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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Kathana 12 Kad°<br />

(vicikiccha + ). -kathin having doubts, unsettled,<br />

uncertain D 11.2S7 ; M 1.8 ; Nd» 191 ; DhsA 352 ; a° free<br />

from doubt. Ep. of Arahant (expl'' DA 1.211 : " not<br />

saying how and how is this ?") ; M 1. 108 ; It 49 ; Sn 534,<br />

635, 868, 1064 ; in phrases tipoa-vicikiccho viharati<br />

akathankathi kusalesu dhammesu D 1.71 = Pug 59,<br />

jhayi anejo a° Dh 414 ( : DhA rv.i94) = Sn 638. -kara<br />

(adj.) how acting, what doing? k. ahag no nirayam<br />

pateyyag {" ri iroiwv ^axopiof ^lTo^at") J rv.339 ; Sn<br />

376; J IV.75 ; V.148. -jivin leading what kind of<br />

life ? Sn 181. -dassin holding what views ? Sn 848 (see<br />

"slla). -pakara of what kind Vin 1.358; Sn 241 ( :kathappakara).<br />

-pa^panna going what way, i. e. how<br />

acting? D 11.277, 279, 281. -bhavita how cultivated<br />

or practised ? S v. 119. -bhuta " how being," of what<br />

sort, what like D 11.139, 158; -rupa of what kind ?<br />

M i.2i8; A 1.249; III. 35; J 111.525. -vani>a of what<br />

appearance, what like ? D 11.244. -vidha what sort of ?<br />

J V.95, 146; DhsAv305. -sameta how constituted?<br />

Sn 873. -sQa of what character or conduct ? how in<br />

his morality ? Sn 848 (kathai)dassi katharisilo upasanto<br />

ti vuccati).<br />

ir>thftna (nt.) [fr. katb, see katheti] i. conversing, talking<br />

J 1.299; "1.459; VI. 340. — 2. telling i. e. answering,<br />

soh-ing (a question) J v.66 (paflha°).— 3. preaching<br />

DI1A1.7. — 4. reciting, narrating Kacc. 130. Cp. kathita.<br />

—akithana not talking or telling J 1.420 ; vi.424 ; not<br />

speaking fr. anger J iv.108 ; DhA 1.440.<br />

-akara, in °g karoti to enter into conversation with<br />

j VI. 413. -samattha able to .speak (of the tongue)<br />

J 111.459 ; able to talk or converse with (saddbii))<br />

J VI. 340. -sHa (one) in the habit of talking, garrulous<br />

J 1.299; a° J 1.420.<br />

ir ^^ th ft l ff (potsherd) spelling at Vism 261 for kafhala.<br />

Ksthali (metri caus&)=next, in the Uddana at Vin 11.234<br />

Kathalika (nt.) [der. uncertain], always in comb" pad'odaka<br />

pada-pitha pada-k° : either a cloth to wipe the<br />

feet with after washing them, or a footstool Vin 1.9, 47 ;<br />

11.22 sq., 210, 216. At VvA 8 however with pada-pitha<br />

expl"" as a footstool (pida-thapana-yoggai) darukhaQ(Jar)<br />

asanai)). Bdhgh (on CV ii.i.i) expl"* padapitha<br />

as a stool to put the washed foot on, pada-kathalika<br />

as a stool to put the unwashed foot on, or a cloth<br />

to rub the feet with (ghaQsana).<br />

Katha (f.) [fr. kath to tell or talk, see katheti ; nearest<br />

synonym is lap, cp. v&c' dbhilapa & sallapa] i. talk,<br />

talking, conversation A 1.130; PvA 39. So in antara"<br />

D 1.<br />

1 79; Sn p. 107, 115; cp. sallSpa. Also in tiracchana°<br />

low, common speech, comprising 28 kinds of<br />

conversational talk a bhikkhu should not indulge in,<br />

enum"* in full at D 1.7=178 = 111.36 & passim (e. g.<br />

S V.419 : corr. suddha" to yuddha° 1 ; A<br />

v.i28=Nd* 192)<br />

ref. to at A 111.256; v. 185; J 1.58; Pug 35. Similarly<br />

in gama° Sn 922 ; viggahika k. A iv.87 ; Sn 930. Ten<br />

good themes of conversation (katha-vatthfini) are<br />

enum''at M 111.11 3 = A iii.ii7=iv.357=v.67 ; Wiln 344 ;<br />

similarly dhammi kathd A 11.51 ; iv.307 ; v. 192 ; Sn 325 ;<br />

paVattani k. A 1.151 ; yutta kathayai) Sn 826; sammodaniya<br />

k. in salutation formula s°i) k°t} sSraiiiyai) vitis&retva<br />

D 1.52, 108, etc. ; A v. 185 ; Sn 419, pp. 86, 93,<br />

107, 116. — 2. speech, sermon, discourse, lecture<br />

Vin 1.203, 290 (°r) karoti to discuss) '• ; A 111.174 'v.<br />

358.<br />

Freq. in anupubbi° a sermon in regular succession,<br />

graduated sermon, discussing the 4 points of the ladder<br />

of " holiness," viz. danakatha, sila", sagga°, magga° (see<br />

anupubba) Vin 1.15; A 111.184; rv.i86, 209, 213;<br />

DhA 1.6 ; VvA 66. — 3. a (longer) story, often with<br />

vitthara" an account in detail, e. g. PvA 19. bahira°<br />

profane story KhA 48. — 4. word, words, advice : "5<br />

ganhati to accept an advice J 11. 173; ill. 424. — 5.<br />

explanation, exposition, in attha° (q. v.), cp. gati°<br />

