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174 Charles C. Sims the intersection being taken over all g in G such that {cc, /?} E d*. Then Y’* = ? (A*Y and y* is a set of imprimitivity of G*. By Lemma 3.2 1~1 = 2. Thus there is a g in G such that {a, Is} C Ag and y $ AZ. Then U = g-‘Vg s Gti and u-4 1. The proof of Theorem 3.1 is completed as in the proof of Theorem 18.2 of [16]. We wish now to consider the consequences of the assumption that G* is imprimitive. If we are assuming that G cannot be represented nontrivially on fewer than rz = 1521 points, then G* cannot have a set of imprimitivity with more than (n- 1)/2 elements. Let B = {Ei 11 s i 4 b} be a non-trivial system of imprimitivity for G*. Let Ai denote the union of the elements in Et and let @i be the undirected graph (Ai, Ei). (Q, B) is a block design, where a point a is incident to Et if and only if a E Ai. (It is possible to have Ai = Ai with i + j.) Let o, b, k, r, il be the parameters of this block design. The graphs @i are all isomorphic and the automorphism group of any one of them is transitive on vertices and edges. Thus there is a positive integer d such that each vertex of @i is connected to exactly d other vertices. The integers V, b, k, r, I, d will be called the parameters of the system of imprimitivity B. THEOREM 3.4. The parameters of a system of imprimitivity B for G* satisfy the following conditions: (1) bk = ru, (2) r(k-1) = 3(v-l), (3) dk is even and bdk = w(w- l), (4) rd = w-l, (5) dA = k-l. Proof. Let B = {Ei 1 1 4 i e b} and let @i be as defined above. (1) and (2) follow from the fact that (G, B) is a block design. Since pi has kvertices and each vertex is connected to d other vertices, I&/ = dk/2. Therefore or 1 Q* / = V(V- 1)/2 = b 1 Et 1 = bdk/2, bdk = v(v- 1). (4) follows from (1) and (3). Finally (2) and (4) imply (5). We now prove an analogue of Theorems 17.4 and 17.5 of [16]. THEOREM 3.5. Let G be doubly transitive on Q, let a and B be distinct points of Q, and let the orbits of Gas be {a} = Al, {/I} = AZ, As, . . ., A,. Set nt = [Ai/ and suppose 1 = nl = n2 =s n3 < . . . == n,. Then at least one of the following holds: Computational methods for permutation groups 175 (1) if 3 =Z i e t, then nt < n3ni- 1 and (nt, n,) =+ 1, (2) there exists a non-trivial system of imprimitivity for G* for which d=- 1, (3) G is sharply doubly transitive. Proof. If n, = 1, then G is sharply doubly transitive. If n, =- 1 and n3 = 1, then by Theorem 3.1 G is an automorphism group of a non-trivial block design with J = 1. If ~1, . . ., ?+$, are the blocks of this design, then bf& . . . , y$} is a non-trivial system of imprimitivity for G* for which d = 1 vi I- 1 * 2. Thus we may assume Iti z= 2 for i z= 3. Suppose there exists an i * 3 such that (ni, n,) = 1. For any two distinct points y and 6 of 52 let r(y, S) denote the union of those orbits of G,,6 with length n,. Clearly Qy, 4 = Jl4 Y). No wchoose y E Ai. From the proof of Theorem 17.5 of [16] applied to G, we see that r(a, ,!?) = I’(a, r). Thus we can obtain a non-trivial equivalence relation N on Q* by defining {y, S} TV {a, q} if and only if r(y, S) = J’(E, r]). The equivalence classes of cv form a non-trivial system of imprimitivity for G* for which d z= ni z= 2. If there is an i Z= 3 such that ni =- nsni-1, we define r(y, 6) to be the union of all orbits of GYd with length at least Iti. If y E AS, then by the proof of Theorem 17.4 of [16] applied to G, r(a, ,@ = r(a, 7) and we can proceed as before. THEOREM 3.6. Let v, b, k, r, I, d be the parameters of a non-trivial system of imprimitivity of G*. Any one of the following implies that G is sharply doubly transitive or an automorphism group of a non-trivial block design for which il = 1: (1) d = 2, (2)d= landk=v-1, (3) d = 1, k < 6, and v is odd. Proof. We shall show that if any one of the conditions (I), (2), or (3) holds, then, for any two distinct points a and b of 0, GDls fixes at least 3 points. It will follow by Theorem 3.1 that G is sharply doubly transitive or an automorphism group of a non-trivial block design with il = 1. Let B = {Ei 1 1 =z i == b} be the system of imprimitivity for G* and let the graphs pi be defined as before. Suppose first that d = 2. Given a + /? there exists a unique y + p such that {a, ,9} and {a, y} are edges of the same &. Therefore GaB fixes y. Suppose now that d = 1 and k = v- 1. Then b = u and for each a E Sz there is a unique @i such that a is not a vertex of &. Given p + a, GDP must fix the unique point y such that {p, y} is an edge of pi. Finally, suppose d = 1 and k s 6. Then k = 4 or 6. If k = 4, let Er = {{a, /?}, {y, S}}. Gzs maps {y, S} into itself and if G is not an automorphism group of a block design for which I = 1, then Gti is a 2-group. If in addition v is odd, then GNP must fix a third point. A similar argument takes care of the case k = 6. THEOREM 3.7. Let G be doubly transitive on Q, let a and p be distinct points of Q, and let H be the subgroup of G mapping {a, /?} into itself. If G,

