CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server


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314 Chapter 6 � Virtual LANs (VLANs)<br />

Written Lab<br />

In this section, write the answers to the following questions.<br />

1. What is the VTP mode that can only accept VLAN information and<br />

not change VLAN information?<br />

2. What is the VLAN identification method proprietary to <strong>Cisco</strong> routers?<br />

3. VLANs break up ________ domains.<br />

4. Switches, by default, only break up ________ domains.<br />

5. What is the default VTP mode?<br />

6. What does trunking provide?<br />

7. What is frame tagging?<br />

8. True/False: The ISL encapsulation is removed from the frame if the<br />

frame is forwarded out an access link.<br />

9. What type of link is only part of one VLAN and is referred to as the<br />

native VLAN of the port?<br />

10. What type of <strong>Cisco</strong> tagging information allows VLANs to be multiplexed<br />

over a trunk link through an external encapsulation method?

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