The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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634, 794, 864; J<br />

A.sa Ii6 Asevana<br />

1.267, 285; V.401; VI.452 ("chinna =<br />

chinnasa C); Nd' 99, 261, 213 sq ; Vv 37" (perhaps<br />

belter to be read with v. 1. SS ahai], cp. VvA 172); Pug<br />

27 (vigat° = arahatlasaya vigatatta vigalaso Pug A 208);<br />

Dhs 1059 (+ asiqsana etc.), 1 136; PvA 22 (chinn° disappointed),<br />

29 ("abhibhuta), 105; Davs V13; Sdhp 78,<br />

III, 498, 609.<br />

Asatika<br />

sq.; A V.347 sq., ss'l, 359'; Nett 59; J 111.176.<br />

AsSdeti [Caus. of asidati, 5 -|- sad ; cp. Ssajja & asauna] —<br />

(f.) [cp. Marathi asadi] a fly's egg, a nit M 1.220<br />

I. to lay hand on, to touch, strike; fig. the offend, assail,<br />

insult M 1. 371; J 1.48 1 ; v. 197; aor. asadesi Th i, 280<br />

(ma a. Tathagate); ger. asadetva J v.272; Miln 100, 205<br />

(''ayitva); PvA 266 (isiq), asadiya J v. 154 (asadiya metri<br />

causa; isiij, cp. asajja'), & asajja (q. v.); infin. asadurj<br />

J V.I 54 & asadituri<br />

VvA 213 (an"). — 2.<br />

ibid.; grd. asadanlya Miln 205;<br />

to come near to (c. ace), approach,<br />

get J 111.206 (Ivhuracakkar)).<br />

Asajha & Asa|hi (f.) [Sk. asadha] N. of a month (June-<br />

July) and of a Nakkhatta; only in comp"- as Asalha" &<br />

Asalhi", viz. °nakkhatta J 1.50; SnA 208; °punnama<br />

J 1.63; DhA 1.87; SnA 199; VvA 66; PvA I37;'°masa<br />

SnA 378 (= vassupanayikaya purimabhage A.); VvA 307<br />

(= gimhanai) pacchirao maso).<br />

Asavati (f.) N. of a creeper (growing at the celestial grove<br />

Cittalata) J ill. 250, 251.<br />

Asasati [cp. Sk. asasati & asasti, a -f Sas] to pray for,<br />

expect, hope; confounded with ^ags in asaqsati & asiij-<br />

sati (q. V.) & their derivations. — pp. asittha (q. v.).<br />

As! & Asll)<br />

3^'' & IS' sg. aor. of atthi (q. v.).<br />

AsilJSaka (adj.) [fr. a -|- siqsati, cp. asagsa] wishing, aspiring<br />

after, praying for Miln 342.<br />

Aslgsatl [Sk. asagsati, a -f Sags, cp. also SaS & asSsati,<br />

further abhisaqsati, abhisiqsati & asaqsati] to hope for,<br />

wish, pray for (lit. praise for the sake of gain), desire,<br />

(w. ace.) S 1.34, 62; Sn 779, 1044, 1046 (see Nd' 135);<br />

J 1.267; Ill.25l;iv.i8; V.435; VI.43; Nd' 60; Mhvs 30, 100;<br />

VvA ; 337 PvA 226 (ppr. asiqsamana for Ssamana, q. v.).<br />

Asiljsanaka (adj.) [fr. asiqsana] hoping for something, lit.<br />

praising somebody for the sake of gain, cadging ThA<br />

217 (for asaqsuka Th 2, 273).<br />

Aslgsana (f.) [abstr. fr. a -\- §aQS, cp. asiqsati] desire, wish,<br />

craving J v. 28; Dhs 1059, 1136 (+ asiqsitatta). As asisana<br />

at Nttt 53.<br />

Aslgsanlya (adj.) [grd. of asiqsati] to be wished for, desirable<br />

Miln 2 (°ratana).<br />

Asikkhita [pp. of I -f Hks, Sk. asiksita] schooled, instructed<br />

PvA 67, 68.<br />

Aslficatl [5 H- sic, cp. abhisiScati & avasincati] to sprinkle,<br />

besprinkle Vin 1.44; 11.208; J iv.376; Vv 796 (= siiicati<br />

VvA 307); PvA 41 (udakena), 104, 213 (ger. °itva). —<br />

pp. asitta (q. v.). Cp. vy°.<br />

Asittha [pp. of asasati, Sk. asista] wished or longed for<br />

PvA 104.<br />

*A8ita' [= asita' ?] "having eaten", but probably masita<br />

(pp. of nirS to touch, cp. Sk. mrsita, which is ordinarily<br />

in massita), since it only occurs in comb"^. where m<br />

precedes, viz. J 11.446 (dumapakkani-m-asita, where C.<br />

reading is masita & expl"- khaditvS asita (v. 1. asita) dhata);<br />

