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The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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A' (iodecl.) [Vedic a, prep, with ace, loc, abl., meauing<br />

'to, towards", & also 'from". Grig, an emphatic-deictic<br />

A°<br />

part. (Idg. »e) = Gr. ? surely, really; Ohg. -a etc., increment<br />

of a (Idg. *e), as in Sk. a-sau ; Gr. ixi7 (cp. a'),<br />

see Brugmann, A^Mrzc l^erg/. Gr. 464, 465] a frequent<br />

prefix, used as well-defined simple base-prefix (with root-<br />

derivations), but not as modification (i. e. first part of a<br />

double prefix cpd. like sam-a-dhi) except in<br />

a-ni-sai)sa (which is doubtful & of diff. origin,<br />

one<br />

viz.<br />

case<br />

from<br />

comb". asar)sa-nisai)sa, see below 3b). It denotes either<br />

/oiu/i (contact) or a personal (close) relation to the object<br />

(a ti anussaran' atthe nipato PvA 165), or the aim<br />

of the action expressed in the verb. — (l.) As/ri'/. c. abl.<br />

only in J in<br />

(a sahassehi<br />

meaning "up to,<br />

=: yijva s. C),<br />

until, about, near" J vi.192<br />

prob. a late development.<br />

As pit/, in meaning 'forth, out, to, towards, at, on" in<br />

foil, applications : — (a) aim in general or iouc/i in particular<br />

(lit.), e. g. akaddhati pull to, along or up ; °kasa<br />

shining forth; °koteti knock ar, "gacchati go towards;<br />

°camati rin?e over; "<strong>net</strong>i bring towards, aif-dace; "bha<br />

shining forth; "bhujati bend in; °masati touch at; °yata<br />

stretched out; "rabhati aC-tempt; °rohana a-scending; °laya<br />

hanging on; °loketi look at; "vattati ad-vert; °vahati<br />

bring to; "vasa dwelling at; °sadeti touch; "sidati sit by;<br />

"hanati strike at. — (b) in reflexive function: close rela-<br />

tion to subject or person actively concerned, e. g. adati<br />

take on or up (to oneself); °dasa looking at, mirror;<br />

°dhara support; "nandati rejoice; "nisarjsa sul>jective gain;<br />

°badha being affected; "modita pleased; °rakkha guarding;<br />

°radhita satisfied; °rama (personal) delight in; "lingati<br />

embrace (to oneself); °hara taking to (oneself). — (c) in<br />

transitive function : close relation to the object passively<br />

concerned, e.g. aghalana killing; °carati indulge in; °cikkhati<br />

point ont, explain; °jiva living on; "napeti give an<br />

order to somebody ; "disati point out to some one ; °bhindati<br />

cut; °manteti ad-dress; "yacati pray to; "roceti speak<br />

to; sincati besprinkle; "sevati indulge in. — (d) out of<br />

meaning (a) develops that of an intensive-frequentative<br />

prefix in sense of "all-round, completely, very much",<br />

e.g. akinna strewn all over; "kula mixed up; °dhuta<br />

moved about; "rava shouting out or very much; "lulati<br />

move about ; "hindati roam about. — 2. Affinities. Closely<br />

related in meaning and often interchanging are the foil.<br />

prep, (prefixes): anu ("bhati), abhi ("saqsati), pa ("lapati),<br />

pati ("kankhati) in meaning I a— c; and vi (°kirali,<br />

°ghata, °cameti, °lepa, "lopa), sam (°tapati, °dassati) in<br />

meaning i d. See also 3''. — 3. Combinations: (a) Intensifying<br />

combns. of other modifying prefixes with a as base:<br />

anu -f a (anva-gacchati, "disati, "maddali, °rohati, °visati,<br />

"sanna, "hata), pati -J- a (pacca-janati, "ttharati, °dati, °sa-<br />

vali), pari + a (pariya-uata. °dati, °pajjati, °harati), sam -(-<br />

(sama-disati, "dana, "dhi, °pajjali, "rabhati). — (b) Con-<br />

trast-combns- with other pref. in a double cpd. of noun, adj.<br />

or verb (cp. above 2) in meaning of "up & down, in & out,<br />

to & fro"; a -f- D'. avedhika-nibbedhika, asaqsa-nisarjsa<br />

(contracted to anisar|sa), aisevita-nisevita; a-(-pa: assasati-<br />

passasati (where both terms are semantically alike; in<br />

exegesis however they have been differentiated in a way<br />

which looks like a distortion of the original meaning,<br />

viz. assasali is taken as 'breathing ouf\ passasati as<br />

"breathing ;»" : see Vism 271), assasa-passasa, amodilapamodita,<br />

ahuna-pahuna, ahuneyya-pahuneyya ; a + pacca:<br />

akotita-paccakotita; a -)- pari: akaddhana-parikaddhana,<br />

asankita-parisankita; a -|-vi: alokila-vilokita, avaha-vivaha,<br />

