The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Kamana Kamboja<br />

Bdhd 107, III. a fivefold kama or process (of development<br />

or division), succession, is given at Vism 476 with<br />

nppattik". pahina", patipattik", bhumik", desanSk".<br />

where they are illustrated by examples. Threefold<br />

applied to upSdina at Vism 570 (viz. nppattik°.<br />

pahinak", desanik°) — 2. oblique cases (late and<br />

technical) " by way of going," i. e. in order or in due<br />

course, in succession : kamato Vism 476, 483, 497<br />

Bdhd 70, 103 ; kamena by & by, gradually Mhvs. 3. 33 ;<br />

5, 136 ; 13. 6 ; DSvs 1.30 ; SnA 455 ; Bdhd 88 ; yathikkamai)<br />

Bdhd 96. — 3. (adj.) (— °) having a certain way<br />

of going : catukkama walking on all fours (= catupp&da)<br />

Pv I.I I*.<br />

Kuuma a step, stepping, gait J v. 153, in expl" J v.156<br />

taken to be ppr. med. — See san°.<br />

Kimati [kmn. Dhtp. expl'' by padavikkhepc ; ppr. med.<br />

kamamina S 1.33 ; Sn 176 ; Intens. cankamati.] to walk.<br />

(1) Ht. I. c. loc. to walk, travel, go through: dibbe<br />

pathe Sn 176; ariye pathe S 1.33; ak&se D i.2i2csM<br />

I 69= A 111.17; — 2. -c. ace. to go or get to, to enter<br />

M 11.18; J VI.107; Pv !.!• (saggai)) — (11) fig. i. to<br />

succeed, have efiect. to afiect M 1.186; J v.198; Miln<br />

198; — 2. to plunge into, to enter into A 11. 144; —<br />

3. impers. to come to (c. dat) S iv.283.<br />

Ktwttij^flhT (m., nt.) [etym. uncertain] the waterpot with<br />

long spout used by non-Buddhist ascetics S 1.167;<br />

J H.73 (=kuo4>l'a); iv.362, 370; V1.86, 525, 570;<br />

Sn p. 80 ; DhA in. 448—adj. kamandaluka [read ka° ?]<br />

" with the waterpot " A v. 263 (brahmapi pacchJbhumakS<br />

k.).<br />

KuutthkO (adv.) [kaQ atthai)] for what purpose, why ?<br />

J III. 398 (=kimatthar|).<br />

Kanunlra (a^jO [grd of k^mayati] (a) desirable, beautiful,<br />

lovely J v. 1 55, 156; Miln 11; (b) pleasant, sweet<br />

(-sounding) D 11.171 ; J 1.96. — As nt. a desirable<br />

object S 1.22.<br />

Kkmkte (nt.) a lotus, freq. comb'' with kuvalaya ; or with<br />

uppala 1. J 146; DA 1.40, expl'' as varikiajakkha<br />

PVA 77. I. lotus, the lotus flower. Nelumbium<br />

1. J 146; DA 1.40 : Mhbv 3 ; Sdhp 325 ; VvA 43, 181. 191 ;<br />

PvA 23, 77; — At J I.I 19, 149 a better reading is<br />

obtained by corr. kambala to kamala, at J 1.178 however<br />

kamb" should be retained.— 2. a kind of grass, of<br />

which sandals were made Vin. 1.190 (s. Fin. <strong>Text</strong>s<br />

11.23 °0 — 3- i- kamala a graceful woman J v. 160;<br />

-komalakara (f.) (of a woman) having lotus-like (soft)<br />

hands Mhbv 29 ; -dala a lotus leaf Vism 465 ; Mhbv 3 ;<br />

Bdhd 19; DhsA 127; VvA 35, 38. paduka sandals<br />

of k. grass Vin 1.190.<br />

Kinnlin (adj.) [fr. kamala] rich in lotus, covered with<br />

lotuses (of a pond) in kamalini-kimuka " the lover of<br />

lotuses," Ep. of the Sun Mhbv. 3 (v. 1. °s

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