CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server


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374 Chapter 7 � Managing a <strong>Cisco</strong> Internetwork<br />

4. From Router B, press Ctrl+Shift+6, then X to return to Router A’s<br />

command prompt. Now telnet into your third router, Router C. Press<br />

Ctrl+Shift+6, then X to return to Router A.<br />

5. From Router A, type show sessions. Notice your two sessions. You<br />

can press the number displayed to the left of the session and press<br />

Enter twice to return to that session. The asterisk shows this default<br />

session. You can press Enter twice to return to that session.<br />

6. Go to the session for your Router B. Type show user. This shows the<br />

console connection and the remote connection. You can use the<br />

disconnect command to clear the session, or just type exit from the<br />

prompt to close your session with Router B.<br />

7. Go to the Router C’s console port by typing show sessions on the first<br />

router and using the connection number to return to Router C. Type<br />

show user and notice the connection to your first router, Router A.<br />

8. Type clear line to disconnect the Telnet session.<br />

Lab 7.6: Resolving Hostnames<br />

1. Log in to your router and go into privileged mode by typing en or<br />

enable.<br />

2. From Router A, type todd and press Enter at the command prompt.<br />

Notice the error you receive and the delay. The router is trying to<br />

resolve the hostname to an IP address by looking for a DNS server.<br />

You can turn this feature off by using the no ip domain-lookup command<br />

from global configuration mode.<br />

3. To build a host table, you use the ip host command. From Router A,<br />

add a host table entry for Router B and Router C by entering the following<br />

commands:<br />

ip host routerb ip_address<br />

ip host routerc ip_address<br />

Here is an example:<br />

ip host routerb<br />

ip host routerc

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