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138 Marshall Hall Jr. Simple groups of order less than one million PSL,(q) is the projective special linear group of dimension n over GF(q). Here PSL,(q) is the group of n-dimensional matrices of determinant 1 over GF(q) modulo its center. PSLz(q) is of order +q(q2- 1) for q odd and of order q(q2- 1) for q = 2’. PSL,(q) is of order q3(q3- l)(q2- 1)/z where z is 1 unless there is an element of order 3 in GF(q) in which case z = 3. Sp2n(q) is the symplectic group of order q”’ fi (q2’- 1). i=l U,(q) is the unitary group of order ’T fi(q’-(-l)‘), t = (n,q+l). i=2 A, is the alternating group of n letters. The simple Mathieu groups M11, M12, and M22 come within the range of this search. The Suzuki groups Su(q) with q = 22n+1 == 8 are of order qz(q2+ l)(q- 1). Here Su(8) of order 29,120 is the only Suzuki group in the range. The Janko group of order 175,560 is still an isolated group and will be called merely the Janko group. No simple groups of the Chevalley types [15] or Rimhak Ree’s [27,28] occur in the range examined. The known 56 simple groups of order less than one million are: 28 groups PSL2(p), p a prime, p = 5, 7, . . . , 113. The other 28, listed by their order are: Group type PSLz(9) = AB PSL2(8> A7 PSLz(l6) PSLB(3) U3(3) PSL2(25) Ml1 PSLz(27) PSL4(2) = A8 PSL3(4) @4(3) = u4(2) W3) P&(32) PSLz(49) U3(4) M12 U3(5) Order 360 = 8.9.5 504 = 8.9-7 2520 = 8.9-5-7 4080 = 5616 = 16.27.13 6048 = 32.27.7 7800 = 7920 = 9828 = 20 160 = 64.9-5-7 20 160 = 64.9.5-7 25920 = 64.8105 29120 = 32736 = 58 800 = 62 400 = 95 040 = 126000 = 16.9.125*7 Group type Janko group A9 PSLz(64) PSLz(81) PSL3(5) M2z Newgroup PSLz(121) PsL&!5) SP4(4) Order 175560 = 8*3*5.7.11*19 181 440 = 262 080 = 265680 = 372000 = 443 520 = 604800 = 885 720 = 976 500 = 979200 = 256.9.25-17 3. Known results used. The known results used will be numbered for references later in the paper. (1) A paper, as yet unpublished, by John Thompson [33] determines the minimal simple groups. These are among PSL2(p), p prime, p 3 5 PSL2(2p) p prime PSL2(3p) p prime PSL3(3) Su(2P) p an odd prime. Not all of these are minimal. In particular any one of these whose order is a multiple of 60 contains PSL2(5) = A5 of order 60. (2) Daniel Gorenstein and John Walter [22] have shown that a simple group with a dihedral Sylow 2-subgroup is necessarily a group PSLz(q), q odd, or the group A7. In particular if the order of the group is not divisible by 8 then it is divisible by 4 and is a group PSL,(q) with q E 3 or 5 (mod 8). (3) Daniel Gorenstein [21] has shown that if a Sylow 2-subgroup of the simple group G is Abelian, and if the centralizer of every involution is solvable, then G is one of PSLz(q) where q = 3 or 5 (mod 8), q > 5 or q = 2”, n * 2. (4) Richard Brauer and Michio Suzuki [ll] have shown that a Sylow 2-subgroup of a simple group cannot be a quaternion group or generalized quaternion group. (5) It has been shown by J. S. Brodkey [13] that if a Sylow subgroup P of a group G is Abelian then there exist two Sylow subgroups whose intersection is the intersection of all of them. In particular if any two Sylow p-subgroups have a non-trivial intersection, then the intersection of all of them is a non-trivial group, necessarily a normal subgroup of G. Hence if a simple 139