176 Charles C. Sims has a set of imprimitivity on Q-{u} of length m * 2, then H has an orbit of length less than or equal to m - 1 on Q - {cc, p}. Proof. Let d be a set of imprimitivity of G, with /d[ = m. Let A = ((74 (6 4) I 6 * &, A simple computation shows that 3 g E G such that I/g = a and (6, E}~ C d}. 1 A 1 = $z(n- i)(m- 1). If we let r = {y 1 (y, {a, p}) E A}, then 1 r 1 = m- 1 and r is mapped into itself by H. If in Theorem 3.7 m s 4 and G* is primitive, then it follows from Theorem 2.1 and the remark following it that G is abstractly a “known” group. The results of this section seem to indicate that at least for low degrees most doubly transitive groups which are not doubly primitive will be sharply doubly transitive or automorphism groups of block designs with L = 1. The sharply doubly transitive groups are known. The question of which block designs with 1 = 1 have doubly transitive .automorphism groups is still open. It is known that projective planes with doubly transitive groups are Desarguesian. Also, Hall [5] and Fischer [3] have made some progress in the case of Steiner triple systems. 4. A computer program. In this section we present a short description of a computer program for determining the order and some of the structure of the group generated by a given set of permutations. Before describing the program itself, however, it is necessary to discuss the method to be used for storing a permutation group G in the computer. There are three basic requirements which such a method should satisfy: (1) it should be efficient with respect to storage, (2) given a permutation h it should be easy to determine whether or not h is in G, (3) it is should be possible to run through the elements of G one at a time without repetitions. One method satisfying all of these conditions will now be presented. Let G be a permutation group on G = (1, . . . , n}. Let G(O) = G and for 1 < i G n- 1 let G(l) be the subgroup of G fixing 1, 2, . . . , i. Let uj be a system of right coset representatives for GC’) in GC’-I), 1 s i =S n- 1. Define ni = 1 Vi/ = p-1): G(O[. ni is the length of the orbit d of Go-l) containing i and for each j E d there is a unique element in Ui taking i to j. Also n-1 PI = pi Computational methods for permutation groups and every element of G has a unique representation of the form &-l&-2 *. . g1, where gi E Vi. We shall store the group G by storing the permutations in each of the Ui. The total number of permutations stored is n-1 I& Izi cl n(n+ 1)/2. Thus the storage space required to store an arbitrary permutation group of degree n grows as n3. By “packing” more than one integer into a computer word, one can easily store a group of degree 50 on any of the large computers available today. Because of the canonical form described above, it is easy to run through the elements of G one at a time. Also, suppose we are given a permutation h on Q and we wish to find .out if h is in G. A necessary condition that h E G is that there exists gl E Ur such that hg;l fixes 1. Similarly there must be a ga E UZ such that hg,-lg;l fixes 2. Continuing in this manner we either arrive at elements gi E Ui such that hgi’g,l . . . g,=‘l= 1 and so h = gn-an-2 . . . gl E G, or his not in G. Permutation groups are not usually given by sets Ui and so we need a program that will construct sets Ui for the group G generated by a set X of permutations. Given X it is easy to construct U1. If for any g E G we denote by d(g) the representative in U1 for the coset G@)g, then, by Lemmas 7.2.2 of [4], G(r) is generated by x1 = {uxc#+4x)-lIu E u,, x E X}. Continuing in this manner we can obtain generators for each of the subgroups GC’) and construct sets Vi of coset representatives. There is one difficulty which must be overcome. In general the set X1 will be much larger than X. Unless some care is exercised, the sets of generators can grow so large as to be unmanageable. This can be avoided by not constructing all the generators of GC’) at one time, but rather as soon as a new generator for GC’) has been obtained, using it to construct new elements in Ui+l and new generators for G(‘+l). Also, whenever one of the elements ux&ux)-l is computed, the process described above should be used to determine ifit can be expressed in terms of the coset representative already constructed and is therefore redundant. A computer program of the type described has been written for the IBM 7040 at Rutgers. In its present form it can handle any group of degree 50 or less and can be of some use up to degree 127. Problem 5 on page 83 of [4] can be done in slightly over a minute. 5. The primitive groups of degree not exceeding 20. In this section we provide a list of the 129 primitive groups of degrees 2 to 20. The information 177

