The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Asana IIS Asa<br />

DhA 11.31 (dhamm° the preacher's seat or throne); SnA<br />

401 ; PvA i6, 23, 141.<br />

-abhibara gift or distinction of the seat J 1.81. -tlpagata<br />

endowed with a seat, sitting down Sn 708 (= nisinna<br />

SnA 495). -pannapaka one who appoints seats Vin<br />

11.305. -patikkhitta one who rejects all seats, or objects<br />

to sitting down D 1.167; A 1.296; 11,206; Pug 55. -sala<br />

a hall with seating accommodation Vism 69; DhA 11.<br />

65; IV.46.<br />

Asanaka (nt.) [asana -|- ka] a small seat Vv i'.<br />

Asanika (adj.) [fr. asana] having a seat; in ek° sitting by<br />

oneself Vism 69.<br />

Asandi (f.) [fr. a -)- sad] an extra long chair, a deck-chair<br />

Vin 1.192; 11.142, 163, 169, 170; D 1.7 (:= pamanatikkant'<br />

asanai] DA 1.86), 55 =r M 1.515 = S 111.307 (used<br />

as a bier) A 1.181; J 1. 108. See note at Dia/, l.ll.<br />

Asandlka (f.) fr. Slsandi] a small chair or tabouret Vin 11.<br />

149; KhA 44.<br />

Asanna (adj.) [pp. of a + sad, see asldati] near (cp. asajja'),<br />

opp. dura J II. 154; DhA 11 91; PvA 42, 243.<br />

Asappana (fr.) [fr. + srp] !''• "creeping on to", doubt,<br />

mistrust, always coinbd- with parisappana Nd^ i ; Dhs<br />

1004 (trsl. "evasion", cp. £>/is irsl. p 116), 1 1 18, 1235;<br />

DA 1.69.<br />

Asabha [the guna- and compn form of usabha, corresponding<br />

to Sk. arsabha > rsabha, see usabha] (in comp") a bull,<br />

peculiar to a bull, bull-like, fig. a man of strong & eminent<br />

qualities, a hero or great man, a leader, thus in tar° Sn<br />

687; nar° Sn 6S4, 696; asabha-camma bull's hide J vi.<br />

453 (v. 1. usabha').<br />

-tthana (as asabhanthana) "bull's place", first place,<br />

distinguished position, leadership M 1.69; S 11.27; A 11.<br />

(C. settha-Uhana uttama-tthana); ill. 9; v.33 sq. ; DA r.<br />

31<br />

; KhA 104.<br />

Asabhin (adj )<br />

[fr. asabha] bull-like, becoming to a bull,<br />

lordly, majestic, imposing, bold; only in phrase °r] vacaij<br />

bhasati "speak the lordly word" D 11.15, 82; M 111.123J<br />

J 1.53! DA 1. 91; cp. Davs 1.28 (niccharayi vacar) asabhiij).<br />

Asamana (adj.) [ppr. of asaqsati or asiqsati, for the usual<br />

earlier asasana] wishing, desiring, hoping, expecting Vv<br />

84' (kiq a = kiq paccasiq santo VvA 336); Pv IV. i^*<br />

(== asir|samana patlhayamana PvA 226).<br />

Asaya [a + 4i, cp. in similar meaning & derivation anusaya.<br />

<strong>The</strong> semantically related Sk. asraya from a + ill is in<br />

P. represented by assaya. Cp. also BSk. asayatah intentionally,<br />

in earnest Divy 281; Av. S II 161] — I. abode,<br />

haunt, receptacle; dependence on, refuge, support, condition<br />

S 1.38; Vin III. 151; J 11.99; ^'''d 257; VvA 60;<br />

PvA 210; jal" river VvA 47; Pgdp 80; adj. depending<br />

on, living in (— ") Miln 317; Ndi 362 (bil°, dak° etc.).<br />

See also amasaya, pakkasaya. — 2. (fig.) inclination, intention,<br />

will, hope; often combd- & compared with anusaya<br />

(inclination, hankering, disposition), e. g. at Ps i.<br />

133; II. 158; Vbh 340; Vism 140 (°posana); PvA 197.<br />

Sn.\ 182 (°vipatli), 314 (°suddhi), KhA 103 ("sampatti).<br />

Cp. nirasaya. — 3. outflow, excretion Pv III. 5' (gabbh"<br />

= gabbha-mala PvA 198); Vism 344.<br />

Asayati [a -f<br />

asaya ^ Ger.<br />

gi; lit. "lie on", cp. Ger. anliegen & Sk.<br />

Angelegenheit] to wish, desire, hope, intend<br />

J 1V.291 (grd. asayana, gloss esamana). See asaya.<br />

Asava [fr. a -|- sni, would corresp. to a Sk. *asrava, cp.<br />

Sk. asrava. <strong>The</strong> BSk. asrava is a (wrong) sankrilisation<br />

of the <strong>Pali</strong> asava, cp. Divy 391 & ksloasrava] that which<br />

flows (out or on to) outflow & influx, i. spirit, the in-<br />

toxicating extract or secretion of a tree or flower. O. C.<br />

in Vin iv.iio (four kinds); B. on D III. 182 (five kinds)<br />

DhsA 48; KhA 26; J<br />

;v.222; VI.9. — 2. discharge from<br />

a sore, A 1.124, 127 = Pug 30. — 3. in psychology,<br />

t.t. for certain specified ideas which intoxicate the mind<br />

