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134 R. Billow and J. Neubiiser Derivation of the crystal classes of Rq 135<br />

matrix X = (xik) such that<br />

XGi=H$for i= 1, . . ..s. (4.1)<br />

This is a homogeneous system of linear equations for the xjk with coefficients<br />

in Z. A programme has been written which reduces (4.1) by integral<br />

row-operations to row-reduced echelon form. From this it determines the<br />

xjk as integral linear combinations of some x1, . . . , x, of them, chosen as<br />

parameters. Then it computes det X as a polynomial p(xl, . . . , x~) in these<br />

parameters. Three cases can occur:<br />

1. If&l, . . .) x,) E 0 the mapping Gi -+ Hi is not induced by transformation<br />

with any matrix from CL,(Q) (where Q is the rational field).<br />

2. If p(x1, . . . ) x,) $ 0 and the (integral) coefficients of all monomials in<br />

it have a greatest common divisor s 1, then no X with det X = f 1 can<br />

exist as the parameters can only be substituted by integers. In this case,<br />

however, Gi+Hi can be induced by transformation with some matrix X<br />

with det X + 0 and hence @ and @ are geometrically equivalent.<br />

3. Ifp(x1, . . . . x,) 9 0 and the greatest common divisor of the coefficients<br />

of all monomials is 1, one has to try to find values of the parameters<br />

Xl, .a-, x, such that the matrix X obtained by substituting these values for<br />

the parameters has det X = 1. If one does find such values for the xl,. . . , x,,<br />

8 and @ are arithmetically equivalent; if one does not find such values,<br />

only geometrical equivalence has been proved, but no conclusion about<br />

arithmetical equivalence has been reached.<br />

In all examples treated by us in which the third case occurred, it was always<br />

possible to find such values; so in fact the study of the greatest common<br />

divisor of the coefficients of the monomials ofp(xl, . . . , x,) was sufficient to<br />

prove nonequivalence. However, we owe to W. Gaschiitz an example of<br />

two groups (in GLz2 (Z)) for which the greatest common divisor of these<br />

coefficients is 1, but which are not arithmetically equivalent.<br />

5. By the procedures described, we were able to classify the 1869 groups<br />

into both geometrical and arithmetical crystal classes. It turned out that the<br />

geometrical classes coincided with the similarity classes introduced here;<br />

this incidentally is also true for n = 1, 2, 3. Although it is unlikely that<br />

this is always the case, we do not know of an example of similar but not<br />

geometrically equivalent groups for any n * 5.<br />

710 arithmetical classes were obtained, but as some hand-work was involved<br />

in the sorting, etc., this number has to be checked before it can be regarded<br />

as certain. Independent derivations of the arithmetical classes have<br />

been undertaken by H. Zassenhaus and D. Falk [lo] by slightly different<br />

algebraic methods and by H. Wondratschek by more geometrical means. It<br />

has been agreed that the results of all these calculations will be collated<br />

before they are published jointly.<br />

As a by-product of this investigation one gets a complete list of Bravais<br />

lattices in 4 dimensions which will correct an incomplete (and partially incorrect)<br />

list previously obtained [8] by heuristic considerations.<br />

The list of arithmetical classes will also be used to determine the list of<br />

all space-groups in 4 dimensions. A programme for this, following ideas of<br />

H. Zassenhaus [9], has already been written and used on partial lists of crystal<br />

classes by H. Brown.<br />

We would like to thank Professor H. Wondratschek, who first aroused<br />

our interest in the subject, for many valuable discussions and suggestions.<br />


1. J. J. BURKHARDT: Die Bewegungsgruppen der Kristallographie, 2nd ed. (Birkhluser<br />

Verlag, Basel, Stuttgart, 1966).<br />

2. E. C. DADE: The maximal finite groups of 4X 4 integral matrices. Illinois J. Math.<br />

9 (1965), 99-122.<br />

3. V. FELSCH and J. NEUBUSER: Ein Programm zur Berechnung des Untergruppenverbandes<br />

einer endlichen Gruppe. Mitt. Rhein-Westf. Inst. f. Znstr. Math. Bonn<br />

2 (1963), 39-74.<br />

4. C. HERMANN: Translationsgruppen in n Dimensionen. Zur Struktur und Materie der<br />

Festkiirper, 24-33 (Springer Verlag, Berlin, Giittingen, Heidelberg, 1951).<br />

5. A. C. HURLEY: Finite rotation groups and crystal classes in four dimensions. Proc.<br />

Camb. Phil. Sot. 47 (1951), 650-661.<br />

6. A. C. HTJRLEY, J. NEUB~~SER and H. WONDRATSCHEK: Crystal classes of four-dimensional<br />

space R4. Acta Cryst. 22 (1967), 605.<br />

7. J. S. LOMONT: Applications of Finite Groups (Academic Press, New York, London,<br />

1959).<br />

8. A. I. MACKAY and G. S. PAWLEY: Bravais lattices in four-dimensional space. Acta<br />

Cryst. 16 (1963), 11-19.<br />

9. H. ZASSENHAUS : Faber einen Algorithmus zur Bestimmung der Raumgruppen. Comm.<br />

Math. Helv. 21 (1948), 117-141.<br />

10. H. ZASSENHAUS: On the classification of finite integral groups of degree 4. Mimeographed<br />

notes, Columbus, 1966.<br />

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