174 Charles C. Sims<br />

the intersection being taken over all g in G such that {cc, /?} E d*. Then<br />

Y’* = ? (A*Y<br />

and y* is a set of imprimitivity of G*. By Lemma 3.2 1~1 = 2. Thus there is<br />

a g in G such that {a, Is} C Ag and y $ AZ. Then U = g-‘Vg s Gti and<br />

u-4 1.<br />

The proof of Theorem 3.1 is completed as in the proof of Theorem 18.2<br />

of [16].<br />

We wish now to consider the consequences of the assumption that G*<br />

is imprimitive. If we are assuming that G cannot be represented nontrivially<br />

on fewer than rz = 1521 points, then G* cannot have a set of imprimitivity<br />

with more than (n- 1)/2 elements. Let B = {Ei 11 s i 4 b} be<br />

a non-trivial system of imprimitivity for G*. Let Ai denote the union<br />

of the elements in Et and let @i be the undirected graph (Ai, Ei). (Q, B) is<br />

a block design, where a point a is incident to Et if and only if a E Ai.<br />

(It is possible to have Ai = Ai with i + j.) Let o, b, k, r, il be the parameters<br />

of this block design. The graphs @i are all isomorphic and the<br />

automorphism group of any one of them is transitive on vertices and edges.<br />

Thus there is a positive integer d such that each vertex of @i is connected<br />

to exactly d other vertices. The integers V, b, k, r, I, d will be called the<br />

parameters of the system of imprimitivity B.<br />

THEOREM 3.4. The parameters of a system of imprimitivity B for G* satisfy<br />

the following conditions:<br />

(1) bk = ru,<br />

(2) r(k-1) = 3(v-l),<br />

(3) dk is even and bdk = w(w- l),<br />

(4) rd = w-l,<br />

(5) dA = k-l.<br />

Proof. Let B = {Ei 1 1 4 i e b} and let @i be as defined above. (1) and<br />

(2) follow from the fact that (G, B) is a block design. Since pi has kvertices<br />

and each vertex is connected to d other vertices, I&/ = dk/2. Therefore<br />

or<br />

1 Q* / = V(V- 1)/2 = b 1 Et 1 = bdk/2,<br />

bdk = v(v- 1).<br />

(4) follows from (1) and (3). Finally (2) and (4) imply (5).<br />

We now prove an analogue of Theorems 17.4 and 17.5 of [16].<br />

THEOREM 3.5. Let G be doubly transitive on Q, let a and B be distinct points<br />

