CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server


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Glossary 689<br />

MBONE multicast backbone: The multicast backbone of the Internet, it is<br />

a virtual multicast network made up of multicast LANs, including point-topoint<br />

tunnels interconnecting them.<br />

MCDV Maximum Cell Delay Variation: The maximum two-point CDV<br />

objective across a link or node for the identified service category in an ATM<br />

network. The MCDV is one of four link metrics that are exchanged using<br />

PTSPs to verify the available resources of an ATM network. Only one<br />

MCDV value is assigned to each traffic class.<br />

MCLR Maximum Cell Loss Ratio: The maximum ratio of cells in an ATM<br />

network that fail to transit a link or node compared with the total number<br />

of cells that arrive at the link or node. MCDV is one of four link metrics that<br />

are exchanged using PTSPs to verify the available resources of an ATM network.<br />

The MCLR applies to cells in VBR and CBR traffic classes whose CLP<br />

bit is set to zero. See also: CBR, CLP, and VBR.<br />

MCR Minimum Cell Rate: A parameter determined by the ATM Forum for<br />

traffic management of the ATM networks. MCR is specifically defined for<br />

ABR transmissions and specifies the minimum value for the allowed cell rate<br />

(ACR). See also: ACR and PCR.<br />

MCTD Maximum Cell Transfer Delay: In an ATM network, the total of<br />

the maximum cell delay variation and the fixed delay across the link or node.<br />

MCTD is one of four link metrics that are exchanged using PNNI topology<br />

state packets to verify the available resources of an ATM network. There is<br />

one MCTD value assigned to each traffic class. See also: MCDV.<br />

MIB Management Information Base: Used with SNMP management software<br />

to gather information from remote devices. The management station<br />

can poll the remote device for information, or the MIB running on the<br />

remote station can be programmed to send information on a regular basis.<br />

MIP Multichannel Interface Processor: The resident interface processor on<br />

<strong>Cisco</strong> 7000 series routers, providing up to two channelized T1 or E1 connections<br />

by serial cables connected to a CSU. The two controllers are capable<br />

of providing 24 T1 or 30 E1 channel groups, with each group being introduced<br />

to the system as a serial interface that can be configured individually.<br />

mips millions of instructions per second: A measure of processor speed.

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