The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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of k. DhsA 64<br />

Kamma 22 Kammantika<br />

(also -nau^karacia ib.) ; -nibandhana<br />

rathass'ani va yayato, as the linch-<br />

(3 B) bound to k. ; (<br />

pin to the cart) Sn 654 ; -nibbatta (3 B) produced<br />

through k. Miln 268 ; DhsA 361 ; -nimitta the sign,<br />

token of k. DhsA 411 ; -nirodha the destruction of k.<br />

[see 3 B (d)] ; -paccaya the ground, basis of karma<br />

Vism 538; KvuA 10 1 ; "paccayena by means of k.<br />

J VI. 105, Vism 538; (adj.) J v. 271, DhsA 304; -patisarana<br />

(a) having k. as a place of refuge or as a protector<br />

J<br />

VI. 102 ; Miln 65; cp. DhsA 66; -pafibalha strong by<br />

k. Miln 301 ; -patha (2 b) pi. the ways of acting ( = sila<br />

q. v.), divided into kusala (meritorious, good) and<br />

akusala (demeritorious, evil) and classified according to<br />

the 3 manifestations into 3 kaya°, 4 vaci". 3 mano",<br />

altogether 10 ; so at Vin v. 138, S 11. 168, A v. 57, 268;<br />

as kus° and akus° at D 111.71, 269, 290; as 7 only at<br />

S II. 167 ; as akus" only at A v. 54, 266 ; Vbh 391 ; Nett<br />

43; Bdhd 129, 131; "ppatta having acquired the 10<br />

items of (good) action Sdhp 56, 57. -phala [3 A (a)] the<br />

fruit of k., the result of (formerly) performed actions<br />

J 1.350; VvA 39, PvA I, 26, 52; "-upajiuin i. living<br />

on the iruit of one's labour (ad I) J iv.ibo — ; 2. living<br />

according to the result of former deeds A 11. 135;<br />

-bandhu having k. as one's relative, i. e. closely tied to<br />

one's karma (see °ssaka) Th i, 496; cp. J vi.ioo, etc.<br />

-bala the power of k. J vi.108; PvA 82. -bhava<br />

[3 B (b)] karmic existence, existence through karma<br />

Vbh 137: DhsA 37; -bhumi i. the place of work<br />

J III. 41 1 ; 2. the ground of actions, i. e. the field of<br />

meritorious deeds Miln 229 ; -mula (good) k. as a price<br />

(for long life, etc.) Miln 333, 334, 341 ; -miilaka pro-<br />

duced by k. Miln 134<br />

66. -lakkhana<br />

; -yoni having k. for matrix, i. e.<br />

as the cause of rebirth Miln 65 ; DhsA<br />

having k. as distinctive characteristic A 1.102;<br />

AA 370 ; -vagga name of section in NipSta IV of Anguttara<br />

(Nos. 232-238) A 11.230 sq. ; -vavat^hana the<br />

continuance of k. DhsA 85 ; -vada (a) holding to the<br />

view of (the power and efficacy of) k. S 11.33 sq. ; A<br />

1.287 ( + kiriyavada, viriyavada) ; -vadin believing in<br />

k. D 1. 115; Vin 1. 71 ; J vi.60 ; -vipaka [3 A (a)] the<br />

ripening of k., the result of one's actions (see above)<br />

Vbh 106, 182, 268, 281 ; as one of the four mysteries<br />

(acinteyySni) of Buddhism at Miln 189. —°ja produced<br />

as a result of k. : D 11.20; Mhbv 78; Ps 11.174, 213;<br />

Miln 135; Vism 382 (appH to iddhi) ; concernmg<br />

disease as not produced by k.. see A v. 110; Miln 134,<br />

1 35 ; AA<br />

433, 556. -visuddhi meritorious karma<br />

Dh 16 (=Dh 1. 1 32) : -visesa variety or difference of k.<br />

DhsA 313; -vega the impetus of k. PvA 284; -sacca<br />

(adj.) having its reality only in k. ; said of loka, the<br />

world A 11.232. -samadana (2) the acquisition of ways<br />

of acting, one's character, or the incurring of karma,<br />

either as micchaditthi" (of wrong views) or sammaditthi<br />

(conforming to the right doctrine), so in yathikamm-ilpaga<br />

passage (q. v.); D 111.96; M 1.70; 111.178, i<br />

179; four such qualities or kinds of karma enum. at<br />

Nett 98 ; of Buddha's knowledge as regards the quality<br />

of a man's character : S v. 304 ; A 111.41 7 sq. ; Ps 11. 174 ;<br />

Vbh 338 ; -samarambha [3 B (a)] having its beginning<br />

in k. ; said of loka, the world of men ; with °uhiyin:<br />

lasting as long as the origin (cause) of k. exists A 11.232 ;<br />

-samufthana [3 B (a)] rising from k. Miln 127 ; DhsA 82 ;<br />

Kvn 100 ; -sambhava produced by k. Miln 127 ; -sarik<br />

kbaka [see above 3 B (c)] similar or like in consequence<br />

to the deed done DhA 111.334 (°vip5ka). -sarikkhata<br />

(do.) the likeness between deed and result ; -sahaya<br />

" companion to the deed," said of thought DhsA 333 ;<br />

-socana sorrowing for one's (bad) deeds DhA 1.128.<br />

-(s)saka [3 A (b), q. v.] (a) one whose karma is his own<br />

property, possessed of his own k. M in. 203, etc. (in<br />

phrase k., kammadiyada, kamma-bandhu, etc. ; cp.<br />

Vism 301); J IV. 128; Miln 65; DA i.37 = who goes<br />

