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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Kadamba 13 Kanta<br />

smallness, e. g. kakanika, k§purisa, see also kanUia &<br />

kappata), kig°, ku.° For relation of ku > ka cp. kutra ><br />

kattha & kada.<br />

-anna bad food Kacc 178. -asana id. Kacc 178.<br />

-dukkha (?) great evil (= death) VvA 316 (expl'' as<br />

maraija, cp. katuka).<br />

Kadamba (cp. Sk. kadamba] the kadamba tree, Naudea<br />

cordifolia (with orange-coloured, fragrant blossoms)<br />

J- VI. 535, 539; Vism 206; DhA 1.309 ("puppha);<br />

Bilhvs 25, 48 (id).<br />

Kadara (adj.) miserable ] 11. 136 (cxpl'' as liikha, kasira).<br />

Kadariya (adj.) [cp. Sk. kadarya, kad + arya ?] mean,<br />

miserly, stingy, selfish ;<br />

DhA<br />

usually expl"' by thaddhamacchari<br />

(PvA 102 ;<br />

JI1.189, 313), and mentioned<br />

with maccharl, freq. also with paribhasaka S 1.34, 96<br />

A U.59 ; IV. 79 sq. ; Dh 177, 223; J<br />

v.273 ; Sn 663;<br />

Vv 29*. As cause of Peta birth freq. in Pv., e. g.<br />

1.9'; II. 7'; rv.i**; PvA 25, 99, 236. — (nt.) avarice,<br />

stinginess, selfishness, grouped under macchariya<br />

Dhs 1 122 ; Sn 362 (with kodha).<br />

Xadariyatt (f.) [abstr. fr. last] stinginess, niggardliness<br />

D 11.243 ; Miln 180 ; PvA 45.<br />

Kadala (nt.) the plantain tree Kacc 335.<br />

KadalP (f-) [Sk. kadadi] — i. the plantain, Musa sapientium.<br />

Owing to the softness and unsubstantiality of<br />

its trunk it is used as a frequent symbol of unsubstantiality,<br />

transitoriness and worthlessness. As the<br />

plantain or banana plant always dies down after producing<br />

fruit, is destroyed as it were by its own fruit, it<br />

is used as a simile for a bad man destroyed by the fruit<br />

of his own deeds: S i.i54 = Vin ii.i88=S ii.24i=A 11.73<br />

= DhA III. 1 56 ; cp. Miln 166 ; — as an image of unsub-<br />

stantiality, Cp. III. 2*. <strong>The</strong> tree is used as ornament on<br />

great festivals: J i.ii ; vi.590 (in simile), 592 : VvA 31.<br />

— 2. a flag, banner, i. e. plantain leaves having the<br />

appearance of<br />

cpds. kadali°.<br />

banners (-dhaja) J v. 195; vi.412. In<br />

-khandha the trunk of the plantain tree, often in<br />

similes as symbol of worthlessness. e. g. M 1.233 =<br />

S Iii.i4i = rv.i67 ; Vism 479; Nd* 680 A".; J vi.442 ;<br />

as symbol of smoothness and beauty of limbs VvA 280 ;<br />

-taru the plantain tree Davs v. 49 ; •torana a triumphal<br />

arch made of pi. steins and leaves Mhbv 169 ; -patta a<br />

pi. leaf used as an improvised plate to eat from J v. 4<br />

DhA 1.59 ; -phala the fruit of the plantain J v.37.<br />

Kadall* (f.) a kind of deer, an antelope only in °miga<br />

J V.405, 416; VI. 539; DA 1.87; and "pavara-paccattfaarana<br />

(nt.) the hide of the k. deer, used as a rug or<br />

cover D l.7!=A l.i8i = Vin 1.192 = 11.163, 169; sim.<br />

D. II. 187; (adj.) (of pallanka) A i.i37=iii.5o=iv.394.<br />

Kadi (indecl.) [Vedic kada. Cp. tada, sada in <strong>Pali</strong>, and<br />

perhaps Latin quando]. interr. adv. when ? (very often<br />

foil, by fut.) Th i, iogi-1106; J 11. 212 ; vi. 46 ; DhA<br />

1.33 ; PvA 2. — Comb*" with -ssu J v. 103, 215 ; vi.49 sq.<br />

-ci [cid] indef. — i. at some time A iv.ioi. — 2. sometimes<br />

J 1.98; PvA 271. — 3. once upon a time Davs<br />

1.30. — 4. perhaps, may be J 1.297; VI. 364. + eva;<br />

kadScideva VvA 213; -kadaci kadaci from time to<br />

time, every now and then J 1. 216; Iv. 120 ; DhsA 238 ;<br />

PvA 253. -kadaci karahaci at some time or other, at<br />

times A 1.179 ; Miln 73 ; DhA III. 362. -na kadaci at no<br />

time, never S 1.66 ; J v. 434 ; vi.363 ; same with ma k°<br />

J VI. 310; Mhvs 25, 113; cp. kudicana. —kadSc-<br />

-uppattika (adj.) happening only sometimes, occasional<br />

Miln 114.<br />

IT/erivation unknown. Sk. kardama] mud,<br />

mire, filth Nd* 374 (=panka); J 1. 100; 111.220 (written<br />

kadamo in verse and kaddemo in gloss) ; vi.240, 390<br />

PvA 189 ( = panka), 215; compared with moral im-<br />

