regular meeting of the board of trustees date - College of the Desert

regular meeting of the board of trustees date - College of the Desert regular meeting of the board of trustees date - College of the Desert
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5. CHANGE ORDER #1 TO BID #B-03-01 DINING HALL SEISMIC CORRECTIONS: It was moved by Dr. Stefan, seconded by Mr. House, to approve Change Order #1 to Bid #B- 03-01 Dining Hall Seismic Corrections. Motion carried. 6. NOTICE OF COMPLETION BID #B-03-01 DINING HALL SEISMIC CORRECTIONS: It was moved by Mr. Hayden, seconded by Mr. House, that the Board of Trustees accepts as complete Bid #B-03-01 Dining Hall Seismic Corrections. Motion carried. 7. BID #B-05-03 DATE TREE REMOVAL: It was moved by Mr. Hayden, seconded by Mr. House, that the Board of Trustees ratifies the contract awarded under Bid #B-05-03 Date Tree Removal. Motion carried. 8. Bid #B-05-02 NEW PARKING LOTS: It was moved by Mr. Hayden, seconded by Mrs. Suitt, that the Board of Trustees ratifies the contract awarded under Bid #B-05-02 New Parking Lots. Motion carried. 9. QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR 2004-05: Approved by consent motion, that the Board of Trustees receives the Quarterly Financial Report.

Fiscal Year 2004-2005 District:(930)DESERT Quarter Ended: (Q1) September 30, 2004 Certified Date:06-Oct-04 07:40 AM I. Historical and Current Perspectives of General Fund (Unrestricted and Restricted): Annual As of June 30 for fiscal year (FY) specified. FY01-02 FY02-03 FY03-04 FY04-05 General Fund Revenues (Objects 8100, 8600, and 8800) 34,102,135 33,975,873 34,892,013 38,015,864 Other Financing Sources (Objects 8900) 400,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 General Fund Expenditures (Objects 1000-6000) 34,139,860 33,661,275 32,990,080 38,384,850 Other Outgo (Objects 7100, 7300, 7400, 7500, and 7600) 890,846 257,281 -395,443 208,407 Reserve for contingency Unrestricted 0 0 0 0 Reserve for contingency Total 0 0 0 0 General Fund Ending Balance Unrestricted 1,857,157 2,045,965 3,482,761 0 General Fund Ending Balance Total 3,514,134 3,476,108 5,007,598 0 Prior-Year Adjustments 0 -120,343 0 0 Attendance FTES 6,394 6,944 7,209 7,209 Quarter For the same quarter to each fiscal year (FY) specified FY01-02 FY02-03 FY03-04 FY04-05 General Fund Cash Balance (Excluding investments) 3,630,051 4,154,241 5,803,475 4,132,129 II. General Fund (Unrestricted and Restricted) Year-To-Date Revenues and Expenditures: Total Budget (Annual) Actual (Year-to-Date) Percentage % General Fund Revenues (Objects 8100, 8600, and 8000) 38,015,864 7,039,634 18.52 Other Financing Source (Objects 8900) 25,000 0 0.00 General Fund Expenditures (Objects 1000-6000) 38,384,850 8,170,733 21.29 Other Outgo (Objects 7100, 7300, 7400, 7500, and 7600) 208,407 43,227 20.74 III. Has the district settled any employee contracts during this quarter? Yes No If yes, complete the following: (If multi-year settlement, provide information for all years covered) Salaries Contract Period Settled Management Academic(Certificated) Classified (Specify) Total Salary Cost-Increase %* Total Salary Cost-Increase %* Total Salary Cost-Increase %* Year 1 2004-2005 0 0 0 Year 2 0 0 0 Year 3 0 0 0 * As specified in collective bargining agreement. Benefits Contract Period Settled Management Total Academic Total Classified Total Year 1 0 0 0 Year 2 0 0 0 Year 3 0 0 0 Include a statement regarding the source of revenues to pay salary and benefit increases, e.g., from the district's reserves, from cost-of-living, etc. IV. Did the district have significant events for the quarter(include incurrence of long-term debt, settlement of audit citings or legal suits, significant differences in budgeted revenues or expenditures, borrowing of funds (TRANs), issuance of COPs, etc.) Yes No If yes, list events and their financial ramifications.(Include additional pages of explanation if needed.)


It was moved by Dr. Stefan, seconded by Mr. House, to approve Change Order #1 to Bid #B-<br />

03-01 Dining Hall Seismic Corrections. Motion carried.<br />


It was moved by Mr. Hayden, seconded by Mr. House, that <strong>the</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Trustees accepts as<br />

complete Bid #B-03-01 Dining Hall Seismic Corrections. Motion carried.<br />

7. BID #B-05-03 DATE TREE REMOVAL:<br />

It was moved by Mr. Hayden, seconded by Mr. House, that <strong>the</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Trustees ratifies<br />

<strong>the</strong> contract awarded under Bid #B-05-03 Date Tree Removal. Motion carried.<br />

8. Bid #B-05-02 NEW PARKING LOTS:<br />

It was moved by Mr. Hayden, seconded by Mrs. Suitt, that <strong>the</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Trustees<br />

ratifies <strong>the</strong> contract awarded under Bid #B-05-02 New Parking Lots. Motion carried.<br />


Approved by consent motion, that <strong>the</strong> Board <strong>of</strong> Trustees receives <strong>the</strong> Quarterly Financial<br />


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