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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Apadeti 103 Abhidosika<br />

one's life, cp. addhanar) Spadi J 11.293 = jivil'addhanai)<br />

apadi ayui) vindi C); SnA 466. — Cp. pari".<br />

Apatha [elym.? Trenckner, Miln p. 428 says: "I suspect a.<br />

to be corrupted from apata (cp. apatati), under an impres-<br />

sion that it is allied to patha; but it is scarcely ever written<br />

so"] sphere, range, focus, field (of consciousness or perception<br />

; cp. Dhs Irsl. 199), appearance A 11.67; J '-336;<br />

Vbh 321; Miln 298; Vism 21, 548; DA 1.228; DhsA 308,<br />

333; VvA 2}2 (°kala); DhA iv.85; Sdhp 356. L'sually<br />

in phrase apathar] gacchati to come into focus, to become<br />

clear, to appear M 1.190; S 1V.160, or °r) agacchati Vin<br />

1. 184; A 111.377 sq.; IV.404; Vism 125. Cp. °gata below.<br />

-gata come into the sphere of, appearing, visible M 1.174<br />

^= Nd2 jhana (an° unapproached); PvA 23 (apathaq gata).<br />

-gatatta abstr. fr. last: appearance Vism 617.<br />

Apathaka (adj.) [fr. apatha] belonging to the (perceptual)<br />

sphere of, visible, in "nisadin lying down visible D<br />

111.44, 47. Cp. apathaka.<br />

Apana (nt.) [fr. a + pa] drinking ; drinking party, banquet<br />

banqueting-hall, drinking-hall J 1. 52 C^mandala); v.292<br />

(°bhumi); Vism 399 (id.); DhA 1.213 (id., raiiiio).<br />

Apanaka (adj.) [apana + ka] drinking, one who is in the<br />

habit of drinking U 1. 1 67.<br />

Apaniya (adj.) [fr. apana, a + pa] drinkable, fit for drinking<br />

or drinking with, in °kar)sa drinking-bowl, goblet M 1.<br />

316; S II. no.<br />

Apayika (adj.-n.) [fr. apaya] one suffering in an apaya or<br />

state of misery after death Vin 11.202 ^= It 85 (v. 1. ap")<br />

Vin 11.205; D 1. 103; A 1.265; It 42; Vism 16; PvA 60.<br />

Apiyati [fr. cp. appayati & appeti] to be in motion (in<br />

r,<br />

etym. of apo) Vism 364.<br />

ApUCChati [5 +<br />

pucchati] to enquire after, look for, ask,<br />

esp. to ask permission or leave; aor. apucchi 1. J 140;<br />

PvA no; grd. apucchitabba DhA 1.6; ger. apucchitva<br />

Vin IV.267 (apaloketva -f-); Miln 29; PvA iii;apucchituna<br />

(cp. Geiger § 211) Th 2, 426; apuccha Th 2, 416,<br />

& apuccha [=r aprcchya, cp. Vedic acya for acya], only in<br />

neg. form an° without asking Vin ii.2li, 219; 1V.165, 226<br />

(= anapaloketva) ; DhA 1.81. — pp. apucchita Vin iv.272.<br />

Apuratl [a + purati] to be filled, to become full, to increase<br />

J 111.154 (cando a. := purati C); IV.26, 99, 100.<br />

Apeti [Cans, of ap, see appoti & papunati] to cause to<br />

reach or obtain J vi.46. Cp. vy".<br />

AphUSati [a + phusati] to feel, realise, attain to, reach<br />

aor. aphusi Vv l69 (^ adhigacchi VvA 84).<br />

Abaddha [pp. of abandhati] tied, bound, bound up DA I.<br />

127; fig. bound to, attached to, in love with DhA 1.88;<br />

PvA 82 (Tissaya °sineha); Sdhp 372 (sineh, °hadaya).<br />

Abandhaka (adj.) [a + bandh, cp. Sk. abandha tie, bond]<br />

(being) tied to (loc.) PvA 169 (sise).<br />

Abandhati (a -f bandhati, Sk. abadhnaii, bandh] to bind<br />

to, tie, fasten on to, hold fast; fig. to tie to, to attach<br />

to, J 1V.132, 289; V.319, 338, 359. — pp. abaddha.<br />

Abandhana (nt.) [fr. a + bandh] — i. tie, bond DA i.<br />

181 = Pug A 236 ("althena fiati yeva nati-parivatto). —<br />

2. tying, binding Vism 351 (°lakkhana, of apodhatu). —<br />

3. reins (?) or harness (on a chariot) J V.319 (but cp. C.<br />

expln- "hatthi-assa-rathesu abandhitabbani bhandakSni",<br />

thus taking it as a -f- bhanda + na, i.e. wares, loads etc.).<br />

