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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Uggatthana 127 Uccarita<br />

Uggatthana at J vi 590 means a kind of ornament or<br />

trinket, it should prob. be read ugghattana [fr. gliatteli]<br />

lit. "tinkling", i. e. a bangle.<br />

Uggama [fr. ud-fgam; Sk. udgama] rising up Sdhp 594.<br />

Uggamana ("na) (nt.) [fr. ud + gam] going up, rising;<br />

rise (of sun & stars) D i.io, 240; S 11.268 (suriy°); J<br />

IV.321 (an°), 38S; Pv 119^1 (suriy"); DA 1.95 (= udayana);<br />

UhA 1.165 (arun"); 11.6 (id.); VvA 326 (oggaman°);<br />

VvA 109 farun"). Cp. ugga'^ & uggama.<br />

Uggaha (adj) (— [fr.<br />

°) ud + gfh, see ganhati] — i.<br />

taking up, acquiring, learning Vism 96 (acariy°), 99 (°paripuccha);<br />

277 (kananalthanassa). — 2. noticing, taking<br />

notice, perception (as opp. to manasikara) Vism 125, 241 sq.<br />

neg. an° Sn 912 (^ganhati Nd' 330). Cp. dhanuggaha.<br />

Uggahaoa (nt.) [fr. ugganhati] learning, taking up, studying<br />

fvA 3 (sipp°). As ugganhana at Vism 277.<br />

Uggahayati [poetic form of uggahcti (see ugganhSti), but<br />

according to Kern, Tmv. s. v. representing Ved. « dgrbhayati]<br />

to take hold of, to take up Sn 791 (= ganhati<br />

Nd' 91). — ger. uggahaya Sn 837.<br />

Uggahlta [pp. of ugganhati] taken up, taken, acquired Viu<br />

1.212; J III.I6S ("sippa, adj.), 325; iv.220; V176; Vism<br />

241. <strong>The</strong> metric form is uggahlta at Sn 795, 833, 1098;<br />

Nd' r75 = Nd2 152 (^ gahita paramattha).<br />

Uggahetar [n. ag. to ugganhati, Caus. uggaheti] one who<br />

takes up, acquires or learns A IV. 196.<br />

Uggara [ud + gr<br />

or *gl to swallow, see gala & gilati;<br />

lit. to swallow up] spitting<br />

54; UA 1.41 ; KhA 61.<br />

out, vomiting, ejection Vism<br />

Uggahaka (adj.-n.) [fr. ud + gfh, see ugganhati] one who<br />

is eager to learn J v.148 [cp. M Vastu III. 373 ograhaka<br />

in same context].<br />

Uggahamana see ugganhati.<br />

Uggirati' [Sk. udgirati, ud -|- gr-; but BSk. udgirati in<br />

meaning to sing, chant, utter, formation fr. gr'^ instead<br />

of gf pres. grnati; in gir.ii] udgirati , Jtm 31'^''. — <strong>The</strong><br />

