The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net

The Pali Text Society's Pali-English dictionary - Tuninst.net


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Assad a 91 Ahai)<br />

Assada [S + sadiyali, SVad] taste, sweetness, enjoyment,<br />

satisfaclion D t.22 (vedanaoai) samudaya atthangama assada<br />

etc.); M 1.85; S 11.84 sq. Canupassin), 170 sq.; 111.27 sq.<br />

(Uo rupassa assado), 62, 102; iv.8 sq., 220; v. 193, 203<br />

sq.; A 1.50 Canupassin), 258, 260; II. 10; 111.447 ("ditthi)<br />

J 1.508; IV.113, Sn 448; Ps 1.139 sq., ("ditthi), 157;<br />

cp. l.io"; Pv 1V.62 (kam°); Vbh 368 ("ditthij- Nett 27<br />

sq.; Miln 38S ; Vism 76 (paviveka-ras^); Sdhp 37, 51.<br />

See also appassada under appa.<br />

Assadana (f) [cp. assada] sweetness, taste, enjoyment S<br />

I 124: Sn 447 (= sadubhava SnA 393).<br />

Assadetl [Denom. fr. assada] to taste S U.227 (labha-sakkarasilokaij);<br />

Vism 73 (paviveka-sukba-rasai)); DhA 1.318.<br />

Ass&raddha v. l. at It m for asaraddha.<br />

Assavin (adj.) [a -(- sru] only in an° not enjoying or<br />

finding pleasure, not intoricated Sn 853 (satiyesu a. =<br />

sata-vatthusa kSmagunesu tanha-santhava-virahita SnA 549).<br />

See also asava.<br />

Assasa [Sk. asvasa, a + ivas] l- (lit.) breathing, esp.<br />

breathing out (so Vism 272), exhalation, opp. to passasa<br />

inhalation, with which often combd or contrasted; thus<br />

as cpd. assasa-passasa meaning breathing (in & out), sign<br />

of life, process pf breathing, breatli D 11.157 = S 1.159 =<br />

Th I, 905; D III. 266; M 1.243; S 1.106; IV. 293; V.330,<br />

336, A IV.409; v.135^ J 11146; VI.82; Miln 31, 85;<br />

Vism 116, 197. — assasa in contrast with passasa at Ps<br />

1.95, 164 sq., 182 sq. — 2. (fig.) breathing easily, freely<br />

or quietly, relief, comfort, consolation, confidence M 1.64;<br />

S 11.50 (dhanima-vinaye) ; IV.254 (param-assasa-ppatta): A<br />

1.192; 111.297 sq. (dhamma-vinaye); iv.lSs; J VI. 309 (see<br />

assaltha*); Miln 354; PvA 104 (°malta only a little<br />

breathing space); Sdhp 299 (param'), 313.<br />

Assasaka (adj. n.) [fr. ass.asa] I. (cp. assasa l) having<br />

breath, breathing, in an° not able to draw breath Vin<br />

111.84; 'V.I 11. — 2. (cp. assasa'^) (m. & nt.) that which<br />

gives comfort iV relief, confidence, expectancy J 1.84; VI.<br />

150. Cp. next.<br />

ASSasika (adj.) [fr. assasa in meaning of assasa 2, cp.<br />

asiasaka 2] only in neg. an" not able to afford comfort,<br />

giving no comfort or security M 1.514; III. 30; J 11.298<br />

(= aiiilar) assasetur) asamatthataya na assasika). Cp. BSk.<br />

anasvasika in ster. phrase anitya adhruva anasvasika viparinamadharman<br />

Divy 207; Av. S. 139, 144; whereas<br />

the corresp. <strong>Pali</strong> equivalent runs anicca addhuva asassata<br />

(= appayuka) viparinama-dhamma thus inviting the conjecture<br />

that BSk. asvasika is somehow destorted out of<br />

P. asassata.<br />

AsSasin (adj.) [Sk. asvasin] reviving, cheering up, consoled,<br />

happy S IV.43 (an").<br />

Assaseti [Caus. of assasati] to console, soothe, calin, com-<br />

fort, satisfy J VI.190, 512; DhA 1.13.<br />

Assita (adj.) [Sk. asrita, a + pp. of Sri] dependent on,<br />

relying, supported by (ace); abiding, living in or on D<br />

11.255 ('ad°); Vv 50'" (slho va guhai) a.): Th I, 149<br />

(janai) ev' assito jano); Sdhp 401.<br />

Asslri (adj.) [a -f sirl] without splendour, having lost its<br />

brightness, in assiri viya khayati Nett 62 = Ud 79<br />

(which latter has sassar' iva, cp. C. on passage I.e.).<br />

ASSU' (nt.) [Vedic asru, Av. asru, Lith aszara, with etym.<br />

not definitely clear: see Walde, Lat. Wlh. under lacrima]<br />

a tear Vin 1.87 (assuui pavatleti to shed tears); S 11.282<br />

(id.); l)h 74; Th 2, 496 (cp. ThA 289): KhA 65; DhA<br />

1. 12 ("punna-<strong>net</strong>ta with eyes full of tears); 11.98; PvA 125.<br />