avethana-vinivethana; a -(-Sam: allapa-sallapa: a -(- sama:<br />

acinna-samaciniia. — 4. Before double consonants a is<br />

shortened to a and words containing a in this form are<br />

to be found under a°, e. g. akkamaija, akkhilta, acchadeti,<br />

anfiata, appoteti, allapa, assada.<br />

* guna or increment of a" in connection with such suffixes<br />

as -ya, -iya, -itta. So in ayasakya fr. ayasaka; aruppa<br />

from arupa; arogya fr, aroga; alasiya fr. alasa; adhipacca<br />

fr. adhipati; Sbhidosika fr. abbidosa etc.<br />

93<br />

Akara<br />

A°' of various other origins (guna e. g. of r or lengthening<br />

of ordinary root a°), rare, as alinda (for alinda), asabha<br />

(fr. usabha).<br />

A° * infix in repetition-cpds. denoting accumulation or vaiiety<br />

(by contrast with the opposite, cp. a' 31)), constitutes a<br />

guna- or increment-form of neg. pref. a (see a'), as in<br />

foil.: phaUphala all sorts of fruit (lit. what is fruit &<br />

not fruit) freq. in Jatakas, e.g. 1. 416; II. 160; 111.127;<br />

IV. 220, 307, 449; V.313; VI. 520; karanakaranani all<br />

sorts of duties J VI. 333; DhA 1.385: khandakbanda<br />

pele-mele J I 114; 111.256; gandaganda a mass of boils<br />

DhA 111.297; ciracirai) continually Vin iv.261 ; bhavabbava<br />

all kinds of existences Su 801, cp. Nd' 109; Nd'^<br />

664; Th I, 784 (°esu := mahant-amahantesu bh. C, see<br />

Brethren 305); ruparupa the whole aggregate ThA 285 ; etc.<br />

Akankhatl [a -f kank$, cp. kankhati] to wish for, think<br />

of, desire; intend, plan, design Vin 11.244 (°amana); D<br />

1.78, 176; S 1.46; Sn 569 (°amana); Sn p. 102 (= icchali<br />

SnA 436); DhA 1.29; SnA 229; VvA 149; PvA 229.<br />

Akankha f. [fr. a -|- kank$] longing, wish ; as adj. at Th<br />

I, 1030.<br />

Aka(J4hatl [a -|- kaddhati] to pull along, pull to (oneself),<br />

drag or draw out, pull up Vin 11.325 (Bdhgh. for apa-<br />

kassati, see under apakasati) ; iv.219; 1. J 172, 192, 417;<br />

Miln 102, 135; ThA 117 (°eti); VvA 226; PvA 68. —<br />

Pass, akaddhiyati 11. J 122 ("amana-locana with eyes drawn<br />

away or attracted); Miln 102; Vism 163; VvA 207<br />

("aniana-hadaya with torn heart). — pp. akaddbita.<br />

Aka(j(jlhana (nt.) [fr. akaddhati] drawing away or to, pulling<br />

out, distraction VvA 212 (°parikaddhana pulling about);<br />

DhsA 363; Miln 154 (°parikaddhana), 352. — As f.<br />

Vin III. 121.<br />

Aka(j(jhita [pp. of akaddheti] pulled out, dragged along;<br />

upset, overthrown J 111.256 (=: akkhitta^).<br />

Akantana(0 a possible reading, for the durakantana of<br />

the text at Th l, 1123, for which we might read durakantana.<br />

Akappa [cp. Sk. Skalpa a -|- kappa] I. attire, appearance,<br />

Vin 1.44 (an°) = 11.213; J 1. 505. — 2. deportment Dhs<br />

713 (a° gamanadi-akaro DhsA 321).<br />

-sampanna, suitably attired, well dressed, A 111.78; J<br />

IV. 542; an° sampanna, ill dressed, J 1.420.<br />

Akamplta [pp. of akampeti, Caus. of a -(- kamp] shaking,<br />

trembling Miln 154 (°hadaya).<br />

Akara [cp. Sk. akara] a mine, usually in cpd. ratan-akara<br />

a mine of jewels Th i, 1049; J 11. 414; vi. 459; Dpvs<br />

1. 18. — Cp. also Miln 356; VvA 13.<br />

Akassatl [a -f- kassati] to draw along, draw after, plough,<br />

cultivate Nd' 428.<br />

Akara [a-fkaroli, kf] "the (way of) making", i.e. (i)<br />

state, condition J 1.237 (avasan° condition of inhabita-<br />

bilily); II. 154 (patan° state of falling, labile equilibrium),<br />

cp. pann°. — (2) properly, quality, attribute D 1.76 (ana-<br />

vila sabb°-sampanna endowed with all good qualities, of<br />

a jewel); 11. 157 (°varupela); J 11.352 (sabb" paripunna<br />

altogether perfect in qualities). — (3) sign, appearance,<br />

form, D 1.17s; J '-266 (chaiak" sign of hunger); Miln<br />

24 (°ena by the sign of..); VvA 27 (therassa a. form<br />

of the Th.); PvA 90, 283 (ranSo a. the king's person);<br />

Sdhp 363. — (4) way, mode, manner, sa-akara in all<br />

their modes D 1. 13 = 82 = III. in ; J 1.266 (agaman° the<br />

mode of his coming). Esp. in instr. sg. & pi. with num.<br />

or pron. (in this way, io two ways etc.): chah'akSrehi in<br />

a sixfold manner Nd' 680 (cp. kSra^ehi in same sense);<br />

Nett 73, 74 (dvadasah'Skarehi); Vism 613 (navah'akSrehi<br />


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