The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Kiccbati 42 Kitti & Kitti<br />

difficulty, easily, in plirase akiccha-lSbhin taking or<br />

sharing willingly (+ kasira-labhin) M 1.33, 354 =S 11.278<br />

= A i:.23, 36<br />

; A in. 31, 114.<br />

-patta fallen into misery Pv ili.5< (=PvA 199 dukkhappatta)<br />

-vuttin living in misery, poor Pv ii.q'*<br />

(: dukkhaji^nta).<br />

KiCChati [v. denom. fr. kiccha, cp. Sk. kfcchrayate] to be<br />

troubled, to be wearied, to .suffer Th t, 962 (w. ace. of<br />

obj.); usually with kilamati : k° kayo kilamati Th i,<br />

1073. Used in a play of words with vicikicchati by<br />

Bdhgh at Dhs." 354 as " arammanar) niccheturj asakkonto<br />

kiccbati kilamati " and at Bdlid. 25 (on vicikiccha)<br />

as sabhavag vicinanto etaya kicchati kilamati.<br />

Kificana (adj.-nt.) [kig + cana, equal to kir) + ci, indef.<br />

pron.] only in neg. sentences: .something, anything.<br />

From the freq. context in the older texts it has assumed<br />

the moral implication of something that sticks or adheres<br />

to the character of a man, and which he must get rid<br />

of, if he wants to attain to a higher moral condition. —<br />

Def. as the 3 impurities of character (raga, do^a moha)<br />

at D ni.217; M 1.298; S IV. 297: Vbh 368; Kd* 206"<br />

as obstruction<br />

(adding mana. ditthi. kilesa. duccarita) ;<br />

(palibujjhana), consisting in raga, etc. at DKi\ in. 258<br />

(on Dh 200). Khina-sar|saio na c'attbi kincanar) " he<br />

has destroyed sarisnra and there is no obstructit)n (for<br />

him)" Th i, 306. n'ahai) kassaci kincanar) tasmir)<br />

na ca mama katthaci kincanar) n'atthi " I am not part<br />

of anything (i. e. associated with anything), and herein<br />

for me there is no attachment to anything " A 11. 177.<br />

akincana (adj.) having nothing Miln 220. — In special<br />

sense " being without a moral stain," def. at Nd^ 5 as<br />

not having the above (3 or 7) impurities. Thus freq. an<br />

attribute of an Arahant ; " yassa pure ca pacch.a ca<br />

raajjhe ca n'atthi kincanar) akincanag anadanai) tarn<br />

ahar) brumi brahmanan " Dh 421 =;Sn 645, cf. Th 1. 537 ;<br />

kame akiiicano "not attached to kama" as Ep. of a<br />

khinasava A v. 232 sq. — 253 sq. Often comb"* with anSdana:Dh42i<br />

;Sn62(),645, 1094.—AkincanokSmahhave<br />

asatto " having nothing and not attached to the world<br />

of rebirths" Vin 1.36; Sn 176. 1059; —akificanar)<br />

ndnupatanti dukkh& " ill does not befall him who has<br />

nothing" S 1.23. — sakificana (adj.) full of worldly<br />

attachment Sn 620— DA 246.<br />

Kincikkha (nt.) [E. MuUor P. Gr. p. 35 expl' kiiicid + ka]<br />

a trifle, a small thing : yai) va tar) va appamattakar)<br />

Sn 121 : 131 ; PugA 210 (ill. 4). 5misa-kincikkha-hetu<br />

" for the sake of a little gain" A i.i28 = Pug 29; at<br />

Pv II. 8' as amisa-kif\ci-hetu (but all vv. 11. R. have<br />

"kificakkho") " for some food " (expW at PvA 107<br />

kinci amisari patthcnto) ; —kata kificikkhabavana at<br />

S iv.iiS<br />

dhana ?).<br />

is evidently corrupt (v. 1. "bhadhana for ba-<br />

-kamyata in the desire for some little thing Sn 121<br />

kismificid eva icchaya).<br />

(cp. SnA 179 : appamattakc<br />

Kinjakkha (m. nt.) [cp. Sk. kinjalka & remarks at Aufrecht<br />

Hiiljyiirllia ]). 1H6] a filament, esp. of thelotns S m.130 ;<br />

J i.6(', 1S3; V.39; Vv 22'; -v5ri° Pv II. i'* ( = kesara<br />

PvA 77) in comb" with kcsara VvA 12, in. 175.<br />

Kitaka [doubtful] only at Pv 1.9''*, of clothes which are<br />

changed into missa kitaka, which is expl. at PvA 44<br />

by kitakasadisflni lohapatta.sadis5ni bhavanti "they<br />

become like (hot) copper plates."<br />

Kitika at Vin 11.153 of alinda, a verandah, said to be sar)sarana"<br />

ugghatana" (a movable screen or a curtain<br />

that can be drawn aside) Vin <strong>Text</strong>s 111.174, '7.<br />

Kittha [cp. Sk. krsta kis] growing com, the crop on the<br />

