CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server


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658 Glossary<br />

auxiliary port The console port on the back of <strong>Cisco</strong> routers that allows<br />

you to dial the router and make console configuration settings.<br />

B8ZS Binary 8-Zero Substitution: A line-code type, interpreted at the remote<br />

end of the connection, that uses a special code substitution whenever eight<br />

consecutive zeros are transmitted over the link on T1 and E1 circuits. This<br />

technique assures ones density independent of the data stream. Also known as<br />

bipolar 8-zero substitution. Contrast with: AMI. See also: ones density.<br />

backbone The basic portion of the network that provides the primary<br />

path for traffic sent to and initiated from other networks.<br />

back end A node or software program supplying services to a front end.<br />

See also: server.<br />

bandwidth The gap between the highest and lowest frequencies employed<br />

by network signals. More commonly, it refers to the rated throughput<br />

capacity of a network protocol or medium.<br />

baseband A feature of a network technology that uses only one carrier frequency,<br />

for example Ethernet. Also named “narrowband.” Compare with:<br />

broadband.<br />

Basic Management Setup Used with <strong>Cisco</strong> routers when in setup mode.<br />

Only provides enough management and configuration to get the router<br />

working so someone can telnet into the router and configure it.<br />

baud Synonymous with bits per second (bps), if each signal element represents<br />

one bit. It is a unit of signaling speed equivalent to the number of separate<br />

signal elements transmitted per second.<br />

B channel Bearer channel: A full-duplex, 64Kbps channel in ISDN that<br />

transmits user data. Compare with: D channel, E channel, and H channel.<br />

beacon An FDDI device or Token Ring frame that points to a serious<br />

problem with the ring, such as a broken cable. The beacon frame carries the<br />

address of the station thought to be down. See also: failure domain.<br />

BECN Backward Explicit Congestion Notification: BECN is the bit set by a<br />

Frame Relay network in frames moving away from frames headed into a congested<br />

path. A DTE that receives frames with the BECN may ask higher-level<br />

protocols to take necessary flow control measures. Compare with: FECN.

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