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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Upanighat)sati 144 Upapajjati<br />

UpanighaQSati [upa + ni + ghai)sati>] to rub up against,<br />

to crush (close) up to DhA 1.58.<br />

Upanijjhana (nt.) [upa -f- nijjhana'] meditation, reflection,<br />

consideration only in two phrases : arammana° & lakkhana',<br />

with ref. to jhana J v.251; DhA 1.230; 111.276; VvA<br />

38, 213. Cp. nijjbayana.<br />

Upanijjhayati [upa -|- nijjhayati] to meditate upon, consider,<br />

look at, reflect on Vin 1.193 ("covet"); It 269; HI.<br />

118; D 1.20; A IV. 55; Miln 124; Vism 418. — pp.<br />

upanijjbayita (q. v.).<br />

Upanljjhayana [for °nijjhana] meditation, reflection Miln<br />

127 ; Vism 418.<br />

Upanljjhayita [pp. of "nijjhayati] considered, looked at,<br />

thought over or about Sn p. 147 (= dittha, alokita<br />

SnA 508).<br />

Upanldha (f.) [abstracted from upanidhaya or direct formation<br />

fr. upa -f- ni -f- dhS?] comparison Nd^ 158<br />

(= upama; should we read upanidhaya?).<br />

Upanidhaya (indecl) [ger. of upa -f nidahati of dha]<br />

comparing in comparison, as prep. w. ace. "compared<br />

with" M 1.374; III. 177 (Himavantai) pabbatarajanar)); S<br />

II. 1 33 (mahapathavii)), 262 ; v.457 (Sineru-pabbata-rajSnai));<br />

A III. 181 sq.; IV.253 sq. (dibbasukhar)); Th I, 496 (kammai3);<br />

J 11.93; DA 1.29, 59, 283.<br />

Upanidhi (f.) [upa -f ni + dha, cp. nidhi] — I. deposit,<br />

pledge Vin in. 5 1. — 2. comparison, in phrase upanidhii]<br />

na upeti "does not come into comparison, cannot be<br />

compared with" M 111.177; S 11.263; V.457 (so read- for<br />

upanidhan); Ud 23.<br />

Upanipajjati [upa -}- ni -f pad] to lie down close to or<br />

on top of (ace.) Vism 269; J v. 231.<br />

Upanibajjhatl see upanibandhati.<br />

Upanibaddha [pp. of "nibandhati] — 1. tied on to Miln<br />

253, 254. — 2. closely connected with, close to Vin in.<br />

308 (Samanta Pasadika). — 3. attached to DA 1. 128.<br />

Upanlbandha [upa -f ni + bandh] l. dose connection,<br />

dependence Vism 19 ("gocara). — 2. (adj. — °) connected<br />

with, dependent on Visra 235 (jivitaq assasa-passasa" etc ).<br />

Upanibandhati [upa -f- n") to tie close to, to bind on to,<br />

attach M III. 132; Miln 254, 412. — Pass, upanibajjhatl<br />

to be attached to Sn 218. — pp. °nibaddha (q. v.).<br />

Upanibandhana (adj. nt.) [upa -f<br />

nected with D 1.46; DA 1. 1 28;<br />

n°] (adj.) closely con-<br />

(nt.) tie, fetter, leash<br />

Miln 253.<br />

Upanibbatta [upa -f- nibbatta] come out, produced DA<br />

1.247.<br />

Upanibha (adj. [upa + nibha] somewhat like (— °) M I.<br />

58 =: A 111.324 (sankha-vanna°) ; J 1.207 (= sadisa C);<br />

v. 302 (tala°).<br />

Upanivattatl [upa -|- n°] to return Sn 712; J iv.417 ; v.126.<br />

Upanisa (f.) [if = Vedic upanisad, it would be fr. upa -\ni<br />

+ sad, but if, what is more likely, a contracted form<br />

of upanissaya, it would be fr. upa -f ni -|- M, <strong>The</strong><br />

history of this word has yet to be written, cp. Kern, Toev.<br />

s. V. & Divy 530 svopanisad] — i. cause, means D II.<br />

217, 259; M 111.71 (samadhir) sa-upanisaq); S 11.30— 32<br />

(S A. :=r karana, paccaya); v. 25; A 1.198; 111.20, 200 sq.,<br />

360; IV.99, 336, 351; v.4 sq., 313 sq.; Sn 322 (= upanissaya<br />

SnA 331); p. 140 (= karana, payojana SnA 503);<br />

Dh 75 (cp. DhA 11.102 aSna nibbanagamini patipada).<br />

2. likeness, counterfeit [= Sk. upanisad = aupamye Panini<br />

1.4, 79] J Vl,470 (= patirupaka C).<br />

UpanlSfdatl [upa -f- nisldati of sad] to sit close to or<br />

down by D 1.95; A iv.io; J 11.347; Pv iv.i«3 (ger. "sajja<br />

