CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server


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Glossary 705<br />

sliding window The method of flow control used by TCP, as well as several<br />

Data-Link layer protocols. This method places a buffer between the<br />

receiving application and the network data flow. The “window” available<br />

for accepting data is the size of the buffer minus the amount of data already<br />

there. This window increases in size as the application reads data from it and<br />

decreases as new data is sent. The receiver sends the transmitter announcements<br />

of the current window size, and it may stop accepting data until the<br />

window increases above a certain threshold.<br />

SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol: An industry standard serial encapsulation<br />

for point-to-point connections that supports only a single routed protocol,<br />

TCP/IP. SLIP is the predecessor to PPP. See also: PPP.<br />

SMDS Switched Multimegabit Data Service: A packet-switched, datagrambased<br />

WAN networking technology offered by telephone companies that<br />

provides high speed.<br />

SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol: A protocol used on the Internet to<br />

provide electronic mail services.<br />

SNA System <strong>Network</strong> Architecture: A complex, feature-rich, network<br />

architecture similar to the OSI reference model but with several variations;<br />

created by IBM in the 1970s and essentially composed of seven layers.<br />

SNAP Subnetwork Access Protocol: SNAP is a frame used in Ethernet,<br />

Token Ring, and FDDI LANs. Data transfer, connection management, and<br />

QoS selection are three primary functions executed by the SNAP frame.<br />

socket 1) A software structure that operates within a network device as a<br />

destination point for communications. 2) In AppleTalk networks, an entity<br />

at a specific location within a node; AppleTalk sockets are conceptually similar<br />

to TCP/IP ports.<br />

SONET Synchronous Optical <strong>Network</strong>: The ANSI standard for synchronous<br />

transmission on fiber-optic media, developed at Bell Labs. It specifies a<br />

base signal rate of 51.84Mbps and a set of multiples of that rate, known as<br />

Optical Carrier levels, up to 2.5Gbps.<br />

SP Switch Processor: Also known as a ciscoBus controller, it is a<br />

<strong>Cisco</strong> 7000 series processor module acting as governing agent for all<br />

CxBus activities.

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