CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server


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28 Chapter 1 � Internetworking<br />

in the data field of the header, so we know what the upper-layer protocol is.)<br />

Here is the frame:<br />

Flags: 0x80 802.3<br />

Status: 0x02 Truncated<br />

Packet Length:64<br />

Slice Length: 51<br />

Timestamp: 12:42:00.592000 03/26/1998<br />

Destination: ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff Ethernet Broadcast<br />

Source: 00:80:c7:a8:f0:3d<br />

LLC Length: 37<br />

Dest. SAP: 0xe0 NetWare<br />

Source SAP: 0xe0 NetWare Individual LLC Sublayer<br />

Management Function<br />

Command: 0x03 Unnumbered Information<br />

SNAP Frame<br />

The SNAP frame has its own protocol field to identify the upper-layer protocol.<br />

This is really a way to allow an Ethernet_II frame to be used in an<br />

802.3 frame. Even though the following network trace shows a protocol<br />

field, it is really an Ethernet_II type (ether-type) field.<br />

Flags: 0x80 802.3<br />

Status: 0x00<br />

Packet Length:78<br />

Timestamp: 09:32:48.264000 01/04/2000<br />

802.3 Header<br />

Destination: 09:00:07:FF:FF:FF AT Ph 2 Broadcast<br />

Source: 00:00:86:10:C1:6F<br />

LLC Length: 60<br />

802.2 Logical Link Control (LLC) Header<br />

Dest. SAP: 0xAA SNAP<br />

Source SAP: 0xAA SNAP<br />

Command: 0x03 Unnumbered Information<br />

Protocol: 0x080007809B AppleTalk

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