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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Upacara 141 Upatthana<br />

of (— °) J IV. 1 82 (nagar'=); usually as gam° Vin 1.109;<br />

111.46; IV.230; KhA 77; SnA 83, 179. - 5. attention,<br />

attendance Vin IV.272; J VI. 180; Miln 154. — 6. civility,<br />

polite behaviour J 11.56; VI.102. — 7. On upacSra as<br />

philos. t.t. and its relation<br />

54; CpJ. 55; Mystic p. XI.<br />

to appana see Dhs trsl"- 53,<br />

Thus used of samadhl (neighbourhood-,<br />

or access-concentration, distinguishing it from<br />

appana-samadhi) at Vism 85, 126, 144 and passim.<br />

Upadka (f.) [connected with Sk. upadikS, although the<br />

relation is not quite clear. Attempts at explns. by Trencker<br />

Notes 62 (*utpadika > upatika > upacika) & Kern, Ton/.<br />

p. 102 (upacika = Vedic upajika, this fr. upajihika for<br />

°dihika, vv. 11. upadehiha & upadika). It may however<br />

be a direct der. from upa -j- cJ, thus meaning "making<br />

heaps, a builder"] the termite or white ant Vin 11. 11 3,<br />

148, 152; 111.151; M 1.306; J 111.320; IV.331; Miln 363,<br />

392; Vism 62; DhA 11.25; HL'S.<br />

Upaciqoa [pp. of upacarati] used, frequented, known (as<br />

valuej J VI. 1 80.<br />

Upaclta [pp. of upacinati] — I. heaped up, accumulated,<br />

collected, produced (usually of puniia merit, & kamma<br />

karma) Sn 697; KhA 132; SnA 492; VvA 7, 271, 342;<br />

PvA 30, 150. — 2. built up, conserved (of the body)<br />

Miln 232; DA 1.220.<br />

Upacitatta (nt.) [abstr. fr. upacita] storing up, accumulation<br />

Dhs 431.<br />

Upacinati [upa + ci] — l. to collect, heap up, accumulate<br />

(punnai) or papaij) VvA 254; PvA 8, 241. — 2. to con-<br />

centrate, pay attention Th i, 199 (C. upacetuij for oce-<br />

tui) T.); J V.339 (r=oloketi). — Pass, upaciyyatl Th i,<br />

807. — pp. upacita (q. v.).<br />

UpaCCa = uppacca (q. v.) "flying up" (= uppatitvS PvA<br />

103) at Th 2, 248 (=: ThA 205, where v. 1. and gloss<br />

upecca & upacca, expld. by upa<strong>net</strong>va), as well as at Pv<br />

II. 7" (= PvA 103 where readg upaccha; & gloss upacca<br />

& upecca).<br />

Upaccaga [upa -f- ati + aga of gam] y^ sg. pret. of up4ligacchati<br />

(q. v.) to escape, pass, go by; to overcome Sn<br />

333 (ma upaccaga = ma atikkami SnA 339) = Th 2, 5<br />

(= ma atikkami ThA 12); Sn 636, 641, 827 (:= accaga<br />

atikkanta Nd' 167); Dh 315, 412, 417 (= atikkanta DhA<br />

IV.225); Bu 11.43. — pl- upaccagug S 1.35; A 111.311.<br />

UpaCCati (?) in phrase "akkhlni upacciqsu" at J VI. 187 is<br />

probably faulty for apaciyit)su aor. of apaciyyati, Pass,<br />

of apacinati (cp. upaciyyali > upacinati) "the eyes failed",<br />

lost power, went bad; cp. apacaya falling off, diminution.<br />

If not this reading we should suggest upaccbijjiijsu from<br />

upacchindati "were destroyed", which however is not quite<br />

the sense wanted.<br />

Upacchindati [upa + chindati] to break up or off, to<br />

destroy, interrupt, to stop Sn 972 (pot. °chinde); J IV.<br />

127; Nd' 502; ThA 267; PvA 31 (kulavaqso upacchijji<br />

aor. pass.); Vism 164, 676 (bhavangai]).<br />

Upacchlnna] [pp. of upacchindati] cut off, interrupted J 1.<br />

477; Miln 306.<br />

UpaCChubhati [upa + chubhati from k^ubh or chubh, see<br />

chuddha, khobha, niccbubhati, nicchodeti] to throw at M<br />

1.364 (vv. U. "chumbh*, "cubh").<br />

Upaccheda [fr. upa -|- chid] breaking or cutting off,<br />

destruction, stoppage, interruption M 1.245, 3^7 (paij°<br />

murder); J 1.67; Miln 134 (paven° break of tradition)<br />

PvA 82 (kulavai)s'') ; DhA 1.152 (ahar °i) karoti to prevent<br />

fr. taking food); DA 1. 136, 159.<br />

Upacchedaka (adj.-n.) [fr. upaccheda] destroying, breaking<br />

off, stopping, interrupting J 1.418 (vacan"); iv.357; DA<br />

1.69 (jivit' indriy"); VvA 72 (id.).<br />

Upajanatl [upa -|- janlti] to learn, acquire or have knowledge<br />