With this cp. Sk. abandha, according to Halayudha 2,<br />

420 a thong of leather which fastens the oxen to the<br />

yoke of a plough.<br />

Abadha [a 4- badh to oppress, Vedic abadha oppression]<br />

afiliction, illness, disease Vin IV. 261; D 1.72; 11.13; A.<br />

1.121; iit.94, 143; IV.333, 415 sq., 440; Dhi38; Pug 28<br />

Vism 41 (udara-vata°) 95; VvA 351 (an° safe & sound);<br />

SnA 476; Sdhp 85. — A list of abadhas or illnesses, as<br />

classified on grounds of aetiology, runs as follows: pittasarautthana,<br />

semha", vata°, sannipatika, utu-parinamaja,<br />

visama-pariharaja, opakkainika, kammavipakaja (after Nd'^<br />

304'c, recurring with slight variations at S iv.23o; A<br />

11.87; i".i3i; v.iio; Nd' 17, 47; Miln 112, cp. 135). —<br />

Another list of illnesses mentioned in tha Vinaya is given<br />

in Index to Vin 11., p. 351. — Five abaJhas at Vin i.<br />

71, viz. kutthai) gando kilaso soso apamaro said to be<br />

raging in Magadha cp. p. 93. — Three abadhas at D<br />

111.75, v'^- iccha anasanaq jara, cp. Sn 311. — See also<br />

cpd. appabadha (health) under appa.<br />

Abadhika (adj.-n.) [fr. abadha] affected with illness, a sick<br />

person A 111.189, 238; Nd' l6o; Miln 302; DA 212;<br />

DhA 1.31; PvA 271. — f. abadhikini a sick woman<br />

A 11.144.<br />

Abadhita [pp. of abadheti, Caus. of a + badh] afflicted,<br />

oppressed, molested Th I, 185.<br />

Abadheti [a + Caus. of badh, cp. abadha] to oppress,<br />

vex, annoy, harass S iv.329.<br />

Abila (adj.) [Sk. avila; see also P. avila] turbid, disturbed,<br />

soiled J v.go.<br />

Abhata [pp. of a + bharati from bhf] brought (there or<br />

here), carried, conveyed, taken D 1. 142; S 1.65; A 11.83<br />

(for yathabhutai)?); Pv 111.5* (''^tt" = rattiyaq a. PvA<br />

199); DhA 11.57, 81; IV.89; VvA 65.<br />

Abhataka (adj.) = abhata ; DA 1.205 (v-'- abhata).<br />

Abharaoa (nt.) [Sk. abharana, a + bhf] that which is taken<br />

up or put on, viz. ornament, decoration, trinkets D I.<br />

104; Vv 8o2; J iii.ii, 31; DhA 111.83; VvA 187.<br />

Abharati [a + bhf] to bring, to carry; ger. abhatva J iv.351.<br />

Abhassara (adj.-n) [etym. uncertain; one suggested in Cpd.<br />

138 D. 4 is a 4- *bha + 'sar, i.e. from whose bodies<br />

are emitted rays like lightning, more probably a combo-<br />

of abha -|- svar (to shine, be bright), i. e. shining in<br />

splendour] shining, brilliant, radiant, N. of a class of gods<br />

in the Brahma heavens "the radiant gods", usually referrad<br />

to as the representatives of supreme love (piti & metta);<br />

thus at D 1.17; Dh 200; It 15; DhA 111.258 (°loka). In<br />

another context at Vism 414 sq.<br />

Abha (f.) [Sk. abha, fr. a -f bhS, see abhati] shine, splendour,<br />

lustre, light D 11.12; M 111.147 (adj. —'); S 11.150 ("dhatu);<br />

A 11.130, 139; 111.34; Mhvs XI. 11; VvA 234 (of a Vimana,<br />

v. 1. pabha); DhA iv.191; Sdhp 286.<br />

Abhati [a + bha] to shine, shine forth, radiate Dh 387<br />

(= virocati DhA IV.144); J V.204. See also abbeti.<br />

Abhavetl [a + bhaveti] to cultivate, pursue Pv 11.13'" (mettaciltaij;<br />

gloss & v. I. abhavetva; expl''- as vaddhetva<br />

bruhetva PvA 168).<br />

Abhasa [Sk. abhasa, fr. a + bhas] splendour, light, appearance<br />

M 11.215; 111.215.<br />

Abhicetaslka (adj.) See abhicetasika. This spelling, with<br />

guna of the first syllable, is probably more correct; but<br />

the short a is the more frequent.<br />

Abhidosika (adj.) [abhidos -f- 'ka] belonging to the evening<br />

before, of last night Vin 111.15 (of food; stale); M 1.170<br />

(°kalakata died last night); Miln 291.

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