purities J 111.290 & Miln 35.<br />

a" free from mud or dirt,<br />

clean Vin 11.201, of a lake J ill. 289 ; fig. pure of character<br />

J 111.290. kaddamlkata made muddy or dirty, defiled<br />

J VI. 59 (kilesehi).<br />

-odaka muddy water Vin 11:262 ; Vism 127. -parikha<br />

a moat filled with mud, as a defence J vi. 390 ; -babula<br />

(adj.) muddy, full of mud DhA 1.333 ;<br />

Kanaka (nt.) [cp. Sk. kanaka ; Gr. Kvqror yellow ; Ags.<br />

hunig=£. honey. See also kailcana] gold, usually as<br />

uttatta" molten gold ; said of the colour of the skin<br />

Bu 1.59; Pv III. 3'; J V.416; PvA 10 suvanna).<br />

-agga gold-crested J v. 156; -chavin of golden com-<br />

-pabha golden<br />

plexion J VI. 13 ; -taca (adj.) id. J v. 393 ;<br />

splendour Bn xxiii.23 ; -vimana a fairy palace of gold<br />

VvA 6 ; PvA 47, 53 ; -sikhari a golden peak, in °r5ja<br />

king of the golden peaks (i. e. Himalayas) : Davs iv.30.<br />

Kanittba (adj.) [Sk. kani^tba ; compar. &. superl. ; see<br />

kafifla] younger, youngest, younger bom Vin 111.146<br />

(isi the younger) ; J 11. 6 ; PvA 42, 54 ; esp. the younger<br />

brother (opp. jettha, "ka) J 1.132 ; DhA 1.6, 13; Mhvs.<br />

9, 7 ; PvA 19, 55. Comb"" with jet^haka the elder &<br />

younger brothers J 1.253 ; sabba- k. the very youngest<br />

J 1-395- f- kanittha the youngest daughter DhA 1.396.<br />

— fig. later, lesser, inferior, in °phala the lesser fruit<br />

(of sanctification) Pv iv.i'*. — akaniftha "not the<br />

smaller " i. e. the greatest, highest ; in akanittbagamin<br />

going to the highest gods (cp. parinibbayin) S v. 237 =<br />

285, etc. "bhavana the abode of the highest gods<br />

J. 111.487.<br />

Kanittbaka (adj.) younger (opp. jettha) A iv.93 = J 11.348 ;<br />

DhA 1.152; the younger brother Mhvs 5, 33, 8, 10;<br />

35. 49 ; 36, 116 ; -°ika and °aka a younger sister, Mhvs<br />

1, 49; Pv i.ii' (better read for kaniuba).<br />

Kanit^batta (nt.) the more recent and therefore lower, less<br />

developed state (of sanctification) DhA 1.152.<br />

Kanittbl (i) a younger sister Mhvs 7, 67.<br />

Kaniya (adj.) [compar. of kan°, Sk. kaniyags] younger,<br />

less, inferior Kacc 122 (only as a grammarian's construction,<br />

not in the living language where it bad<br />

coalesced with •kanya=kaiifiS).<br />

Kanta^ [Sk. kanta, pp. of kSmeti] — i. (adj.) in special<br />

sense an attribute of worldly pleasure (cp. kama,<br />

kSmaguija) : plea.sant, lovely, enjoyable ; freq. in foim.<br />

ittha kanta manapa, referring to the pleasures of the<br />

senses S 1.245 ; 11.192 ; iv.60, 158. 235 sq. ; v. 22, 60, 147 ;<br />

A 11.66 sq.; M 1.85; Sn 759; It 15; Vbh 2, 100, 337;<br />

bala° (lovely in the opinion of the ignorant) Sn 399. —<br />

D 11.265 I1I-227 (ariya°); J in. 264 ; v. 447; with ref. to<br />

the fruit of action as giving pleasure : °phala Kvu 35,211,<br />

PvA 277 (hatthi-) k° pleasing to elephants; of manta<br />

1.163. — 2. be-<br />

DhA 1.163 ; of Vina J vi.255, 262 ; DhA<br />

loved by, ifavourite of, charming J vi.255, 262 ; DhA<br />

1. 163. — 3. (n.) the beloved one, the husband J vi.370<br />

(wrongly written kan tena) ; of a precious stone Miln<br />

118; Sdhp 608, rp. suriya", canda"—kanta (f.) the<br />

beloved one, the wife J v. 293 ; kantena (instr.) agree-<br />

'•<br />

ably, with kind words A 11.213 J v. 486 (where porisadassa<br />

kante should te read as porisadassak' ante).<br />

— a" undesired, disagreeable, unpleasant, in same form<br />

as kanta, e. g. D 11.192; in other comb" J v.295<br />

Vbh 100; Neit 180; PvA 193. — akantena with unpleasant<br />

words A II. 2 3. —kantatara compar. 1 J 111.260.<br />

-bhava the state of being pleasant DA 1.76 ; VvA 323.<br />

Kanta' [pp. of kantati', Sk. kftta. kanta is analogyform,<br />

after pres. kantati, regularly we should expect<br />

katta. See also avakanta. It may be simply misreading<br />

for katta, cp. kern, Toev. under parikanta.] cut,<br />

cut out or of! Th 2, 223 (°salla=samucchinna-rag'-adi-<br />

salla ThA 179) cp. katta & pari".

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