CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server


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686 Glossary<br />

learning bridge A bridge that transparently builds a dynamic database of<br />

MAC addresses and the interfaces associated with each address. Transparent<br />

bridges help to reduce traffic congestion on the network.<br />

LE ARP LAN Emulation Address Resolution Protocol: The protocol providing<br />

the ATM address that corresponds to a MAC address.<br />

leased lines Permanent connections between two points leased from the<br />

telephone companies.<br />

LEC LAN Emulation Client: Software providing the emulation of the Link<br />

layer interface that allows the operation and communication of all higherlevel<br />

protocols and applications to continue. The LEC client runs in all ATM<br />

devices, which include hosts, servers, bridges, and routers. The LANE client<br />

is responsible for address resolution, data transfer, address caching, interfacing<br />

to the emulated LAN, and driver support for higher-level services. See<br />

also: ELAN and LES.<br />

LECS LAN Emulation Configuration <strong>Server</strong>: An important part of emulated<br />

LAN services, providing the configuration data that is furnished upon<br />

request from the LES. These services include address registration for Integrated<br />

Local Management Interface (ILMI) support, configuration support<br />

for the LES addresses and their corresponding emulated LAN identifiers, and<br />

an interface to the emulated LAN. See also: LES and ELAN.<br />

LES LAN Emulation <strong>Server</strong>: The central LANE component that provides<br />

the initial configuration data for each connecting LEC. The LES typically is<br />

located on either an ATM-integrated router or a switch. Responsibilities of<br />

the LES include configuration and support for the LEC, address registration<br />

for the LEC, database storage and response concerning ATM addresses, and<br />

interfacing to the emulated LAN See also: ELAN, LEC, and LECS.<br />

link-state routing algorithm A routing algorithm that allows each router<br />

to broadcast or multicast information regarding the cost of reaching all its<br />

neighbors to every node in the internetwork. Link-state algorithms provide<br />

a consistent view of the network and are therefore not vulnerable to routing<br />

loops. However, this is achieved at the cost of somewhat greater difficulty in<br />

computation and more widespread traffic (compared with distance-vector<br />

routing algorithms). See also: distance-vector routing algorithm.

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