The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Kankhayati Kancana<br />

Kankb&yati [Deaom. fr. kankha) to doubt, pp. Kankhayita<br />

Sn 102 1.<br />

Kankh&yana {() 4- kankhiyitatta (nt.) doabting and<br />

hesitation, doubtfulness, Nd* i ; Dha 425, 1004, 11 18;<br />

DhsA 259.<br />

Kankhin (adj.) [Sk. kank^in] i. doubting, wavering, undecided,<br />

irresolute D n.241; Sn 1148; Nd' 185; comb''<br />

with vecikicchin S 111.99; M 1.18; A 11. 174; Sn 510.<br />

— 2. longing for Pgdp 106 (mokkha°). — akankhin<br />

not doubting, confident, sure (cp. akankha) D 11.241;<br />

A 11.175.<br />

Kanga (f.) [derivation unknown, prob. non-Aryan, cp.<br />

Sk. kangu] the panic seed, Panicum Italicum; millet,<br />

used as food by the poor (cp. piyangu) ; mentioned as<br />

one of the seven kinds of grains (see dhaiifia) at Vin<br />

IV. 264; DA 1.78. — Miln 267; Mhvs 32, 30.<br />

-pittha millet flour, in °maya made of m. meal<br />

J VI. 58 1, -bhatta a dish of (boiled) millet meal Vism<br />

418 (in simile).<br />

Kaoa [Sk. kaca, cp. k4&ci and Latin cingo, cicatrix] the<br />

hciir (of the head), in °kalapa a mass of hair, tresses<br />

Davs IV.51.<br />

Kacavara [to kaca ?] i . sweepings, dust, rubbish (usually<br />

in comb" with chaddeti and sammajjati) J 1.292;<br />

111.163; IV. 300; Vism 70: DA 1.7; DhA 1,52; SnA 311.<br />

— 2. rags, old clothes SA 283 (= pilotik^).<br />

-chaddana throwing out sweepings, m "pacchi a dust<br />

basket, a bin J 1.290. -chaddanaka a dust pan J 1. 161<br />

(+ mutthi-sammujjani). -cbaddani a dust pan DhA<br />

III. 7 (sammajjani + ). -chaddika (dasi) a maid for<br />

sweeping dust, a Cinderella DhA iv.210.<br />

Kaoci & kaccid (indecl.) [Sk. kaccid=kad-l-cid, see kad"]<br />

indef. interrog. particle expressing doubt or suspense,<br />

equivalent to Gr. dv, Lat. ne, num. nonne : then<br />

perhaps; I doubt whether, I hope, I am not sure, etc..<br />

Vin 1.158, 350 ; D 1.50 (k. mar) na vaflcesi I hope you<br />

do not deceive me), 106; S 111.120, 125; Sn. 335, 354,<br />

p. 87 ; 1. J 103, 279: V.373 ; DhA 11.39 (k. tumhe gata<br />

" have you not gone," answer: aina " yes ") ; PvA 27<br />

(k. tan danag upakappati does that gift really benefit<br />

the dead ?), 178 (k. vo piijdapato laddho have you<br />

received any alms?). Cp. kin. — Often comb'' with<br />

other indef. particles, e. g. kacci nu Vin 1.41 ; J 111.236<br />

VI.542 ; k. nu kho " perhaps " (Ger. etwa, doch nicht)<br />

J 1.279 ; k. pana J 1.103. — When followed by nu or su<br />

the original d reappears according to rules of Sandhi<br />

kaccinnu J 11. 133<br />

IU79 (see Nd= 186).<br />

; v.174, 348 ; vi. 23 ; kaccissu Sn 1045,<br />

Kaooikara a kind of large shrub, the Caesalpina Digyna<br />

J VI. 535 (should we write with BB kacchi" ?).<br />

Kacoha' (nt.) [cp. Sk. kaccba, prob. dial.] 1. marshy<br />

land, marshes; long grass, rush, reed S 1.52 (te hi<br />

sotthig gamissanti kacche vamakase magS), 78 (parulha<br />

k-nakha-loma with nails and hair like long-grown grass,<br />

v.23 (carami<br />

cp. same at J 111.315 & Sdhp 104) ; J<br />

kacchani vanSni ca) ; vi.ioo (parulha- kacchi tagara) ;<br />

Sn 20 (kacche rulhatiiie caranti gavo) ; SnA 33 (pabbata"<br />

opp. to nadi", mountain, & river marshes). Kern<br />

(Toev. 11.139) doubts the genuineness of the phrase<br />

parulha". — 2. an arrow (made of reed) M 1.429 (kaijdo<br />

. . . yen' amhi viddho yadi va kacchag yadi v4<br />

ropiman ti).<br />

Kacoha' (adj.) [ger. of katb] fit to be spoken of A 1.197<br />

(Cora. = kathetug yutta). akaccha ibid.<br />

Kacchaka' a kind of fig-tree DA 1.8 1. — 2. the tree<br />

Cedrcla Toona Vin iv.35 ; S v.9(i ; Vism 183.<br />

Kacchati* Pass, of katheti (ppr. kacchainana A iii.iSt).<br />

— 2. Pass, of karoti.<br />

2 . the armpit : see upa°.<br />

Eaochantara (nt.) [see kaccha^J 1. interior, dwelling,<br />

apartment VvA 50 ( = nivesa) . —<br />

Kacchapa [Sk. kacchapa, di

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