CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server


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Frame Relay 489<br />

Frame Relay provides a communications interface between DTE (Data<br />

Terminal Equipment) and DCE (Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment, such<br />

as packet switches) devices. DTE consists of terminals, PCs, routers, and<br />

bridges—customer-owned end-node and internetworking devices. DCE consists<br />

of carrier-owned internetworking devices.<br />

Popular opinion maintains that Frame Relay is more efficient and faster<br />

than X.25 because it assumes error checking will be done through higherlayer<br />

protocols and application services.<br />

Frame Relay provides connection-oriented, Data Link layer communication<br />

via virtual circuits just as X.25 does. These virtual circuits are logical<br />

connections created between two DTEs across a packet-switched network,<br />

which is identified by a DLCI, or Data Link Connection Identifier. (We’ll get<br />

to DLCIs in a bit.) Also, like X.25, Frame Relay uses both PVCs (Permanent<br />

Virtual Circuits) and SVCs (Switched Virtual Circuits), although most<br />

Frame Relay networks use only PVCs. This virtual circuit provides the complete<br />

path to the destination network prior to the sending of the first frame.<br />

Frame Relay Terminology<br />

To understand the terminology used in Frame Relay networks, first you need<br />

to know how the technology works. Figure 10.4 is labeled with the various<br />

terms used to describe different parts of a Frame Relay network.<br />

FIGURE 10.4 Frame Relay technology and terms<br />

CSU/DSU Demarc Demarc CSU/DSU<br />

Router<br />

DLCI 16<br />

Hub or<br />

switch<br />

Frame actually transverses this.<br />

CO<br />

PVC<br />

Routers see this<br />

Router<br />

DLCI 17<br />

Hub or<br />

switch<br />

User <strong>Server</strong><br />

Users only see this.

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