of Q, and let the orbits of Gas be {a} = Al, {/I} = AZ, As, . . ., A,. Set<br />

nt = [Ai/ and suppose 1 = nl = n2 =s n3 < . . . == n,. Then at least one of<br />

the following holds:<br />

Computational methods for permutation groups 175<br />

(1) if 3 =Z i e t, then nt < n3ni- 1 and (nt, n,) =+ 1,<br />

(2) there exists a non-trivial system of imprimitivity for G* for which<br />

d=- 1,<br />

(3) G is sharply doubly transitive.<br />

Proof. If n, = 1, then G is sharply doubly transitive. If n, =- 1 and n3 = 1,<br />

then by Theorem 3.1 G is an automorphism group of a non-trivial block<br />

design with J = 1. If ~1, . . ., ?+$, are the blocks of this design, then<br />

bf&<br />

. . . , y$} is a non-trivial system of imprimitivity for G* for which<br />

d = 1 vi I- 1 * 2. Thus we may assume Iti z= 2 for i z= 3. Suppose there exists<br />

an i * 3 such that (ni, n,) = 1. For any two distinct points y and 6 of 52 let<br />

r(y, S) denote the union of those orbits of G,,6 with length n,. Clearly<br />

Qy, 4 = Jl4 Y). No wchoose y E Ai. From the proof of Theorem 17.5<br />

of [16] applied to G, we see that r(a, ,!?) = I’(a, r). Thus we can obtain<br />

a non-trivial equivalence relation N on Q* by defining {y, S} TV {a, q}<br />

if and only if r(y, S) = J’(E, r]). The equivalence classes of cv form a<br />

non-trivial system of imprimitivity for G* for which d z= ni z= 2. If there is<br />

an i Z= 3 such that ni =- nsni-1, we define r(y, 6) to be the union of all<br />

orbits of GYd with length at least Iti. If y E AS, then by the proof of Theorem<br />

17.4 of [16] applied to G, r(a, ,@ = r(a, 7) and we can proceed as before.<br />

THEOREM 3.6. Let v, b, k, r, I, d be the parameters of a non-trivial system<br />

of imprimitivity of G*. Any one of the following implies that G is sharply<br />

doubly transitive or an automorphism group of a non-trivial block design<br />

for which il = 1:<br />

(1) d = 2,<br />

(2)d= landk=v-1,<br />

(3) d = 1, k < 6, and v is odd.<br />

Proof. We shall show that if any one of the conditions (I), (2), or (3)<br />

holds, then, for any two distinct points a and b of 0, GDls fixes at least 3<br />

points. It will follow by Theorem 3.1 that G is sharply doubly transitive<br />

or an automorphism group of a non-trivial block design with il = 1. Let<br />

B = {Ei 1 1 =z i == b} be the system of imprimitivity for G* and let the<br />

graphs pi be defined as before. Suppose first that d = 2. Given a + /?<br />

there exists a unique y + p such that {a, ,9} and {a, y} are edges of the<br />

same &. Therefore GaB fixes y. Suppose now that d = 1 and k = v- 1.<br />

Then b = u and for each a E Sz there is a unique @i such that a is not a<br />

vertex of &. Given p + a, GDP must fix the unique point y such that {p, y}<br />

is an edge of pi. Finally, suppose d = 1 and k s 6. Then k = 4 or 6.<br />

If k = 4, let Er = {{a, /?}, {y, S}}. Gzs maps {y, S} into itself and if G<br />

is not an automorphism group of a block design for which I = 1, then<br />

Gti is a 2-group. If in addition v is odd, then GNP must fix a third point.<br />

A similar argument takes care of the case k = 6.<br />

THEOREM 3.7. Let G be doubly transitive on Q, let a and p be distinct<br />

points of Q, and let H be the subgroup of G mapping {a, /?} into itself. If G,

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