(bemuddle it, befoozle it, so that it cannot rise to<br />

higher things). Freedom from the "Asavas" constitutes<br />

Arahantship, & the fight for the extinction of these asavas<br />

forms one of the main duties of man. On the difficulty<br />

of translating the terra see CfJ. 227. See also discussion<br />

of term asava (= asavanti ti asava) at DhsA 48 (cp.<br />

Expositor pp. 63 sq.). See also Cfd. 227 sq., & especially<br />

Dhs Irsl. 291 sq. — <strong>The</strong> 4 asavas are kam°, bhav°,<br />

ditth°, avijj°, i. e. sensualily, rebirth (lust of life), speculation<br />

and ignorance. — <strong>The</strong>y are mentioned as such<br />

at D 11.81, 84, 91, 94, 98, 123, 126; A 1. 165 sq., 196;<br />

11.211; 111.93, 414; IV.79; Ps 1.94, 117; Dhs 1099, 1448;<br />

Nd2 134; Nett 31, 114 sq. — <strong>The</strong> set of 3, which is<br />

probably older (kama°, bhava°, avijja") occurs at M 155;<br />

A 1.165; m.4i4; S IV.256; V.56, 189; It 49; Vbh 364.<br />

For other connections see Vin 1. 14 (.inupadaya asavehi<br />

cittSni viinuccirjsu), 17, 20, 182; 11.202; in. 5 ("samudaya,<br />

°nirodha etc.); D 1.83, 167; 111.78, 108, 130, 220, 223,<br />

230, 240, 283; M 1.7 sq., 23, 35, 76, 219, 279, 445<br />

("thaniya); 11.22; 111.72, 277; S 11.187 sq. (°ehi cittai)<br />

vimucci); 111.45 (id); iv.107 (id.), 20; v.8, 28, 410; A<br />

1.85 sq. (vaddhanti), 98, 165 (°samudaya, °nirodha etc.),<br />

187; II. 154 (°ehi ciltai] vimuttaq), 196; 111.21, 93 (°samudaya,<br />

"nirodha etc.), 245, 387 sq., 410, 414; iv.13, 146<br />

(°pariyadana end of the a.), 161 (°vighata-pari|aha); v.70,<br />

237; Th 2, 4, 99, loi (pahasi asave sabbe); Sn 162,<br />

374, 535 (pl- asavani), 546, 749, 915, iioo; Dh 93,<br />

253, 292; Nd' 331 (pubb°); Vbh 42, 64, 426; Pug 11,<br />

13, 27, 30 sq.; Miln 419; DhsA 48; ThA 94, 173; KhA<br />

26; DA 1224; Sdhp 1 ; Pgdp 65 (piyasava-sura, meaning?).<br />

Referring specially to the cxiinclion<br />

asavas & 10 Arahanlship following as<br />

(kbaya) of<br />

a result are<br />

the<br />

the<br />

foil, passages: (1) asavanar; khaya D 1.156; S 1129,<br />

214; 11157, 96 sq, 152 sq ; IV.105, 175; V.92, 203,<br />

220, 271, 284; A 1.107 sq., 123 sq., 232 sq., 273, 291;<br />

II.6, 36, 44 sq., 149 sq., 214; HI 69, 114, 131, 202, 306,<br />

319 sq.; IV 83 sq., 119, 140sq, 3I4sq.; v.lo sq, 36, 69, 94<br />

sq, 105, 132. 174 sq, 343 sq.; It 49; Pug 27, 62; Voh<br />

334, 344; Vism 9; DA 1.224; cp. "parikkhaya A v 343<br />

sq. See also arahalta formula C. — (2) kbinasava (adj.)<br />

one whose Asavas are destroyed (see khina) S 1.13, 48,<br />

53, 146; 1183, 239; 111.199, '28, 178; IV.217; A 177,<br />

109, 241, 266; IV.120, 224, 370 sq.; V.40, 253 sq ; Ps<br />

II 173; cp. parikkhina asava A IV. 418, 434, 451 sq.;<br />

asavakhina Sn 370. — (3) anasava (adj.) one who is<br />

free from the asavas, an Arahant Vin II 148 = 164; D<br />

III.112; S 1130; II 214, 222; 111.83; IV.128; A 1.81, 107<br />

sq, 123 sq., 273, 291; 11.6, 36, 87, 146; III 19, 29, 114,<br />

166; IV.98, 140 sq., 314 sq., 400; A V.io sq . 36, 242,<br />

340; Sn 1105, 1133; Dh 94, 126, 386; Th l.ioo; It<br />

75; Ndi 44; Pv 11.6"; Pug 27; Vbh 426; Dhs 11 01, 1451 ;<br />

VvA 9. Cp. nirasava ThA 148. — Opp. sasava S 11147;<br />

V.232; A 1.81; V242; Dhs 990; Nett 10; Vism 13, 438.<br />

Asavati [a + sru, cp. Sk. asravali ; its doublet is assavati]<br />

to flow towards, come to, occur, happen Nett 1 16.<br />

Asasana [either grd. for "iisaysana or contracted form of<br />

ppr, med. of asaqsati (= asiijsali) for *asar)samana] hoping,<br />

wishing, desiring, longing for Sn 369 (an"; SnA 365 however<br />

reads asaySna), 1090; Th 2, 528; J iv.18 (= asiij-<br />

santo C), 381; V.391 (= asiijsanto C). See anasasana,<br />

asagsati, asamana & asayana.<br />

Asa (f.) [cp. Sk, asah f,] expectation, hope, wish, longing,<br />

desire ; adj. asa (— °) longing for, anticipating, desirous<br />

of Vin 1255 ("avacchedika hope-destroying), 259; D 11.<br />

206; 111.88; M 111.138 (asaq karoti); A 1 86 (dve asa),<br />

107 (vigat-aso one whose longings have gone); Sn 474,

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