Miln 302 (visam-Ssita affected with poison = visamasita).<br />

Cp. also the form inasi(n) touching, eating at J vi.354<br />

(tina°, expld- by C. as khadaka). — asita at J V.70 is<br />

very doubtful, v. 1. asina & asita ; C. expls- by dhata<br />

suhita p. 73.<br />

*Asita^ [registered as such with meaning "performed" by<br />

Hardy in Index] at VvA 276 is better read with v.l. SS<br />

bhasita (-vadana etc.).<br />

Asitta [pp. of asiiicati, Sk. asikta] sprinkled, poured out,<br />

anointed J v.87 ; Pug 31; Miln 286; DhsA 307; DhA<br />

1. 10; VvA 69.<br />

Asittaka (adj.) [asilta -)- ka] mixed, mingled, adulterated<br />

Vin 11.123 C'upadhana "decorated divan"?); ThA 61, i68<br />

(an" for asecanaka, q. v.).<br />

Asitika (adj.) [fr. asita] 80 years old M 11.124; J 111.395;<br />

SnA 172.<br />

Asitiki (f.) [etym.? Cp. BSk. asltaki Lai. V. 319] a certain<br />

plant M 180 = 245 (°pabba).<br />

Asidati [cp. Sk. asidati, a -f sad] — I. to come together,<br />

lit. to sit by D 1.248 (v.l. BB adisitva for aslditva, to<br />

be preferred?). — 2. to come or go near, to approach<br />

(w. ace), to get (to) A 111.69 (asivisaq), 373 (na sadhurupaq<br />

aside, should perhaps be read without the na); J<br />

IV.56. — 3. to knock against, insult, offend attack J v.<br />

267 (Pot. Sside = pharusa-vacanehe kayakammena va<br />

gbattento upagaccheyya C). — pp. asanna (q. v.). See<br />

also asajja, asajjana, asada & Caus. 3sadeti,<br />

Asina (adj.) [pp. of as, see asati] sitting S 1.195 =^ Nd'^<br />

136; Sn 1105, 1 136; Dh 227, 386; J 1.390; 111.9s; V.<br />

340; VI. 297 ; Davs 11.17.<br />

Asiyati [etym. doubtful; Trenckner Miln p. 422 r= a + iya<br />

to freeze or dry up, but taken by him in meaning to<br />

thaw, to warm oneself; Miiller, F. Gr. 40 same with<br />

meaning "cool oneself"; Morris' J P T S. 1884, 72 as<br />

a + Sra or Sri to become ripe, come to perfection, evidently<br />

at fault because of §ra etc. not found in Sk. More<br />

likely as a Pass, formation to be referred to a -f- Si as<br />

in asaya, i. e. to abide etc.] to have one's home, one's<br />

abode or support in (loc), to live in, thrive by means<br />

of, to depend on Miln 75 (kaddame jayati udake asiyati<br />

i. e. the lotus is born in the mud and is supported or<br />

thrives by means of the water).<br />

Asivisa Derivation uncertain. <strong>The</strong> BSk. aslvisa (c. g. Jtm<br />

31''') is a Sanskritisation of the <strong>Pali</strong>. To suppose this to<br />

come from ahi -\- visa (snake's poison) would give a<br />

wrong meaning, and leave unexplained the change from<br />

ahi to asi] a snake Vin 1V.108; S IV.172; A u.iio; ill.<br />

69; J 1.245; "274; 1V.30, 496; V.82, 267; Pug 48; Vism<br />

470 (in comp.); DhA 1.139; 11.8, 38; SnA 334,458,465;<br />

VvA 30S.<br />

Asisana see aslijsana.<br />

ASU expletive particles assu^ J V.241 (v.l. assu; nipaitamattaq<br />

Cp. 243).<br />

Asui)<br />

3'''' pl- aor. of atthi.<br />

Asumbhati (& AsumliatI) [a -f Sumbh to glide] to bring<br />

to fall, throw down or round, sling round Vin lv.263,<br />

Vv 50" (°itvana); J UI.435 (aor. asumhi, gloss khipi).<br />

265 ;<br />

Asevatl [a + sev] to frequent, visit; to practise, pursue,<br />

indulge, enjoy A i.io; Sn 73 (cp. Nd' 94); Ps U.93<br />

(maggaq). — pp. asevita.<br />

Asevana (nt.) & asevana (f.) [fr. asevati] — 1. practice,<br />

pursuit, indulgence in Vin Hi 17; PvA 45. — 2. succession,<br />

repetition Dhs 1 367 ; Kvu 510 (cp. trsL 294, 362); Vism 538.

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