of (w. gen. or instr.), to know Vin 1.272 (saqyamassa);<br />

11.181 (gharavSs'atthena); A 1.50 (dvinnai) dhammaoai]<br />

upanMsin). — fut. upanfiissati (& upanftassatl<br />

Sn 716) Sn 701, 716 (= upaiinayissati kathayissati SnA<br />

498); J V.215. — pp. upaii&ata (q. v.).<br />

Upajivatl [upa + jfvati] to<br />

on, to live by somebody,<br />

live on (w. ace), to depend<br />

to be supported by (ace.) D<br />

1.228;<br />

iv.271<br />

S 1.217; Sn 612 sq.; Th i, 943; J 111.309, 338;<br />

(= anujivati); Pv 11.9M (Ankuraq u. ti tai) nissSya<br />

jivanti PvA 134); Miln 231.<br />

Upajivlka (adj.) [=apajlvin] Sdhp 501 (see next).<br />

Upajivin (— °) (adj.-n.) [fr. upa + jiv] living on, subsisting<br />

by A 11.135 (phal°); Sn 217 (para-datt°), J 1.227<br />

(vohar°); iv.380; Pug 51; Miln 160 (Satth°); VvA 141<br />

(sipp°). f. upajivini in rup° (itthi) a woman earning her<br />

living by her beauty (i.e. a courtesan) Miln 122; PvA<br />

46; cp. kilittha-kamm° gaijika PvA 195.<br />

Upajuta (nt.) [upa -f- jQta] stake at game J vi.192.<br />

Upajjha see next,<br />

Upajjhaya [Vedic upadhySya, upa -f adhi -f- i, 1ft. "one<br />

who is gone close up to"] a spiritual teacher or pre-<br />

ceptor, master. Often combd with acariya e. g. Vin i,<br />

119; Nd' 350; the acariya being only the deputy or<br />

substitute of the upajjhaya. Vin 1.45, 53, 62, 120; iv.<br />

130; S 1.185; A 11.66, 78; 111.69; Sn 346; DhA 11.93;<br />

PvA 55, 60, 230. — A short form of upajjhaya is<br />

upajjha, found in the Vinaya, e.g. at Vin 1.94; 111.35;<br />

with f. upajjha Vin iv.326,<br />

Upanii&ta [pp. of upajanati] found out, learnt, known Vin<br />

1.40; J V.325, 368; A 1.61.<br />

Upattita [upa -f<br />

attita, from ard, see ajfita] pained, terri-<br />

fied ; overcome, overwhelmed J vi,82 (visavegena),<br />

Upatthapetl & "tt^apetl [Cans. II. of upa(thahati] I. to<br />

provide, procure, get ready, put forth, give Vin 11,210;<br />

D II. 19; M 1.429; J 1.266; IV.2; v,2i8; Pug 59, 68;<br />

Miln 15, 257, 366 (panlyar) paribhojanlyaij), 397; DA<br />

1,270; Sdhp 356, — 2. to cause to be present Vin 1.45;<br />

S 1. 170; Pv iv.i'o. — 3. to cause to be waited on or to<br />

be nursed A v,72 (gilanai) upatthatui] va upatthapetuq<br />

va). — 4. to keep (a servant) for hire Vin 11.267. —<br />

5. to ordain Vin 1.62, 83.<br />

Upatthahatl & "tthatl [upa + stha, cp. upatitjhati] i<br />

(trs.) to stand near or at hand (with acc.1, to wait on,<br />

attend on, serve, minister, to care for, look after, nurse<br />

(in sickness) Vin 1.50, 302; iv.326; M iu.25; S 1.167;<br />

A 111.94; V.72; Sn 82 = 481 (imper. °t(hahassu); J 1.67<br />

(ppr. °tthahamana), 262 (ppr. °tthahanto); iv.131; v.396;<br />

Dpvs II. 16; PvA 19, 20. — aor. upaf^bahi PvA 14, 42,<br />

82. — inf. upatthatui] A v,72 ; PvA 20. — ger. upatthabitva<br />

PvA 76, — grd, upatfhatabba Vin 1,302; PvA<br />

20. — pp. upattblta (q, v.), — 2. (intrs,) to stand out<br />

or forth, to appear, to arise, occur, to be present M 1,104<br />

sq. ; A iv,32,; J iv.203 (mante anupatthahante since the<br />

spell did not occur to him); v,207 ; Miln 64; ThA 258,<br />

aor, upattbasl J 1,61; iv,3; PvA 42, — Caus, I. upattheti;<br />

Caus. II. upattbapeti & "ttbfipeti (q. v.). — Pass,<br />

upattbiyati J iv.131 (ppr. °tthiyamana), & upattbabiyati<br />

A 111.94 (PP''- °ttliahiyamana).<br />

Upatthaka [fr. upa -|- sthS, cp. BSk. upasthaka M Vastu<br />

1.25 1, and upasthayaka Divy 426; Av. S. 1.21.); 11.85,<br />

112.] a servitor, personal attendant, servant, "famulus".<br />

Ananda was the last u. of Gotama Buddha (see D 1.206<br />

Th I, 1041 f. ; ThA in Brethren loc. cit. ; Vin 1,179<br />

(Sagato u.), 194; 11.186; 111.66; iv.47 ; D 1.150 (Nagito);<br />

S III. 113; A I.121; 111.31, 189; I J 15, 100 (a merchant's);<br />

11.416; Pug 28; DhA 11.93; VvA 149; PvA 211. — agg"

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