CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server


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Hands-on Labs 527<br />

In my seminars I usually use a 2522 router as a frame switch, which provides<br />

10 serial connections. But, since it is possible you may only have some<br />

2501s, I have written this lab to work with three 2501 routers.<br />

1. Set the hostname, frame-relay switching command, and the<br />

encapsulation of each serial interface on the Frame Relay switch.<br />

Router#config t<br />

Router(config)#hostname RouterB<br />

RouterB(config)#frame-relay switching<br />

RouterB(config)#int s0<br />

RouterB(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay<br />

RouterB(config-if)#int s1<br />

RouterB(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay<br />

2. Configure the Frame Relay mappings on each interface. You do not<br />

have to have IP addresses on these interfaces, as they are only switching<br />

one interface to another with Frame Relay frames.<br />

RouterB(config-if)#int s0<br />

RouterB(config-if)#frame-relay route 102 interface<br />

Serial1 201<br />

RouterB(config-if)#frame intf-type dce<br />

RouterB(config-if)#int s1<br />

RouterB(config-if)#frame-relay route 201 interface<br />

Serial0 102<br />

RouterB(config-if)#frame intf-type dce<br />

This is not as hard as it looks. The route command just says that if you<br />

receive frames from PVC 102, send them out int s1 using PVC 201.<br />

The second mapping on serial 1 is just the opposite. Anything that<br />

comes in int s1 is routed out serial 0 using PVC 102.<br />

3. Configure your Router A with a point-to-point subinterface.<br />

Router#config t<br />

Router(config)#hostname RouterA<br />

RouterA(config)#int s0<br />

RouterA(config-if)#encapsulation frame-relay<br />

RouterA(config-if)#int s0.102 point-to-point<br />

RouterA(config-if)#ip address

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