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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Upayacitaka 146 Upaladdhi<br />

Upayacitaka (nt.) [of adj. upa + yacita + ka; pp. ol<br />

yacati] begging, asking, praying, propitiation J vi.150<br />

(= devatanaij ayacana).<br />

Upayati [upa -f- ySti of ya] to go to, to approach S I.76;<br />

11.118 (also Caus. °yapeti); Dpvs vi.69 ; Sdhp 579.<br />

Upayana (nt.) [fr. upa-fyg, cp. BSk. upayana Jtm 31"]<br />

nearing, approach, arrival D 1. 10; DA 1.94.<br />

Upayanaka [fr. upayana] a crab J VI.530.<br />

Upayunjati [upa + yuj] to combine, connect with ; to use,<br />

apply ; ppr. med. upayujjamana VvA 245 (preferably<br />

be read as "bhunjaniana, with reference to enjoying drink<br />

& food).<br />

Upayoga [fr. upa -\- yuj] connection, combination; employment,<br />

application J<br />

VI. 432 (nagare upayogar) <strong>net</strong>va<br />

for use in the ^town r v. 1. upabhogaq). Usually in cpd.<br />

"vacana as<br />

expression,<br />

tt. g. meaning either combined or condensed<br />

ellipsis SnA 386; KhA 236; PvA 73, 135;<br />

or the (7(V. case, which is frequently substituted for the<br />

foil, cases: sami-vacana SnA 127; PvA 102; bhumma"<br />

SnA 140; Kh.-V 116; karana" Sn.\ 148; sampadana" J<br />

V.214; SnA 317; itthambhuta° SnA 441; nissakka" J<br />

v. 498.<br />

Uparacita [pp. of upa -)- rac] formed ThA 211 ; Sdhp 6i6.<br />

Uparajja (nt.) [upa -j- rajja, cp. uparaja] viceroyalty A ill.<br />

154 (v. 1. opa°); J 1.511; IV.176; DA 1.134.<br />

Uparata [pp. of uparamati] having ceased, desisting from<br />

(— "), restraining oneself (cp. orata) Vin 1.245 (ratt-up.arata<br />

abstaining from food at night = ratti-bhojanato uparata<br />

DA 1.77); D 1.5 (id.); M 1.3 19 (bhaya=); Sn 914 (=<br />

Virata etc. Nd' 337); Miln 96, 307; DhsA 403 (vihir|s°).<br />

Uparati (f.) [fr. upa -]- ram] ceasing, resting; cessation M<br />

l.io; S IV.104; Miln 274.<br />

Uparamati [upa -(- ram] to cease, desist, to be quiet J ill.<br />

489; V.391 (v. 1. for uparamati, also in C); Miln 152.<br />

Uparama (f.) [cp. lit. Sk. uparama, to uparamati] cessation<br />

.Miln 41, 44 (an°).<br />

Uparava [fr. upa -|- ru] noise J<br />

11.2,<br />

Uparaja [upa -)- raja; see upa 5] a secondary or deputy<br />

king, a viceroy J 1.504; 11. 316; DhA 1.392.<br />

Upari (indecl.)<br />

Gr. i/Tf'f, Lat.<br />

[Vedic<br />

s-uper;<br />

upari,<br />

Goth,<br />

der.<br />

ufar,<br />

fr. upa, Idg. -uper(i);<br />

Ohg. ubir = Ger. iiber<br />

E. over; Oir. .''or] over, above (prep. & prefix) i. (adv.)<br />

on top, above (opp. adho below) Vin iv.46 (opp. hettha);<br />

J V1.432; KhA 248 (= uddharj; opp. adho); SnA 392<br />

(abtimukho u. gacchati explaining paccuggacchati of Sn<br />

442); PvA II (hettha manussa-santhanaij upari sukara-s°),<br />

47 (upari chattai) dhariyamana), 145 (sabbattha upari<br />

upon everything). — 2. (prep. w. gen ) with ref. either<br />

to space = on top of, on, upon, as in kassa upari sapo<br />

patissati on whom shall the curse fall? DhA 141; attano<br />

u. patati falls upon himself PvA 45 ; etissa upari kodho<br />

anger on her, i.e. against her VvA 68; or to lime = oa<br />

top of, after, later, as in catunnar) mas.anar) upari after<br />

4 months Vv.\ 52 (= uddhaij catuhi masehi of Pv 1. 10'-);<br />

sattannai] vassa-satanai} upari after 700 years Pv.\ 144. —<br />

3. (adv. in comp"-, meaning "upper, higher, on the upper<br />

or lop side", or "on top of", if the phrase is in loc. case.<br />

See below.<br />

-cara walking in the air, suspended, flying J ill 454.<br />

