The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Kappasi i6 Kama<br />

Vin 1. 20 1 ; -sukhuma fine, delicate cotton stnfl D u.188 ;<br />

A IV. 394 ;<br />

Miln 105.<br />

EappasI (f.) [=kapp5sa] cotton J vi.537; PvA 146.<br />

Kappika (— °) (adj.) ffr. kappa] i. belonging to a kappa,<br />

in patharaa" -kala the time of the first Age DA 1.247 ;<br />

Vbh 412 (of manussi); VvA ig (of Manu) ; without the<br />

kala (id.) at J 1.222 ; as noun the men of the first Age<br />

and aparanta"<br />

J 11.352. — 2. In cpds. . . . pubbanta"<br />

the ika° belongs to the whole cpd. D 1.39 sq. ;<br />

See also kappiya 2.<br />

DA 1.103.<br />

Kappita [pp. of kappeti] i. prepared, arranged, i. e. harnessed<br />

D 1.49; J VI. 268 ; i. e. plaited DA 1274; i. e.<br />

trimmed : °kesamassu " with hair & beard trimmed "<br />

D 11.325; S IV.343; J V.173. 350; VI.268; Vv 73».<br />

2. getting procuring; as "jivika a living ] v.270 ;<br />

made ready, drawn up (in battle array) D 11. 189; —<br />

3. decorated with, adorned with Sdhp 247. -su° well<br />

prepared, beautifully harnessed or trimmed Vv 60'.<br />

Kappin (adj.) [fr. kappa] i. (cp. kappa 11. i^) getting,<br />

procuring, acquiring (panfia") Sn 1090; — 2. (cp.<br />

kappa II. ii") having a kappa (as duration), lasting a<br />

Cycle Pu 13 ; in Maha° enduring a Mahakappa' DA<br />

1.164= PvA 254.<br />

Eappijra (adj.) [fr. kappa] i. (cp. kappa 11. i') according<br />

to rule, right, suitable, fitting, proper, appropriate (PvA<br />

26=anucchavika pafirupa) J 1.392; DA 1.9; PvA 25,<br />

141. —a" not right, not proper, unlawful Vin 1.45,<br />

211; 11.118; 111.20 ; (nt) that which is proper A 1.84;<br />

Dhs 1 1 60; —a° ibid; -kappiyakappiya (nt) that which<br />

is proper and that which is not J 1.3 16; DA 1.78.<br />

2. (cp. kappa u.i'') connected with time, subject to<br />

kappa, i. e. temporal, of time, subject to sagsara ; of<br />

devamanussa Sn 521; na+of the Muni Sn 914. In<br />

another sense (" belonging to an Age ") in cpd. pathama<br />

°-k51a the time of the first Age J 11.352. — a° delivered<br />

from time, free from saQsira, Ep. of an Arahant Sn 860 ;<br />

cp. Miln 49, 50. See also kappika.<br />

-Anuloma (nt.) accordance with the rule Nett 192.<br />

-karaka " one who makes it befitting," i. e. who by<br />

offering anything to a Bhikkhu, makes it legally acceptable<br />

Vin 1.206 ; -kuti (f.) a building outside the Vihira,<br />

wherein allowable articles were stored, a kind of warehouse<br />

Vin 1. 139; II. 159; -daraka a boy given to the<br />

Bhikkhus to work for them in the Vihara DA 1.78 (v. 1.<br />

BB "karaka) ; -bhanda utensils allowable to the Bhikkhus<br />

J 1.41 ; DhA<br />

1.412. a° thing unauthorised Vin.<br />

11.169; a list of such forbidden articles is found at<br />

Vin 1. 192 ; -bhami (f.) a plot of ground set apart for<br />

storing (allowable) provisions Vin 1.239 (cp. °kuti);<br />

-lesa [cp. Sk. kalpya] guile appropriate to one's own<br />

purpose VvA 348 ; -safiftin (a) imagining as lawful (that<br />

which is not) A 1.84 ; a° opp. ibid. -°ta the imagining as<br />

lawful (that which is not) appl. to kukkucca Dhs 1 160 ;<br />

a° opp. ibid.<br />

Kappn (nt.)= kappa in the dialect used by Makkhali<br />

Gosala, presumably the dialect of Vesali. D 1.54 ;<br />

DA 1. 164 (a Burmese MS. reads kappi, and so do Pv<br />

IV. 3"; PvA 254).<br />

Kapp6ra (m. & nt.) [cp. Sk. karpura] camphor: (a) the<br />

plant J VI. 537. — (b) the resinous exudation, the<br />

prepared odoriferant substance (cp. katukapphala)<br />

J ii.4i6=DhA in.475 ; Miln 382 ; Davs v.50.<br />

Kappeti [Der. from kappa, cp. Sk. kjpa shape, form;<br />

•qnrep cans. from. fr. •(iner=Sk. kl, karoti to shape, to<br />

malce, cp. karoti] to cause to fit, to create, build, construct,<br />

arrange, prepare, order.<br />

I. lit. I . in special sense : to prepare, get done, i. e.<br />

harness : J 1.62 ; plait DA 1.274, an offering (yaiifiar)) Sn<br />

1043 ; i. e. to trim etc. M 11.155 ; J 111.223 ; Mhvs 25. 64.<br />

