CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide - FTP Server


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114 Chapter 3 � Internet Protocol<br />

The different port numbers that can be used are explained below:<br />

� Numbers below 1024 are considered well-known port numbers and<br />

are defined in RFC 1700.<br />

� Numbers 1024 and above are used by the upper layers to set up sessions<br />

with other hosts and by TCP to use as source and destination<br />

addresses in the TCP segment.<br />

TCP Session: Source Port<br />

The following listing shows a TCP session captured with the Etherpeek analyzer<br />

software. Notice that the source host makes up the source port, which<br />

in this case is 5972. The destination port is 23, which is used to tell the receiving<br />

host the purpose of the intended connection (Telnet).<br />

TCP - Transport Control Protocol<br />

Source Port: 5973<br />

Destination Port: 23<br />

Sequence Number: 1456389907<br />

Ack Number: 1242056456<br />

Offset: 5<br />

Reserved: %000000<br />

Code: %011000<br />

Ack is valid<br />

Push Request<br />

Window: 61320<br />

Checksum: 0x61a6<br />

Urgent Pointer: 0<br />

No TCP Options<br />

TCP Data Area:<br />

vL.5.+.5.+.5.+.5 76 4c 19 35 11 2b 19 35 11 2b 19 35<br />

11 2b 19 35 +. 11 2b 19<br />

Frame Check Sequence: 0x0d00000f<br />

As you saw in the above TCP session, the source host makes up the source<br />

port. But why is it that the source makes up a port number? The reason is to<br />

differentiate between sessions with different hosts. How else would a server<br />

know where information is coming from if it didn’t have a different number<br />

from a sending host? TCP and the upper layers don’t use hardware and logical

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