CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server


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Flags Specifies whether fragmentation should occur.<br />

TCP/IP and the DoD Model 119<br />

Frag offset Provides fragmentation and reassembly if the packet is too<br />

large to put in a frame. It also allows different Maximum Transmission<br />

Units (MTUs) on the Internet.<br />

TTL Time to Live is set into a packet when it is originally generated. It<br />

gives it a time to live. If it doesn’t get to where it wants to go before the<br />

TTL expires, boom—it’s gone. This stops IP packets from continuously<br />

circling the network looking for a home.<br />

Protocol Port of upper-layer protocol (TCP is port 6 or UDP is<br />

port 17 (hex)).<br />

Header checksum Cyclic Redundancy Check on header only.<br />

Source IP address 32-bit IP address of sending station.<br />

Destination IP address 32-bit IP address of the station this packet is destined<br />

for.<br />

IP option Used for network testing, debugging, security, and more.<br />

Data Upper-layer data.<br />

Here’s a snapshot of an IP packet caught on a network analyzer. Notice<br />

that all the information discussed above appears here:<br />

IP Header - Internet Protocol Datagram<br />

Version: 4<br />

Header Length: 5<br />

Precedence: 0<br />

Type of Service: %000<br />

Unused: %00<br />

Total Length: 187<br />

Identifier: 22486<br />

Fragmentation Flags: %010 Do Not Fragment<br />

Fragment Offset: 0<br />

Time To Live: 60<br />

IP Type: 0x06 TCP<br />

Header Checksum: 0xd031<br />

Source IP Address:<br />

Dest. IP Address:<br />

No Internet Datagram Options

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