= "siditva PvA 242); Vism 269.<br />

Upanisevati [upa -j- n"] to pursue, follow, go up after,<br />

cling to (ace.) M 1. 306. — pp. upanisevita (q. v.).<br />

Upanlsevana (adj.) [fr. upanisevati] going close after, following<br />

J v.399 [f. °i.).<br />

Upanisevita [pp. of upanisevati] gone on to, furnished<br />

with, sticking or clinging to, full of J v. 302 (kakka°).<br />

Upanissaya [upa -j- ni°] basis, reliance, support, foundation,<br />

assurance, certainty; esp. suflScing condition or qualification<br />

for Arahantship (see long article in Childers<br />

s. V.) ; no 9 in the 24 paccayas, Tikapatthana, TikapatthSna<br />

l.l, a term only found in the Patthana, the Jataka & later<br />

exegetical literature<br />

J 1.78, 508; I v. 96; vi.70; Nett 80;<br />

Vism 19 ("gocara), 535 (°paccaya); DhsA 315 (id.); DhA<br />

H-33; VvA 98; PvA 38 (sotapatti-pbalassa), 55 (°sampatti);<br />

Sdhp 265, 320.<br />

UpaniSSayati [upa + "'°] 'o depend or rely on (ace.)<br />

Miln 240 (atlanaq). — ger. °nissaya (q. v.); — pp.<br />

°nissita (q. v.).<br />

Upanissaya (adv.) [ger. of upanissayati, cp. nissayati in<br />

same use & meaning) near, close by (with ace); depending<br />

on, by means of (ace) M 11. 3 ; S 11.269; Sn 867<br />

(tari), 901 (tapa"), 978, PvA 9 (Rajagahaij), 67 (id.);<br />

VvA 63 (Rajagiiha-setthii) "with"). Cp. BSk. upaniiritya<br />

also a ger. formation, in same meaning, e. g. at Divy 54,<br />

207, 505.<br />

UpaniSSita [upa + ni°] dependent or relying on Sn 877;<br />

Nd' 283, Miln 245.<br />

Upanita [pp. of upa<strong>net</strong>i] 1. brought up to or into (mostly<br />

— °) Th 2, 498; Sn 677 (niraye), 774 (dukkha°), 898<br />

(bhava"); J 111.45 (thuna°); iv.271 (dukkh°); Nd' 38;<br />

Dh 237 (°yaya = atikkantavayo DhA ill. 337, advanced<br />

in age); Pv iv. i'" (dukkha° made to suffer). an° Sn<br />

846. — 2. offered, presented J 1 88; PvA 274, 286. —<br />

3. brought to conclusion, brought to an end (of life) J<br />

V.375 (= marana-santikai) u. C). — 4. bringing up (for<br />

trial), charging M 1.251 (vacanapatha, cp. upanlya).<br />

Upaniya ("iyya, °eyya) [ger. of upa<strong>net</strong>i] "bringing up"<br />

(for trial), charging, accusing D 1.107 (vadati, cp. DA 1.<br />

276); A 1. 172 (°vaca); cp. upanita 3.<br />

UpanHa (adj.) [upa -|- mla] somewhat dark-blue J v. 168.<br />

Upa<strong>net</strong>i [upa -|- <strong>net</strong>i] to bring up to, conduce, adduce ; to<br />

present, give J 1.200; Miln 396; DA 1.276; PvA 39, 43,<br />

49, 53, 74. — Pass, upatiiyati ("niyyatl) — i. to be<br />

brought (up to) J iv.398; ppr. °niyamana J 1.200; PvA<br />

5. — 2. to be brought to conclusioi, or to and end (of<br />

life) M 11.68 ; S 1.2. — 3. to be carried along or away<br />

A 1.155. — PP- upanita (q. v.). — ger. upaniya (q. v.).<br />

Upanti (adv.) [upa -f- anti] near, before, in presence of<br />

J 1V.337.<br />

Upantika (adj.) [upa 4- antika] nt. ace. °r) near J iv.337<br />

v. 58 (with gen.); vi.418 (so read for "a); loc. °e near<br />

or quite near Pv 11. 9I* (= saniipe gehassa PvA 120).<br />

Upapacciyati see uppaccati.<br />

Upapajjati [doubtful whether a legitimate form as upa -jpad<br />

or a diaeretic form of uppajjati =r ud + pad. In this<br />

case all passages ought to go under the latter. Trenckner<br />

however (Notes 77) defends upa° & considers in many<br />

cases upp° a substitution for upa. <strong>The</strong> diaeresis may be<br />

due to metre, as nearly all forms are found in poetry.<br />

<strong>The</strong> V. 1. upp° is apparently frequent; but it is almost<br />

impossible to distinguish between upap° and upp° in the

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