Ps 11.72. — 6. discussion, in °vatthu (see below) Mhvs 5,<br />

138. -dukkatha harmful conversation or idle talk A iii.<br />

181 ; opp. su° A 111.182. -kathag vad^heti " to increase<br />

the talk," to dispute sharply J 1.404 ; v. 412.<br />

°i) samutthapcti to start a conversation J 1.119 iv. 73.<br />

— At the end of cpds. (as adj.) °katha e. g. cbinna°<br />

Sn 711 ; thita" DA 1.73 ; madhura" J 111.342 ; vi.255.<br />

-AbhiAi^ana recollection due to speech Miln 78, 79.<br />

-ojja (k°-udya, to vad) a dispute, quarrel Sn 825, 828.<br />

-dbamma a topic of conversation DA 1.43. -nigghosa<br />

the sound of praise, flattery J 11.350. -pavatti the<br />

course of a conversation J 1.119 ; DhA 1.249 ; Mhbv 61<br />

-pabhata subject of a conversation, story J 1.252, 364.<br />

-babuUa abundance of talk, loquacity A iv.87. •magga<br />

narrative, account, history J 1.2. -rasa the sweetness<br />

of (this) speech Miln 345. -vatthu i. subject of a<br />

discourse or discussion, argument M 1.372 ; 11.127, 'S*-<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are 10 enum'' at A iv.352, 357 (see katha) and at<br />

Vism 19 as qualities of a kalyapa-mitta, referred to at<br />

A V.67, 129 ; Vism 127 ; DhA iv.30. Three are given at<br />

D 111.220 = A 1.197. °kusala well up in the subjects of<br />

discussion VvA 354. — 2. N. of the fifth book of the<br />

Abhidhamma Pitaka, the seven constituents of which<br />

are enum"" at var. places (e. g. DA 1.17 ; Mhbv 94, where<br />

Xvu takes the 3"" place), see also J.P.T.S. 1882, 1888,<br />

1896. •samutthana the arising of a discussion Mhvs 5,<br />

138. -samutthapsn^ starting a conversation J 1.119;<br />

111.278; DhA 1.250. -satnpayoga conversational inter-<br />

course A 1.197. -sallapa talk, conversation Vin 1.77;<br />

D 1.89 sq., 107 sq. ; 11.150 ; M 1.178 ; A 11. 197 ; v.188 ;<br />

Ud 40 ; J 11.283 ; Miln 31 ; DA 1.276 (expl"" as kathana-<br />

153.<br />

patikathana) ; DhA 11.91 (°i) karoti) ; VvA<br />

Kathapeti Caus. 11. of katheti (q. v.).<br />

Kathika (adj.) (— °) [fr. katha, cp. Sk. kathaka] relating,<br />

speaking, conversing about, expounding, in cpds. citta°<br />

Th 2, 449 (cp. citra-kathin) ; (a) tiracchana° A iv.153;<br />

dhamtna° J 1.148 ; 111.342 ; iv.2 (°thera) ; vi.255 (mahS")<br />

as noun a preacher, speaker, expounder A In. 1 74:<br />

Mhvs 14, 64 (maha°).<br />

Kathika (f.) [fr. last ?] agreement Dpvs 19, 22 ; see katika.<br />

Kathita [pp. of katheti, cp. Sk. kathita] said, spoken,<br />

related J 11.310; iv.73 ; v.493. su° well said or told<br />

J. IV. 73. As nt. with instr. J iv.72 (tena kathitai) the<br />

discourse (given) by him).<br />

Kathin (adj.) (— °) [cp. kathika] speaking ; one who speaks,<br />

a speaker, preacher J 1.148 (dhamma-kathikesu citrakathi)<br />

; Mibi 90, 348 (°settha best of speakers). See also<br />

kathag-kathin.<br />

Katheti (v. den. fr. katha, cp. Sk. kathayate] aor. katbesi,<br />

inf. kathetui) & kathetave (Vin 1.359)<br />

& katheti (Miln 22, cp. Trenckner, Notes 122); ppr.<br />

Pass, kathiyam^na & kacchamana (A. in. 181); grd.<br />

kathetabba, kathaniya & kaccha, — i<br />

: Pass, kathiyati<br />

. to speak, say,<br />

tell, relate (in detail : vittharato PvA 77). mft kathesi<br />

(= ma bhaI^) do not speak PvA 16. — to tell (a story)<br />

J. 1.2; IV. 137; PvA 12, 13. — 2. to converse with<br />

J. VI. 413 ; PvA 86 (^amantayi). •— 3. to report, to<br />

inform J v. 460. — 4. to recite DhA 1.166. — 5. to<br />

expound, explain, preach J 1.30; Miln 131 ; DhA<br />

188;<br />

Nd* s. V. — 6. to speak about (with ace.) Vin 11.168.<br />

— 7. to refer to J 1.307. — 8. to answer or solve (a<br />

question) J 1.165; v.66. — Caus 11. kathapeti to make<br />

say Mhvs 24, 4<br />

(aor. katbapayi) ; DhA 11.35 ; KbA<br />

118.<br />

Kad° [old form of interr. pron. nt., equal to kig; cp.<br />

(Vedic) kad in kadarthai) = kir)artbai) to what purpose]<br />

orig. " what ?" used adverbially ; then indef. " any<br />

kind of," as (na) kac(-cana) " not at all " ; kac-cid " any<br />

kind of ; is it anything ? what then ?" Mostly used in<br />

disparaging sense of showing inferiority, contempt, or<br />

defectiveness, and equal to ka° (in denoting badness or

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