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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Usse<strong>net</strong>i 159 Uha<br />

A tl.214 sq. (opp. patisse<strong>net</strong>i); Ps 11.167 (ussi°); Kvu i.<br />

(reading ussi<strong>net</strong>i -|- visi<strong>net</strong>i). See also patiseneli.<br />

93<br />

Us8e|hetl(?) Vin ii.io (for ussolh"?); cp. ussolhikaya.<br />

Ussota (adj.) [ud -(- sola] nt. ussotai) as adv. "up-stream"<br />

Mila 117.<br />

UsSOfhl (f-) [a by-form of ussaha fr. ud + sah, pp. sodha<br />

dialectical] exertion M 1.103; S 11.132; v.440; A 11.<br />

Uka (f.) [Sk. yuka, prob. dialectical] a louse J 1.453 ; II.<br />

324; 111.393; V.298; Miln 11; Vism 445; DhsA 307,<br />

319; DhA 111. 342; VvA 86.<br />

Utagltag at J 1.290 in phrase "jimaij atagitai) gayanto"<br />

read "imaq jutagitaij g."<br />

Una (adj.) [Vedic una; cp. Av. una, Gr. eZvi(, Lat. vanus,<br />

Goth, wans, Ags. won = E. want] wanting, deficient,<br />

V.330; DhA 1.77; DhA iv.2io. Mostly<br />

less M 11.73; J<br />

adverbially with numerals =: one less, but one, minus<br />

(one or two); usually with eka (as ekuna one less, e.g.<br />

ekiSna-althasatai) (799) J 1-57; ekUna-pancasate KhA 91,<br />

ekuna-visati (19) Vism 287; eken'unesu paiicasu attabhavasatesu<br />

1. (499) J 167; also with eka in instr. as eken'unapaiicasatani<br />

(deficient by one) Vin 11. 285 KhA ; 91 ; some-<br />

times without eka, e.g. unapancasatani (499) Vin 111.284;<br />

unavisati (19) Vin IV.130, 148. With "two" less: dvihi<br />

unar) sahassar) (998) J 1.255. — anuna not deficient,<br />

complete PvA 285 (= paripunna).<br />

-udara (unudara, unudara, unodara) an empty stomach,<br />

adj. of empty stomach; °udara J 11.293; Vl.295; "udara<br />

J VI. 258; Miln 406; odara Sn 707; DhA 1.170. -bhava<br />

depletion, deficiency SnA 463 (v. 1. hanabhava).<br />

Unaka (adj.) [una -f ka] deficient, wanting, lacking Vin<br />

111.81, 254; IV. 263; Sn 721; Miln 310, 311, ("satta-vas-<br />

sika one who is not yet 7 years old), 414; DhA 1.79.<br />

Unatta (m.) [abstr. fr. ana] depletion, deficiency Vin U.<br />

239; J V.450.<br />

Upaya at DhA 11.93 stands for upaya.<br />

Uplya see upiya & opiya.<br />

Utnlka [f. umi] wave Miln 197 (°vanka waterfall, cataract).<br />

Umi & Uml (f.) [Sk. urmi, fr. Idg. *uel (see nibbSna 1.2);<br />

cp. Gr. eAi/« io wind, ?A/| wound ; Lat. volvo to roll<br />

Ags. wylm wave; Ohg. wallan ; also Sk. ulva, varutra,<br />

valaya, valli, vrnoti. See details fn Walde, Lat.<br />

under volvo] a wave M 1.460 (°bhaya); S iv.157;<br />

Wtb.<br />

v. 123<br />

Cjsta);<br />

IV.141;<br />

A 111.232<br />

Miln 260<br />

sq. (id.); Sn 920; J 11.216; 111.262;<br />

(°jata). — J\^i>/c. A parallel form of<br />

Qmi is ummi.<br />

Urn [Vedic Oru ; cp. Lat. varus bow-legged, of Idg. 'ua, to<br />

which also Ohg. wado = Ger. wade calf of leg] the<br />

thigh Sn 6jo; Vin 11.105 ('o contrast with baha); ill.<br />

106; J 1.277; "•27Si 443; 111-82; V.89, 155; Ndi 659<br />

(so read for uru); Vv 64"; DA 1.135 = ^'° 11.190.<br />

-atthi(ka) the thigh bone M 1.58; 111.92; J 1.428<br />