140 Marshall Hall Jr. Simple groups of order less than one million 141 group has an Abelian Sylow p-subgroup S(p) = PO there must be a conjugate PI with PC, 0 PI = 1, The Brauer theory of modular characters has played a major role in this search, in particular the theory for groups whose order is divisible by exactly the first power of a prime. Let p be a prime and suppose that g, the order of the group G, is divisible by exactly the first power of p. We write g = pqw(l+rp), p-l = qt. (3.1) Here G has 1 frp Sylow p-subgroups S(p) and the order of the normalizer N(p) of a Sylow p-subgroup is IN(p)/ = pqw. The centralizer C(p) of S(p) is of order pw and C(p) = S(p)X V where V = V(p) is of order w. N(p)/@) is cyclic of order q where qJp - 1 is the order of the group of automorphisms of S(p) induced by N(p). By a classical theorem of Burnside’s ([14], p. 203) if we had q = 1, G would have a normal p-complement and so we have q =- 1 for a simple group. (6) Brauer [3]. The principal block of characters Be(p) contains q ordinary characters x1, x2, . . . , xg where x1 is the trivial character of degree fr = 1 and xi( 1) = J;:, i = 2, . . . , q, and a family of t = (p - 1)/q exceptional characters xi which are p-conjugate and are all of the same degree x&l) = fo, j= 1, . . ., t. For the ordinary characters there is a sign 6i = + 1 such that SiJ = 1 (mod p) and for the exceptional character there is a sign 60 = f 1 such that S,& = - q (mod p). If q = p - 1 the single exceptional character is not distinguishable from the ordinary character. Also the degrees satisfy the relations 1+S&+ . . . +~qfq+~ofo = 0, (3.2a) jY jq(l+rp). u = 0, 1, . . ., q. If u is a generator of S(p) then xi(U)=6iy i=l,..., q, (3.2b) &4) = - 80(&” + ES” + . . . + &“‘-‘q, 2, = G), where e is a primitive ith root of unity, s is a primitive solution of sQ z 1 (mod p) and ZJ = v(j) ranges over t values such that vsi gives a full set of a non-zero residues modulo p. These values of the exceptional characters are the Gauss periods of cyclotomy. If w = 1 then B&) is the only block containing characters of degrees not divisible by p. If w =- 1 there are further non-principal blocks of characters of degrees not divisible by p and Brauer gives relations similar to (3.2a, b) for these blocks. A character x of degree divisible by p is a block by itself and vanishes for everyp-singular element (an element of order divisible by p). No simple group of order divisible by p has an (irreducible) character (except the trivial one) of degree less than &- 1) and if it does have an irreducible character of degree i(p- 1) then it is isomorphic to PSL&). This has been shown to be true by Feit and Thompson [20] even if a higher power of p than the first divides the order of the group. More recently Feit [18] has extended this to show the same conclusion if G has a character of degree less than p - 1. Everett Dade [16] has extended Brauer’s work to cover the case in which a Sylow subgroup is cyclic. (7) It was shown by Brauer [3] that, for groups divisible by only the first power of a primep, the characters of a block may be associated with a tree. Each ordinary character is a vertex and each modular character is an arc. An ordinary character (treating a family of p-conjugate exceptional characters as a single character) decomposes as the sum of the modular characters which are arcs with an end at the vertex for the ordinary character. A modular character appears as a constituent of exactly two ordinary characters and in each of these with multiplicity one. If xi and Xk are the two ends of an arc then Xi+Xk is a modular indecomposable and vanishes for everyp-singular element, and so in particular if 6i and 6, are the corresponding signs 6if fik = 0. H. F. Tuan [34] has refined this for the principal block and has shown that the real characters (characters real for every element) in the tree form a stem which may be drawn in a straight line, and the tree is symmetric with respect to this stem with complex conjugacy interchanging the remaining vertices and arcs. (8) Brauer and Tuan ([12], Lemma 1) showed that for x a character in the principal p block B&), in the notation of (5), then the restriction of x to V, xl V, has the form x / V = moofp0 (3.3) where ,a0 is the identity character of V and 0 is some character of V possibly reducible. In private communication to me, Leonard Scott has generalized this to characters x of a non-principal block Bj(p). In this case the formula becomes x 1 V = miSNlfpO i=l where TN*, i = 1, . . . , s, are the irreducible characters of V conjugate in N(p) associated with the block Bj(p). In case the character x has degree divisible by p, a simple consequence of the fact that x vanishes for p-singular elements yields x j v = pe. (3.5) The formula (3.4) gives for an x E V the determinantal relation det (x(x)) = det (e(x)) p, so that if 8 is of degree 1 and G is simple then det e(x) = 1, whence e(x) = 1 and x(x) = x(1) is the identity matrix, a situation impossible for a simple group. In particular with g = pqw( 1 + rp) for a simple group G, if Bob) contains a character of degree less than 2p, then w = 1. This is also proved and used by Stanton [30] in his study of the Mathieu groups. To avoid confusion with other references to Brauer and Tuan we shall call this the Stanton condition.

