The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Ohana 173 Ohilana<br />

OhanA only in cpd. bimb'ohana, see under bimba.<br />

Ohanatl [ava + han, l>ut prob. a new formation from Pass,<br />

avahlyati of ha, taking it to han instead of the latter]<br />

to defecate, to empty the bowels PvA 268 (+ osajjati).<br />

Ohara^a (nt.) [fr. oharati] lit. "taking away", leading astray,<br />

side-track, deviating path J VI. 525 (C. : gamana-magga).<br />

Cp. avaharana.<br />

Oharati [o + hf<br />

take] — I. to take away, take down, take<br />

off S 1.27 (ger. ohacca, v. 1. uhacca); Pv 11.6° (imper.<br />

ohara = oharehi PvA 95); DhA iv.56 (see oharin). See<br />

also ava". — Cans. I. ohareti (see avaharati); Caus. II.<br />

oharapeti in meaning of oh.Trati to take down, to cut or<br />

shave off (hair) J vi.52 (kesamassuij) ; DhA 11.53 (cporopeti).<br />

— pp. avahata.<br />

Ohaya ger. of ojahati.<br />

Ohara see avahara & cp. vohara.<br />

Ohararia (nt.) [fr. ohareli , cp. avaharana] taking down,<br />

cutting off (hair) J I.64 (kesa-massu°).<br />

Oharin (adj.-n.) [fr. avaharati] dragging down, weighty,<br />

heavy I)h 346 (= avaharati hettha harati ti DhA iv.56).<br />

Ohareti [Caus. of oharati] — I. to give up, leave behind,<br />

renounce (cp. ojahati) Sn 64 (= oropeti Nd^ 183). — 2.<br />

to take down (see oharati i) Vin 1.48; PvA 95. — 3. to<br />

cut down, shave off (hair; see oharapeti under oharati) It 75<br />

(kesamassui) hair & beard, v. 1. ohSyapetva); Pug 56 (id.).<br />

Ohlta [pp. of odahati; BSk. avahita (Jtm 210 e.g.) as well<br />

as apahita (Lai. V. 552 e. g.)] — i. put down into, de-<br />

posited Dh 150. — 2. put down, laid down, taken off,<br />

relieved of, in phrase ohitabharo (arahaij) (a Saint) who<br />

has laid down the burden: see arahatta III. C; cp. ''khandhabhara<br />

DhA iv. 168. — 3. put down in, hidden, put away<br />

in ( °) Sn 1022 = (kos'ohila). — 4. (fig.) put down to,<br />

applied to, in ohita-sota listening, attentive, intent upon<br />

(cp. sotaq odahati to listen) usually in phrase ohitasoto<br />

dhammaq suiiati; M 1.480; 111.201; S v.96; A IV.391 ;<br />

Vism 300 (-f atthiq katva).<br />

Ohiyyalia (adj.-n.) [fr. ohiyati, avahiyyati] one who is left<br />

behind (in the house as a guard) Vin 111.208; iv.94; S<br />

I.I 85 (viharapala).<br />

Ohina [pp. of ojaliati] having left behind J IV.432 (gaiiaq).<br />

Ohiyati (ohiyyati) [ava -f- liiyati, Pass, of ha, see avajahati] —<br />

I. to be left behind, to stay behind J v. 340 (avahiyati ^<br />

ohiyyati C). — 2. to stay behind, to fall out (in order<br />

to urinate or defecate); ger. ohijitva Vin iv.229; DhA<br />

11.21 (cp. ohanati). See also ohiyyaka.<br />

Ohi]ana (f.) [ava -f hllans, of hi«J] scorning, scornfulness<br />

Vbh 353 (-P ohllattaq).<br />


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