(uratlhika) ; KhA 49, 50 (uratthi). -(k)khambba stiffening<br />

or rigidity of the thigh, paralysis of the leg (as symptom<br />

of fright) M 1.237 ; J v.23.<br />

u.<br />

93, 195; i'i-307; IV. 320; V.93 sq. Often combd with<br />

uasaha (q. v.).<br />

UsSOlhika (f-) [adj. of ussolhl] belonging to exertion, only<br />

in instr. as adv. ussolhikaya "in the way of exertion",<br />

i.e. ardently, keenly, eagerly S 1.170 (naccati)<br />

Uhunkara [onomat. uhu -f kara, see under uluka] an owl<br />

(lit. "uhu"-maker) J vi.538 (= ulUka C).<br />

Usa [Sk. Osa] salt-ground; saline substance, always combdwith<br />

khara S ill. 131 (°gandha); A 1.209.<br />

Usara (adj.) [Sk. nsara, fr. usa] saline S iv.315; A iv.237;<br />

DhsA 243. — nt. "^q a spot with saline soil PvA 139<br />

(gloss for ujjhangala).<br />

Uha see vy°, sam°.<br />

Uhacca' (indecl.) [ger. of uhaiati, ud -|- hf (or ava 4- hf,<br />

cp. ohacca & oharati) for uddharali 1 & 2] — i. lifting<br />

up, raising or rising J 111.206. — 2. pulling out, taking<br />

away, removing D 11.254 (cp- DhA 11.181); S 1.27 (v. 1.<br />

for ohacca); Sn 1119 (= uddhaiitva uppatayitva Nd' 171).<br />

Uhacca' (indecl.) [ger. of uhanati* = ahadati] soiling by defecation,<br />

defecating J 11.71 (= vaccaq katva C).<br />

Uhannati [Pass, of uhanati'] to be soiled; to be disturbed<br />

aor. uhaniii Vin 1.48; M 1.116; aor. also uhani M 1.243.<br />

Uhata' [pp. of ud -{- hj" or dhf thus for uddhata as well as<br />

uddhata] — I. lifted, risen, raised Vin 111.70; J<br />

v. 403.<br />

2. taken out, pulled out, destroyed Th I, 223 = Nd'^ 97*;<br />

Th I, 514; Dh 338 (=ucchinna Dh.\ IV. 48). — 3. soiled<br />

with excrements Vin 11.222.<br />

Uhata^ [pp- of uhanatiH disturbed M I.n6.<br />

Uhadatl [for Qhanati^ (?) or formed secondarily fr. ahacca<br />

or ohacca?] to defecate J II. 355; DhA II.181 (so read<br />

with v. 1. for T. nhadayati).<br />

Uhana (nt.) [fr. uhanati?] reasoning, consideration, examination<br />

Miln 32 ("comprehension" trsl. ; as characteristic of<br />

manasikara); Vism 142 = DhsA 114 ("prescinding" trsl.;<br />

as characteristic of vitakka).<br />

Uhanati' [ud -)- ban] to disturb, shake up; defile, soil M<br />

1.243; J 11.73. — Pass. aor. uhani: see uhannati. — pp.<br />

uhata' (q. v.). Cp. sam°.<br />

Uhanati' [either ud -f han or ava -f han, cp. ohanati]<br />

1. to cut off, discharge, emit, defecate Vin 1.78; 111.227. —<br />

2. [prob. for uharati, cp. uhacca'] to lift up, to take away<br />

M 1.1 1 7 (opp. odahati). Cp. ohana in bimb-ohana. —<br />

ger. Dbacca' (q. v.).<br />

Uharati [for uddharati] only in forms of ger. uhacca' and<br />

pp. uhata' (q. v.).<br />

Uhasati [either ud or ava + has, cp. avahasati] to laugh<br />

at, deride, mock A 111.91; J v.452 (-f- pahasati); Pug 67<br />

(= avahasati Pug A 249).<br />

Uhasana (nt.) [fr. uhasati] laughing, mocking Miln 127.<br />

Uha (f.) [etym.?] life, only in cpd. Syuha lifetime PvA 136,<br />

162 ("pariyosana). — As N. of a river at Miln 70. —<br />

Cp. BSk. uh4 in uhapoha Av. S 1.209, 235-

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