138 Marshall Hall Jr. Simple groups of order less than one million<br />

PSL,(q) is the projective special linear group of dimension n over GF(q).<br />

Here PSL,(q) is the group of n-dimensional matrices of determinant 1 over<br />

GF(q) modulo its center. PSLz(q) is of order +q(q2- 1) for q odd and of<br />

order q(q2- 1) for q = 2’. PSL,(q) is of order q3(q3- l)(q2- 1)/z where z<br />

is 1 unless there is an element of order 3 in GF(q) in which case z = 3.<br />

Sp2n(q) is the symplectic group of order q”’ fi (q2’- 1).<br />

i=l<br />

U,(q) is the unitary group of order ’T fi(q’-(-l)‘), t = (n,q+l).<br />

i=2<br />

A, is the alternating group of n letters.<br />

The simple Mathieu groups M11, M12, and M22 come within the range<br />

of this search. The Suzuki groups Su(q) with q = 22n+1 == 8 are of order<br />

qz(q2+ l)(q- 1). Here Su(8) of order 29,120 is the only Suzuki group in the<br />

range. The Janko group of order 175,560 is still an isolated group and will<br />

be called merely the Janko group. No simple groups of the Chevalley types<br />

[15] or Rimhak Ree’s [27,28] occur in the range examined.<br />

The known 56 simple groups of order less than one million are: 28 groups<br />

PSL2(p), p a prime, p = 5, 7, . . . , 113. The other 28, listed by their order are:<br />

Group type<br />

PSLz(9) = AB<br />

PSL2(8><br />

A7<br />

PSLz(l6)<br />

PSLB(3)<br />

U3(3)<br />

PSL2(25)<br />

Ml1<br />

PSLz(27)<br />

PSL4(2) = A8<br />

PSL3(4)<br />

@4(3) = u4(2)<br />

W3)<br />

P&(32)<br />

PSLz(49)<br />

U3(4)<br />

M12<br />

U3(5)<br />

Order<br />

360 = 8.9.5<br />

504 = 8.9-7<br />

2520 = 8.9-5-7<br />

4080 =<br />

5616 = 16.27.13<br />

6048 = 32.27.7<br />

7800 =<br />

7920 =<br />

9828 =<br />

20 160 = 64.9-5-7<br />

20 160 = 64.9.5-7<br />

25920 = 64.8105<br />

29120 =<br />

32736 =<br />

58 800 =<br />

62 400 =<br />

95 040 =<br />

126000 = 16.9.125*7<br />

Group type<br />

Janko group<br />

A9<br />

PSLz(64)<br />

PSLz(81)<br />

PSL3(5)<br />

M2z<br />

Newgroup<br />

PSLz(121)<br />

PsL&!5)<br />

SP4(4)<br />

Order<br />

175560 = 8*3*5.7.11*19<br />

181 440 =<br />

262 080 =<br />

265680 =<br />

372000 =<br />

443 520 =<br />

604800 =<br />

885 720 =<br />

976 500 =<br />

979200 = 256.9.25-17<br />

3. Known results used. The known results used will be numbered for<br />

references later in the paper.<br />

(1) A paper, as yet unpublished, by John Thompson [33] determines the<br />

minimal simple groups. These are among<br />

PSL2(p), p prime, p 3 5<br />

PSL2(2p) p prime<br />

PSL2(3p) p prime<br />

PSL3(3)<br />

Su(2P) p an odd prime.<br />

Not all of these are minimal. In particular any one of these whose order is a<br />

multiple of 60 contains PSL2(5) = A5 of order 60.<br />

(2) Daniel Gorenstein and John Walter [22] have shown that a simple<br />

group with a dihedral Sylow 2-subgroup is necessarily a group PSLz(q), q<br />

odd, or the group A7. In particular if the order of the group is not divisible<br />

by 8 then it is divisible by 4 and is a group PSL,(q) with q E 3 or 5 (mod 8).<br />

(3) Daniel Gorenstein [21] has shown that if a Sylow 2-subgroup of the<br />

simple group G is Abelian, and if the centralizer of every involution is solvable,<br />

then G is one of PSLz(q) where q = 3 or 5 (mod 8), q > 5 or q = 2”,<br />

n * 2.<br />

(4) Richard Brauer and Michio Suzuki [ll] have shown that a Sylow<br />

2-subgroup of a simple group cannot be a quaternion group or generalized<br />

quaternion group.<br />

(5) It has been shown by J. S. Brodkey [13] that if a Sylow subgroup P of<br />

a group G is Abelian then there exist two Sylow subgroups whose intersection<br />

is the intersection of all of them. In particular if any two Sylow p-subgroups<br />

have a non-trivial intersection, then the intersection of all of them is<br />

a non-trivial group, necessarily a normal subgroup of G. Hence if a simple<br />


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