ground, a cornfield A'fii.393 (in simile), cp. S iv.195.<br />

-ada eating corn A in. 393. -arakkha the guardian of<br />

the comtield S iv.ig6. -sambadha " when the corn is<br />

thick," in 'samaye near harvest-time M i.i 15 (in simile)<br />

J 1. 1 43 (sassa-samaye+ ). 338.<br />

KiQaki^ayati [ = kinkinSyati, denom. fr. kinkipi, small<br />

bell] to tinkle; also spelt kinikinayati J 111.315. See<br />

also kiUkilayati and cp. Sk. kitikitayati to grind (one's<br />

teeth) & Prk. kidiki^ya (chattering) Weber, Bhagavati<br />

p. 289; also BSk. katakatayati Tal. Vist. 251. See<br />

tatatatayati & note on gala.<br />

Ba;)ati [kri Vedic krioiti] to buy Vism 318; pot. kioe<br />

J V.375 ; ger. kinitva M 1.384; J 1.92, 94; inf. kinitug<br />

J 111.282.<br />

Ki^i (indecl ) a part., expressing the sound of a smalt<br />

bell : " tink " DhA 1.339 (v. 1. kiri ; see also kili and note<br />

on gala).<br />

KiQQa* [cp. Sk. kinva] ferment, yeast; Vin 11. 116; VvA<br />

73.<br />

KiW*' [PP- o* kirati] strewn, scattered, covered ; only in<br />

comp" with prefixes : a°, 0°, ud°, upa", pari", sag"<br />

see also appa°.<br />

KiQha (adj.) [see kapha ; DA 1.234 kiphJ ti kanha, kS)aka<br />

ti attho] black ; in the stock phrase mundaka sanianaka<br />

ibbha k° bandhup5d4pacci D 1.90 = 116: S iv.117;<br />

M 1.334; "-J??: •" ^ moral sense = bad, wicked, with<br />

nSIam-arij'a dhamma D 1.163.<br />

Kita [pp. of kr, with i for a, cp. kirana for karapa. <strong>The</strong><br />

Dhtp. expl"* by nivasane] 1. adorned: mala" adorned<br />

with garlands Vin in. 249. — 2. soiled, only in cpds.<br />

kanna° said of a wall, also of the ground at Vin 1.48 =<br />

11.209 ; and pagsu", soiled with dust Vin n.ioi, 174.<br />

Kitava & kitaya [ = katava ? cp. kata] one who plays false<br />

a cheat; adj. deceitful S 1.24; J v. 116; 117 (a°) ; -kitava<br />

at Dh 252 (=DhA 111.375) in comb' with sa^ha<br />

also at J VI. 2 2 8, where the connection with kata is<br />

evident : katar) A)ato ganhati kitava sikkhito yatliS =<br />

like one who is skilled in having the kata, the lucky<br />

die. ExpH at DhA in. 375 as taken from fowUng<br />

kitavaya attabhavar) paticchadeti " he hides himself<br />

by means of a pretence " (behind sham branches).<br />

Kittaka (pron. interr.) [fr. kiva, cp. ettaka & BSk. kettaka<br />

(MVastu 1.50) ; see Trenckner. Notes p. 134] how much ?<br />

how great ? nt. as adv. : to what extent ? pi. : how<br />

many ? Vin 1.297 : k°g antovassar) avasitthai) " how<br />

much of the rainy season is left ?" VvA 66 ; kittaka<br />

pana vo bhante parivara-bhikkhu ? " How many<br />

bhikkhus are in your retinue ?" J 1.32. — As indcf. : a<br />

little ; kittakai) jivissami, J v. 505 ; kittakai] addhanar)<br />

a short time VvA 117 ( = ldgva cirag).<br />

Kittana (nt.) [f. kitteti] praise PvA 31, 107.<br />

Kitt&vata (adv.) to what extent .' how far ? in what<br />

respect ? K° nu kho mahSpurisa hoti " in what<br />

respect is a man a great man ?" Nd' 502 B ; k° nu kho<br />

pafinava ti vuccati ? M 1.292.<br />

Kitti & Kitti f. [Vedic kirti, *qer : cp. Gr. mptalpu, Ohg.<br />

hruod, hruom = Ger. ruhm ; *qar: cp. Sk. karu poet;<br />

Gr. KtipvK herald. Lat. carmen hymn of praise. — <strong>The</strong><br />

expl""^ of Dhtp (579) & Dhtm (812) are sarjsadde Sc<br />

sajjsnddane] fame, renown, glory, honour, yaso ca kitti<br />

ca S 1.25 ; kittm ca sukhail ca S 1.187 : yaso kitti sakhaii<br />

ca A 11.32 yaso kitti ca "fame and renown" Sn 817<br />

(=Nd' 147, where appl. to the religious perfection<br />

attained by a samana) ; Sn 185 (in<br />

VvA 68 (bahira°-bhava becoming<br />

the same sense);<br />

known outside)<br />

yaso kitti Sdhp 234.<br />

-sadda the sound of fame, praise, renown (thutighosa<br />

DA 1.<br />

1 46) esp. appl'' to the Buddha, whose fame<br />

is heralded before him : Bhagavantai) Gotamar) evai)

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