by-form uggirati is uggilati with interchange of 1 and r,<br />

roots 'gr & '^gl, see gala & gilati] to vomit up ("swallow<br />

up") to spit out Ud 14 (uggiritvana); DA 1,41 (uggarai)<br />

uggiranto). Cp. BSk. prodglrna cast out Divy 589.<br />

Uggirati- [cp. Sk. udgurate, ud -|- gur] to lift up, carry<br />

Vin IV. 147 = DhA III 50 (talasattikai) e.vplJ- by uccareti);<br />

J 1. 150 (avudhani); vi.460, 472. Cp. sam°.<br />

Uggilati ^ uggirati', i. e. to spit out (opp. ogilati) M 1.393 ;<br />

S IV. 323; J III 529: Miln 5; PvA 283.<br />

Uggiva (nt.) [ud -(- g'va] a neckband to hold a basket<br />

hanging down J<br />

VI. 562 (uggivaii c^api aijsato = ai]sakute<br />

pacchi-lagganakai) C).<br />

Ugghaqseti [ud -f- ghfS, see ghaqsati'] to rub Vin 11.106. —<br />

pp. uggbattha (q. v.).<br />

Ugghatita (adj.) [pp. of ud skilled Divy 3,<br />

ghatati; -f- cp. BSk. udghataka<br />

26 and phrase at M Vastu 111.260 udghatitajfia]<br />

striving, exerting oneself; keen,<br />

"nnu of quick understanding A II.135;<br />

7— 9, 125; DA 1. 291.<br />

eager in<br />

Pug 41;<br />

cpd<br />

Nett<br />

Ugghafetl [ud + ghatati] to open, reveal (? so Hardy in<br />

Index to Nett) Nett 9; ugghatiyafi & ugghatana ibid.<br />

Ugghatta (Ugghattha?) [should be pp. of ugghaijsati =<br />

Sk. udghrsta, see ghaijsati', but taken by Bdhgh. either<br />

as pp. of or an adj. der. fj. ghatt, sec ghatlcti] knocked,<br />

crushed, rubbed against, only in phrase ughatta-pada<br />

foot-sore Sn 980 (^maggakkamanena ghatla-padatala etc.<br />

SnA 582); J IV.20 (tth; expl't- by unha-valukaya ghattapada);<br />

v. 69 (^ raj'okinna-pada C. not to the point).<br />

Uggharati [«d + ksar] to ooze Th i, 394 = DhA 111.117.<br />

Ugghatana (nt. ?) [fr. ugghatcti] that which cxjn be removed,<br />

in °kitika a curtain to be drawn aside Viu II. 153 (cp. Vin<br />

Tests 111.174, 176). Ch s. V. gives "rope & bucket of a<br />

well" as meaning (kavataij anugghateti). Cp. ugghatana.<br />

Ugghatita [pp. of ugghateti] opened Miln 55; DhA 1.134.<br />

Ugghafeti [for ugghalteti, ud 4" gl"-att but BSk. udghatayati<br />

Divy 130] to remove, take away, unfasten, abolish, put<br />

an end to Vin 11.148 (lalani), 208 (ghatikai)); IV. 37 ; J<br />

11.31; VI. 68; Miln 140 (bhava-palisandhiq), 371; Vism<br />

374. — Caus. II. ugghatapeti to have opened J v.381.<br />

Ugghata [ud -)- ghata] shaking, jolting; jolt, jerk Vin 11.<br />

276 (yan°); J vi.253 (an°); DhA III.283 (yan°).<br />

Ugghati (f.) [fr. ud 4- ghata] — i. shaking, shock VvA<br />

36. — 2. striking, conquering; victory, combd with nighati<br />

Sn 82S ; Nd' 167 ; SnA 541 ; Nett no (T. reads ugghata").<br />

Ugghatita [pp. of ugghateti, denom. fr. udghata] struck,<br />

killed A 111.68..<br />

UgghOSana (f.) [abstr. fr. ugghoseti, cp. ghosanii] proclamation<br />

DA 1. 310.<br />

Ugghoseti [ud + ghoseti] to shout out, announce, proclaim<br />

j 1.75; Dh.A 11.94; PvA 127.<br />

UCCa (adj.) [For udya, adj. formation from prep, ud above,<br />

up] high (opp. avaca low) D 1. 194; M II. 213; A V.82<br />

(°thaniyai) nice thane thapeti puts on a low place which<br />

ought to be placed high); Pv IV.7* (uccai) paggayha<br />

lifting high up = uccataraq<br />

58; D.^ 1.135; PvA 176.<br />

katva Pv.\ 265); Pug 52,<br />

-avaca high and low, various, manifold Vin 1.70, 203<br />

J<br />

IV. 1 15, 363 (= mahaggha-samaggha C. p. 366); Sn<br />

703, 714, 792, 959; Dh 83; Nd'_93, 467; Vv 12' (=r<br />

vividha VvA 60); 31'. -kullnata high birth A 111.48<br />

(cp. ucca").<br />

Uccaka (adj.) [fr. ucca] high Vin 11.149 (asandika a kind<br />

of high chair).<br />

Uccatta (nt.) [fr. ucca =; Sk. uccatvai)] height J 111.318.<br />

UCCaya<br />

[fr. ud -\- ci, see cinati ; Sk. uecaya] heaping up,<br />

heap, pile, accumulation Dh 115, 191, 192; Vv 47";<br />

82' (= cetiya \'v.\ 321); EhA III. 5, 9; DhsA 41 (papassa).<br />

-siluccaya a mountain Th i, 692; J 1.29 (v.209);<br />

VI. 272, 278; Davs T.63.<br />

Ucca (°— ) (adv.) [cp. Sk. ucca, iiistr. sg. of uccaq, cp.<br />

pasca behind, as well as uccaih instr. pi. — In BSk. we<br />

find ucca° (uccakullna A v. S ill. 117) as well as uccai]<br />

(uccaqgama Divy 476). It is in all cases restricted to<br />

cpds.] high (lit. & fig.), raised, in foil. cpds.<br />

-kaneruka a tall female elephant M 1.178. -kalarika<br />

id. M 1.178 (v. 1. "kalarika to be preferred), -kula a high,<br />

noble family Pv lU.i'" (= ucca khattiya-kul-adino l'v.\<br />

176). -kulinata birth in a high-class family, high rank<br />

M 111.37; VvA 32. -sadda a loud noise D 1.143, 178;<br />

A 111.30. -sayana a high bed (-f- mahasayana) Via I.<br />

192; D 1.5, 7; cp. DA 1.78.<br />

UCCSra [LM 4- car] discharge, excrement, faeces Vin ill. 36<br />

gacchati to go to stool); iv.265, 266 (uccaro nama<br />

Cq<br />

gutho vuccati); DhA 11.56 (°karana defecation); uccarapassava<br />

faeces & urine D 1.70; M 1.83; J 1.5; 11.19.<br />

Uccarana (f.) [fr. uccareti] lifting up, raising Vin III. 121.<br />

Uccarita [pp. of uccareti] — I. uttered, let out PvA 280<br />

(akkharani). — 2. lifted, raised ThA 255.

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