-dhara a shower of tears DhA iv 15 (pavatlcli to shed).<br />

-mukha (adj.) with tearful face [cp. BSk. airunnikha c. g.<br />

Jtni 3i'«] D 1.115, 141: Dh 67; Pug 56; DA 1.284;<br />

PvA 39. -mocana shedding of tears PvA 18.<br />

! freq.<br />

Assu' is y^ pi. pot. of atthi.<br />

Assu' (indecl.) [Sk. sma] expletive part, also used in emphatic<br />

sense of "surely, yes, indeed" Sn 231 (according to Faus-<br />

bbll, but preferably with P. T. S. ed. as tayas su for tay'<br />

assu, cp. KhA 188); Vv 32* (assa v. 1. SS) = VvA 135<br />

(assu ti nipata-mattaq). Perhaps we ought to take this<br />

assu' together with the foil, assu* as a modification 01<br />

ssu (see su'''). Cp. asu.<br />

Assu* part, for Sk svid (and sma?) see under su'. According<br />

to this view Fausbolls reading ken^ assu at Sn<br />

1032 is to be emended to kena ssu.<br />

Assuka (nt.) [assu' + ka] a tear Vin 11.289; Sn 691<br />

; Pv IV.5'.<br />

Assutavant (^dj.) [a -f- sutavant] one who has not heard<br />

ignorant M I.I, 8, 135; Dhs 1003, 1217, cp. Dhs trsl. 258.<br />

Aha' (indecl.) [cp. Sk. aha & P. aho; Germ, aha; Lat.<br />

ehem etc.] exclamation of surprise, consternation, pain etc.<br />

'oh! alas! woe!"'. Perhaps to be seen in cpd. '^kama<br />

miserable pleasures lit. "woe to these pleasures!") gloss<br />

at ThA 292 for T. kamakama of Th 2, 506 (expW- by<br />

C. as "aha ti lamaka-pariySyo"). See also ahaba.<br />

Aha- (— °) & Aho (°— ) (nt.) [Vedic ahan & ahas] a day.<br />

(i) °aha only in foil. cpds. & cases: inslr. ekdhena in<br />

one day J vi. 366; loc. tadahe on that (same) day PvA<br />

46; ace. katipahai) (for) some or several days J 1.152 etc.<br />

(kattpaha); sattahai] seven days, a week Vin 1.1; D 11.<br />

14 ; J<br />

IV. 2, and freq. ; anvahai) daily Davs iv.8. — <strong>The</strong><br />

initial a of ahai) (ace.) is elided after i, which often ap-<br />

pears lengthened: kati 'haij how many days? S 1.7;<br />

ekSha-dvi 'haq one or two days J 1.292 ; dviha-ti 'han two<br />

or three days J 11.103; ^vA 45; ekaha-dvl 'h' accayena<br />

after the lapse of one or two days J 1.253. — A doublet<br />

of aha is anha (through metathesis from ahan), which<br />

only occurs in phrases pubbanho & sayanba (q.v.); an<br />

adj. der. fr. aha is ''abika: see pancihika (consisting of<br />

5 days). — (2) aho^<br />

BSk. ahoratrai) Av. S.<br />

in cpd.<br />

1.209] ''^<br />

ahoratta (m. & nt.) [cp.<br />

aboratti (f.) day & night,<br />

occurring mostly in oblique cases and adverbially in ace.<br />

ahorattaij: M 1.417 ('anusikkhin); Dh 226 (id.; expl"*by<br />

diva ca rattiii ca tisso sikkha sikkhamana DhA in.<br />

324); Th 1, 145 (ahoratta accayanti); accaye); Pv 11.13'<br />

J lv.io8 ("anai)<br />

(')); ^'"'"^ 82 (ena). — aborattii] Dh<br />

387; J<br />

VI. 313 (v. I. BB for T. aho va rattii)).<br />

Ahaq (pron.) [Vedic ahar) ^= Av. azsm; Gr. £>-«(»); I.at. ego;<br />

Goth, ik, Ags. ic, Ohg. ih etc.] pron. of I" person "I".<br />

noin. sg. ahai) S 111235; A iv.53; Dh 222, 320; Sn<br />

172, 192, 685, 989, 1054, 1143; J 1.61; 11.159. — In<br />

pregnant sense (my ego, myself, I as the one & only,<br />

i. e. egotistically) in foil, phrases: yai) vadanti mama . .<br />

na te ahar) S 1.116, 123; ahai) .asmi "I am" (cp. ahaqkara<br />

below) S 1.129; "l^S, 128 sq.; IV. 203; A 11.212,<br />

215 sq.; Vism 13; ahai) pure ti "I am the first" Vv<br />

84«o (^ ahamaharikara ti VvA 351). — gen. dat. maybai)<br />

Sn 431, 479; J 1.279; "160, mama S 1.115; Sn 22, 23,<br />

341, 997; J 11.159, & mamar) S 1.116; Sn 253 (= mama<br />

C), 694, 982. — instr. maya Sn 135, 336, 557, 982;<br />

J 1.222, 279. — ace. mag Sn 356, 366, 425, 936; J 11.<br />

159; 111.26, & mamat) J 111.55, 394- — ^°^- "lay' Sn<br />

III 559; J<br />

188. <strong>The</strong> enclitic form the sg. is me, & functions<br />

in diff. cases, as gen. (Sn 983; J 11.159), ="=

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