The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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5.yatana 1 06 5.yuta<br />

Nd> 109, 133, 171, 340; J 1.381 (paripunna°); Vbh<br />

412 sq. (id.).<br />

-uppada birth of the ayatanas (see above 3) Vin 1.185.<br />

-kusala skilled in the a. M in. 63. -kusalata skill in<br />

the spheres (of sense) D III. 212; Dhs 1335. -ttha founded<br />

in the sense-organs Ps 1.132: II. 121.<br />

Ayatanika (adj.) [fr. ayatana] belonging to the sphere of<br />

(some special sense, see ayatana 3) S IV.126 (phass°<br />

niraya & sagga).<br />

Ayatl (f.) [fr. a + yam, cp. Sk. gyati] "stretching forth",<br />

extension, length (of time), future. Only (?) in ace. aya-<br />

tii] (adv.) in future Vin 11.89, '85; "1-3; Sn 49; It 115<br />

(T. reads ayati<br />

J 189; V.43I;<br />

but cp. p. 94 where T. ayatir),<br />

DA 1236.<br />

v. 1. ayati);<br />

Ayatika (adj.) [fr. last] future S 1.142.<br />

Ayatika (f.) [of ayataka] a tube, waterpipe Vin II. 123.<br />

Ayatta [Sk. ayatta, pp. of 3 -f- yat]. — 1. striving, active,<br />

ready, exerted J<br />

v. 395 ("mana = ussukkamana C). —<br />

2. striven after, pursued J 1. 341. — 3. dependent on<br />

Vism 310 (assasa-passasa°); Nett 194; Sdhp 477, 605.<br />

Ayana (f.) [?] at DhsA 259 and Vism 26 is a grammarian's<br />

construction, abstracted from f. abstr. words ending in<br />

°ayana, e. g. kankha > kankhayana, of which the correct<br />

expl"- is a derivation fr. caus.-formation kankhayati ><br />

kankhay -|- a -)- na. What the idea of Bdhgh. was in<br />

propounding his expl". is hard to say, perhaps he related<br />

it to i and understood it to be the same as ayana.<br />

Ayamati [a 4- yam] to stretch, extend, stretch out, draw<br />

out Miln 176, usually in ster. phrase pitthi me agilayati<br />

tarn aharj ayamissami "my back feels weak, I will stretch<br />

it" Vin 11.200; D III. 209; M 1.354; S IV. 184; J 1.491. —<br />

Besides this in commentaries e. g. J 111.489 (mukhai)<br />

ayamitui]).<br />

Ayasa (adj.) [Sk. ayasa, of ayas iron] made of iron S 11.<br />

182; A 111.58; Dh 345; J IV.416; V.81; Vv 845 (an°?<br />

cp. the rather strange expl"- at VvA 335).<br />

Ayasakya (nt.) dishonour, disgrace, bad repute A IV.96<br />

J V.17; VvA no; usually in phrase °IJ papunati to fall<br />

into disgrace Th i, 292; J 11,33 = 271; III. 514. [Bdhgh.<br />

on A IV.96 explains it as ayasaka + ya with guna of the<br />

initial, cp. arogya].<br />

Ayasmant (adj.) [Sk. ayusmant, the P. form showing assimilation<br />

of u to a] lit. old, i. e. venerable ; used, either<br />

as adj. or absolute as a respectful appellation of a bhikkhu<br />

of some standing (cp. the semantically identical thera). It<br />

occurs usually in nom. ayasma and is expld- in Nd by<br />

typical formula "piya-vacanaq garu°, sagarava-sappatissadhivacanar)",<br />

e. .g. Nd' 140, 445; Nd'^ 130 on var.<br />

loci (e.g. 814, 1032, 1040, 1061, 1096). — Freq. in<br />

Sn<br />

all<br />

texts, of later passages see SnA 158; PvA 53, 54, 63,<br />

78. — See also ayuso.<br />

Ayaga [a -\- yaga of yaj] sacrificial fee, gift ; (m.) recipient<br />

of a sacrifice or gift (deyyadhamma) Sn 486 (=: deyyadhammanar)<br />

adhitthana-bhuta SnA 412); Th i, 566; J VI.<br />

205 (°vatthu worthy objact of sacrificial fees).<br />

AyaCaka (adj.-n.) [fr. a + yac] one who begs or prays,<br />

petitioner Miln 129.<br />

Ayacati [S + yac, cp. Buddh. Sk. ayacate Divy I.] — I. to<br />

request, beg, implore, pray to (ace.) Vin 111.127; D 1.240;<br />

PvA 160. — 2. to make a vow, to vow, promise A I.<br />

88; J 1. 169 = V.472; 1.260; 11.1x7. — PP- ayacita (q. v.).<br />

Ayacana (nt.) [fr. ayacati] — I. asking, adhortation, addressing<br />

(t. t. g. in expln- of imperative) SnA 43, 176,<br />

412. — 2. a vow, prayer A 1.88; 111.47; J 1.169 = v.472.<br />

Ayacita [pp. of ayacati] vowed, promised J 1.169 ("bhattajataka,<br />

N.).<br />

Ayata [pp. of ayat. ; cp. BSk. ayata in same meaning at<br />

Jtm 210] gone to, undertaken Sdhp 407.<br />

Ayati [a -f yati of ya] to come on or here, to come near,<br />

approach, get into .S 1.240; Sn 669; Sn p. 116 (= gacchati<br />

SnA 463); J iv.410; Pv 11.12'^ (= agacchati Pv.\<br />

158); Dh.A. 1.93 (imper. ayama let us go). — pp. ayata.<br />

Ayana (nt.) [fr. a -f- ya to go] coming, arrival: see ayana.<br />

Ayama [fr. a + yam, see ayamati] — I. (lit.) stretching,<br />

stretching out, extension Vin 1.349 = ) 111.488 (mukh°).<br />

2. (appl.) usually as linear measure: extension, length<br />

(often comb

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