ; J 1.109 ; Miln 382.<br />

Kili (sometimes kila) [onomat. fr. sound-root k|] i. indecl.<br />

the sound "click," of the noise of a trap when<br />

shutting J 1.243; "•363, 397 (as "kili"). — Also<br />

repeated " kilikili ti " click, click J 1.70. — 2. as n. f.<br />

tinkling, clicking, ticking (cp. kipi), in kilii) karoti to<br />

tinkle J v. 203.<br />

Kilikilijrati [denom. fr. kili with rednpUcation] to tinkle<br />

J v. 206 (freq. fr. kili ; or den. fr. kilikila ; cp. kilakjlS<br />

" shouting for joy " AvS 1.48 and in cpd. bahakara-<br />

kilakila " shouting ha-ha and hail-hail " ibid. 1.67<br />

MVastu III. 312 and Divy 459). See also kipaloQayati.<br />

Note.—Kil is one of the variations of the sound-imitating<br />

g'l, which otherwise appears as q"!, q"l in Gr. VfX-aioc,<br />

L. cal-are, Ohg. hell-an (cp. Sk. krandati ?) also Gr.<br />

t:\atu>, L. clango, Goth, hlahjan (" laugh ") and in Sk<br />

kolahala, kokila, cp. cuculus (cuckoo) and perhaps Sk.<br />

ululi, uluka (owl), Gr. oXoXv^w, L. ululare.<br />

cognate q'r under kitti.<br />

See also the<br />

Kiliijati [med-pass. of ki]id = Sk. klid, to be wet. prob. =<br />

iUl to stick to, and confounded with STld, cp. also<br />

keiana & khela. <strong>The</strong> meaning " to get wet, to be<br />

soiled " only in pp. kilinna. — <strong>The</strong> Dhtm (199), however,<br />

expl' k. by parideva lament, to be in trouble, which<br />

is not quite in harmony with the meaning ; it is more<br />

likely that in P. we have a confusion between kBd &<br />

klii in a meaning which differs from Sk.] to become<br />

heated, to get into a state of inflammation, to fester<br />

(of wounds) Vin 1.205 (vano kilijjittha festered) ; Sn<br />

671 (gloss for kilissati, expl"" at SriA 481 by puti hoti).<br />

— pp. kilinna. See also ukkiledeti (to clean out a<br />

stain, to " disinfect ").<br />

Kilitttia [pp of kilissati] 1 . soiled, stained, impure ; of<br />

gatta, Umbs J 1. 1 29 ; of civara, cloak Bdhd 92 ; of vattha,<br />

clothes DhA 11.261 ;<br />

of pavara-puppha, mango blossom<br />

KhA 58=Vism 258. — 2. unclean, lustful (morally)<br />

bad, in "kamma dirty pursuit, i. e. cohabitation J<br />

IV.190; PvA 195 (of a gaflika); together with kuthita<br />

Miln 250.<br />

Kilinna [pp. of kiUjjati] 1. wet, usually with saliva and<br />

perspiration Vin 111.37; J '-^l (lala°), 164 (khela°)<br />

DA 1.284 (assu°); VvA 67 (seda°). — 2. <strong>The</strong> other<br />

meaning of kilid (to get inflamed) is to be found in<br />

kilinna-sarira (adj.) with an inflamed body (i. e. suffering<br />

from a skin-disease), which is<br />

see under okira^.<br />

Bdhgh's expl° of okilini<br />

Kilissati [Sk. kli^yAti = kbi or flis to adhere, cp. P. khela<br />

and silesuma or semha, Sk. $le$ma, slime. Same root<br />

as Gr. Xdfiai snail ; Ags. sRm slime. Another, specifically<br />

<strong>Pali</strong>, meaning is that of going bad, being vexed,<br />

with ref. to a heated state. This lies at the bottom of<br />

the Dhtp. (445) & Dhtm. (686) espl" by upaidpe.]<br />

I. to get wet, soiled or stained, to dirty oneself, be<br />

impure It 76 (of clothes, in the passing away of a deva)<br />

Th I, 954<br />

(kilisissanti, for kilissanti) ; Ps 1.130. Kilis-<br />

seyya Dh 158 (expl"" as ninda;) labhati) to do wrong.<br />

Cp. pari".<br />

Kilissana (nt.) getting dirty, staining J 1.8.<br />

Kilesa (and kl«sa) [from kilissati] i. stain, soil, impurity,<br />

fig. affliction ; in a moral sense, depravity, lust. Its<br />

occurrence in the Pifakas is rare; in later works, very<br />

frequent, where it is approx. tantamount to our terms<br />

lower, or unregenerate nature, sinful desires, vices,<br />

passions.<br />

I. Kilesa 'as obstacle (see "avarapa, "-sampayutta,<br />

°-vippayutta, °pahana) Ps 1.33; Sdhp 455; bhikkhu

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