2, generally (to be translated according to the meaning<br />

of accompanying noun), to make, get up, carry on etc.<br />

(=Fr. passer), viz. iriyapathai) to keep one's composure<br />

Th 1.570 ; J v. 262 ; Bdhd 33 ; jivitai) : to lead one's life<br />

PvA 3,4, 13; divaviharai] to take the noonday rest Mhvs<br />

," 19. 79 nisajjar) to sit down Vin 111.191 ; vasai}, sagvasai)<br />

to make one's abode D 11.88; Sn 283; PvA 36, 47;<br />

sagvasai] to have (sexual) intercourse with J in. 448<br />

Mhvs 5, 2 12 ; PvA 6 ; seyyag : to lie down, to make one's<br />

bed Pug 55 etc. (acelaka-passage=D 1.166).<br />

II. fig. I. in special sense: to construct or form<br />

an opinion, to conjecture, to think Sn 799 ; DA 1.103 ;<br />

— 2. generally: to ordain, prescribe, determine J<br />

v. 238 ( = say vidahati) — Cans. II. kappapeti to cause<br />

to be made in all senses of kappeti; e. g. Vin n.134<br />

(massui) k. to get one's beard done) ; J v. 262 (hatthi-<br />

yanani k. to harness the elephant-cars) ;<br />

DA 1. 147 (panca<br />

hatthinika-satani k. harness the 500 elephants). Pass,<br />

kappiyati in ppr. kappiyamana getting harnessed J 1.62.<br />

Eabara (adj.) [cp. Sk. kabara] variegated, spotted, striped<br />

mixed, intermingled; in patches Vism 190. Of a cow<br />

(°gavi) DhA 1.71 (°go-rupa) ibid. 99 ; of a calf ("vaccha)<br />

J V.106; of a dog (°vaijria=sabala q. v.) J<br />

vi.107; of<br />

leprosy J v. 69 ; of the shade of trees ("cchSya, opp.<br />

sanda°) M 1.75 ; J iv.152 ; DhA 1.375.<br />

-kucchi having a belly striped with many colours, of<br />

a monster J 1.273 ; -kuttha a kind of leprosy J v.6g<br />

-mani the cat's eye, a precious stone, also called mas3ragalla,<br />

but also an emerald ; both are prob. varieties<br />

of the cat's eye VvA 167, 304.<br />

Kabala (m., nt.) [cp. Sk. kavala BSk. kavada Divy 290<br />

( + alopa), 298, 470] a small piece ( = alopa PvA 70).<br />

a mouthful, always appl. to food, either solid (i. e. as<br />

much as is made into a ball with the fingers when eating)<br />

or liquid Vin 11. 214; It 18= J 111.409 ; iv.93 ; Dh<br />

324;<br />

Miln 180, 400 ; Bdhd 69 ; DhA 11.65 ; PvA 39 ; Mhvs 19,<br />

74. Kabale ka.bale on every morsel J 1.68; Miln 231 ;<br />

-sakabala appl. to the mouth, with the mouth full of<br />

food Vin 11.214 ; rv- '95 — ^ Sometimes written kabala.<br />

-4vacchedaka choosing portions of a mouthful,<br />

nibbling at a morsel Vin 11. 214; rv.196.<br />

KabalinkSra (adj.) [kabala in comp° form kabali° before<br />

kr & bhfl; kabaUn for kabali°] always in comb" with<br />

ahara, food " made into a ball," i. e. eatable, material<br />

food, as one of the 4 kinds cf food (see stock phrase<br />

k° aharo olariko va sukhumo va . . . at M 1.48 =<br />

S ii.ii, 98 = D in. 228, 276; Bdhd 135) Dhs 585, 646<br />

(where fully described), 816; Miln 245; Vism 236, 341,<br />

69, 74 ; DA 1.120. Written kabalikara<br />

Bdhd 450, 616 ;<br />

nearly always in Burmese, and sometimes in Singh.<br />

MSS. ; s. also Nett 11 4- 118.<br />

-ahara-bhakkha (of atta, soul) feeding on material<br />

food D 1.34, 186, 195; -bhakkha, same A in.i92 = v.336<br />

(appl. to the kamivacara devas) ; DA 1.120.<br />

Kaba)ik& (f) [cp. Sk. kavaUka] a bandage, a piece of cloth<br />

put over a sore or wound Vin 1.205 (cp. Vi». <strong>Text</strong>x<br />

11.58 n*).<br />

Kabba (nt.) [cp. Sk. kavya] a poem, poetical composition,<br />

song, ballad in "g karoti to compose a song J vi.410 ;<br />

-karana making poems DA 1.95 ; and -kara a poet<br />

Kh 21 ; J VI. 4 to.<br />

Kabya= kabba in cpds. °aiankara composing in beautiful<br />

verse, a beautiful poem in "g bandhati, to compose a<br />

poem ibid. ; and -karaka a poet, ibid.<br />

Kama [fr. kram, cp. Vedic krama (— °) step, in uru°, BSk.<br />

krama reprieve, Divy 505] — i. (nt.) going, proceeding,<br />

course, step, way, manner, e. g. sabbatth'avihata-<br />

kkama " having a course on all sides unobstructed "<br />

Sdhp 425 ; va^

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