according to his own karma (attano k°anurupar) gatir)<br />

gacchanti, n'eva pita puttassa kammena gacchati, na<br />

putto pitu kammena .<br />

. .<br />

) ; der. "td the fact that<br />

j<br />

every being has his very own karma A iii.i86;Dhs 1366 ;<br />

Vbh 324 ; °ta as adj. ; qualifying nana, i. c. the knowledge<br />

of the individual, specific nature of karma Dhs<br />

1366, Vbh 328.<br />

Kammaka (adj.) [fr. kamma] connected with, depend'<br />

on karma Miln 137 (a^).<br />

KammaiUIya, ''iya & kammaniia (adj.) " workable," fit<br />

for work, dexterous, ready, wieldy. Often of citta<br />

" with active mind " in formula vigatupakkilesa<br />

mudubhuta k" thita anejjappatta D 1.76, etc. = M 1.22 =<br />

Pug 68 ;<br />

S<br />

III. 232 : v.92, 2i3 ;<br />

1.9 ; DhA 1.289 ; Bdhd<br />

A<br />

10 1, expl'' at Vism 377 ("iya). Further of citta<br />

(muduti ca kammaniiafi ca pabhassarati ca) A 1.257<br />

(reads °iyan) = Vism 247; of upekha and sati Md' 661,<br />

cp. Bdhd 104; of kaya & citta Bdhd 121. Said of a<br />

lute = workable, ready for playing A 111.375= Vin '182.<br />

Of the body A iv.335. — a" not ready, sluggish A<br />

IV. 333 ;<br />

146. — kammaAita-bhava the state of<br />

Vism<br />

being workable, readiness, of kaya Dhs 46, of vedana,<br />

etc., Dhs 326, of citta DhsA 130, see next; a" unworkable<br />

condition Dhs.\ 130.<br />

Kammannata (f.) [abstr. fr. prcc] workableness, adaptability,<br />

readiness, appl. to the wood of the sandal tree<br />

(in simile) A 1.9 ; said of kaya and citta in connection<br />

with kammannattai) k^bhavo k°muduta : Dhs 46,<br />

47= 326 = 641 = 730 ; cp. Dhs 583 ; similar Bdhd 16, 20,<br />

71 ; DhsA 136, 151 ( = kammasaduta) a° unworkableness,<br />

inertness, unwieldiness, sluggishness Miln y>o ; Nett 86,<br />

108, cp. Dhs 1156, 1236; DhsA 255; expl"* as cittagelafinai)<br />

DhsA 377 ; as cetaso linattag Vbh 373.<br />

Kammanta [Sk. karminta; kamma -Hanta, cp. anta I4.]<br />

I. doing, acting, working; work, business, occupation,<br />

profession, paticchanna" of secret acting Sn 127 =<br />

Vbh 357 ; as being punished in Niraya A 1.60 ; S iv.180 ;<br />

as occupation esp. in pi. kamraanta : S v.45= 135;<br />

DhA 1.42 (kammanta nappavattanti, no business pro-<br />

ceeds, all occupations are at a standstill) ; anakula"<br />

Sn 262 = Kh v.5 ; abbhantara k" unija ti va, kappasa<br />

ti va as housework, falling to the share of the wife<br />

A iii.37 = iv.365 ; khetta" occupation in the field<br />

A III. 77 ; see also D 1.71 ; M in. 7 ; S 1.204 ; Miln 9, 33 ;<br />

and below; as place of occupation: Sn p. 13. PvA 62.<br />

Phrases : °r) adhitfhati to look after the business A<br />

1.115 ; PvA 141 ; jahati give up the occupation S iv.324 ;<br />

PvA 133; "o<br />

payojeti to do or carry on business D<br />

1. 71 ; 11.175; 111.66, 95; A 111.57; °r) pavatteti to set a<br />

business on foot PvA 42 (and vicareti PvA : 93) °i)<br />

;<br />

sagvidahati to provide with work A iv. 269 = 272.<br />

Mhvs VI. 16. — 2. deed, action in ethical sense =<br />

kamma, character, etc., Kh 136 (k° = kamma); papa"<br />

doing wrong Pv IV. 8'; IV. i6», J vi.104 (opp. pui^iia")<br />

as specified by klya° vacl °mano° A v. 292 sq. ; VvA 130<br />

k°a<br />

(in parisuddha-kaya-kammantata) ; dhammika<br />

M 11.191 ;<br />

akirn)a-k° (evam-) of such character S 1.204;<br />

kurura-k" (adj.) of cruel character A 111.383= Pug 56<br />

(in def. of puggalo orabbhiko) ; samma" of right doing,<br />

opp. miccha°, as constituting one element of character<br />

as pertaining to " Magga " ( ; q. v.) D 11.216; S 11.168;<br />

v.i ; A 111.411 ; Bdhd 133 ; expl. as kayakamma = sila<br />

(<br />

1-3) at S v.9 = Vbh 105 ; Vbh 235 ; as kaya-duccaritehi<br />

Vbh arati virati . . .<br />

106.<br />

-Adhitthayika superintendent of work DhA 1.393<br />

-t^hana: 1. the spot where the ceremonies of the<br />

Ploughing Festival take place J 1.57; 2. the common<br />

ground of a village, a village bazaar J iv.306 -dasa a<br />

;<br />

; -bheri the drum announcing the<br />

farm-servant J 1.468<br />

(taking up of) business DhA in. 100 ;<br />

-vipatti " failure of<br />

action," evil-doing A 1.270 opp. -sampada " perfection of<br />

action, right-doing" A 1.2 71 ; -saovidhana the providing<br />

of work D III. 191 (one of the 5 duties of the gahapati).<br />

Kammantika (adj.) [fr. kammanta] 1. a business manager<br />

J 1.227. — 2. a labourer, artisan, assistant J 1.377.

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