CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server


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18 Chapter 1 � Internetworking<br />

Switching and VLANs and are covered in Chapters 2 and 6, respectively.<br />

� Routers can provide Quality of Service (QoS) for specific types of network<br />

traffic.<br />

The Data Link Layer<br />

FIGURE 1.9 Data Link layer<br />

The Data Link layer ensures that messages are delivered to the proper device<br />

and translates messages from the <strong>Network</strong> layer into bits for the Physical<br />

layer to transmit. It formats the message into data frames and adds a customized<br />

header containing the hardware destination and source address.<br />

This added information forms a sort of capsule that surrounds the original<br />

message in much the same way that engines, navigational devices, and other<br />

tools were attached to the lunar modules of the Apollo project. These various<br />

pieces of equipment were useful only during certain stages of space flight and<br />

were stripped off the module and discarded when their designated stage was<br />

complete. Data traveling through networks is similar. Figure 1.9 shows the<br />

Data Link layer with the Ethernet and IEEE specifications. Notice in the figure<br />

that the IEEE 802.2 standard is used in conjunction with the other IEEE<br />

standards, adding functionality to the existing IEEE standards.<br />

You need to understand that routers, which work at the <strong>Network</strong> layer,<br />

do not care about where a host is located but only where networks are<br />

located. They also keep track of the best way to get to a remote network. The<br />

Data Link layer is responsible for uniquely identifying each device on a local<br />


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