CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server


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11. Config t<br />

Int bri0<br />

Dialer string 8358662<br />

12. Config t<br />

Int bri0<br />

Dialer load-threshold 125 either<br />

Dialer idle-timeout 180<br />

13. Config t<br />

Int bri0<br />

Hold-queue 75 in<br />

14. 1. Choose the interface.<br />

2. Set the IP address.<br />

3. Configure the encapsulation type.<br />

4. Link interesting traffic to the interface.<br />

5. Configure the number or numbers to dial.<br />

15. 1. Route to the destination network is determined.<br />

2. Interesting packets dictate a DDR call.<br />

3. Dialer information is looked up.<br />

4. Traffic is transmitted.<br />

Answers to the Written Lab 539<br />

5. Call is terminated when no more traffic is being transmitted over<br />

a link and the idle-timeout period ends.

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