-pasada the upper story of a palace, loc. on the terrace<br />

D 1.112 (loc); PvA 105, 279. -pitthi top side, platform<br />

Vin 11 207 (loc ). -bhaddaka N. of a tree [either Sk.<br />

bhadraka Pinus Deodara, or bhadra Nauclea Cadamba,<br />

after Kern, Toev. s. v.]<br />

J vi.269. -bhaga the upper part;<br />

used ia instr., loc. or aor. in sense of "above, over,<br />

beyond" J iv,232 (instr.). -bhava higher state or con-<br />

dition M 1.45 (opp. adh°). -mukha face upwards DA i.<br />

228; Pug A 214. -vasana upper garment PvA 49. -vata<br />

higher than the wind, loc. on the wind J ii.ii; or in<br />

°passe {\oc.) on the upper (wind-) side DhA 11. 17. -Tisala<br />

extended on top, i. e. of great width, very wide J 111.207.<br />

-vehasa high in the air (°— ), in "kuti a lofty or open<br />

air chamber, or a room in the upper story of the Vihara<br />

Vin IV. 46 (what the C. means by expl"- majjhimassa<br />

purisassa aslsa-ghatta "not knocking against the head ot<br />

a middle-(sized) man" is not quite clear), -sacca higher<br />

truth PvA 66 (so read for upari sacca).<br />

Uparl^ha (adj.) [superl. formation fr. upari in analogy to<br />

settha] highest, topmost, most excellent Th 1, 910. Cp. next.<br />

Upari^hima (adj ) [double-superl. formation after analogy<br />

of settha, pacchima & hetthima: hettha] = uparittha &<br />

uparima Dlis 1016, 1300, 1401; Pug 16, 17 (sanyojanani<br />

= uddhai]bhagiya-sanyojanani Pug A 198).<br />

Uparima (adj.) [upari + ma, superl. formation] uppermost,<br />

above, overhead D 111.189 (disa); Nett 88. Cp. uparitthima.<br />

Upariya (adv.) [fr. upari] above, on lop, in compd. hetth"<br />

below and above Vism i.<br />

Uparujjhati [Sk. uparudhyate. Pass, of uparundhali] to be<br />

stopped, broken, annihilated, destroyed D 1.223; Th I,<br />

145; It 106; Sn 724, 1036, 1 1 10; Nd- 159 (=nirujjhati<br />

vupasammati atthangacchali) ; Miln 151; Sdhp 280. —<br />

pp. uparuddba.<br />

Uparuddtia [pp- of uparujjhati] stopped, ceased Miln 151<br />

Cjivita).<br />

Uparundtiati [upa + rudh] to break up, hinder, stop, keep<br />

in check M 1.243; J 1-358; Th i, 143, 1117; Sn 118,<br />

916 (pot. uparundhe, but uparuddhe Nd' 346 = uparuddheyya<br />

etc.); Miln 151, 245, 313. — ger. uparundhiya<br />

Th i, 525; Sn 751; aor. uparundbi J iv.133; PvA<br />

271. — Pass, uparujjhati (q. v.).<br />

Uparujha [upa -f rulha, pp. of ruh] grown again, recovered<br />

J IV.408 (cakkhu).<br />

Uparocati [upa -f rue] to please (inlrs.) J vl.64.<br />

Uparodati [upa -f rud] l. to lament J VI.SSI (fut "rucchati)<br />

— 2. to sing in a whining tone J v.304.<br />

Uparodha [fr. upa -f rudh] obstacle ; breaking up, destruction,<br />

end J HI. 210, 252; Pv IV. l5; Miln 245, 313.<br />

Uparodhana (nt.) [fr. upa + rudh] breaking up, destruction<br />

Sn 732, 761.<br />

Uparodheti [Caus of uparundhali] to cause to break up;<br />

to hinder, stop; destroy Vin 111.73.<br />

Uparopa [upa + ropa, cp. upa 5] "little plant", sapling<br />

Vin 11.154. See also next.<br />

Uparopaka = uparopa, sapling J II 345; iv-359-<br />

Upala [Lit. Sk. upala, etym. uncertain] a stone Davs 111.87.<br />

Upalakkha^ia (f-) & "ag (m ) [upa -|- lakkhana] discrimination<br />

S 111.261 (an°); Dhs 16, 20, 292, 1057; Pug 25;<br />

Vv.\ 240.<br />

Upalakkheti [upa + lak$ay] to distinguish, discriminate<br />

Vism 172.<br />

Upaladdha [pp. of upalabhali] acquired, got, found J VI.<br />

211 (°bala; v. 1. paluddha°); Sdhp 4, 386.<br />

Upaladdhi (f.) [fr. upa -f labh] acquisition ; knowledge<br />

-Miln 268; VvA 279.

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