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130 J. S. Frame Counting the associates of characters already computed, the list of 112 characters of the largest of the five Weyl groups GO, F4, ES, ET, and EB is now complete. In Table 1 we list symbols for the 67 classes of A, together with the orders of centralizers of an element, the class numeral used by Hamill [7], and Edge [2], and the characters of this class for the permutation representations induced by the subgroups H of index 120, A4 of index 135, and S of index 960. In F the centralizer orders must be doubled for classes of type a or c, and each odd cycle symbol k or E replaced by iz or k to obtain the additional 45 classes of F. As explained above in (1.3) the information for the complete 112 x 112 character table is conveyed by four square blocks of dimensions 40 for [Xob, Y,], 27 for [X,,] which include the 67 characters of A, and 25 for [Z,, W,], 20 for [Z,] which include the characters of faithful representations of F. Reference should also be made to Dye’s papers (10, 111, which appeared after this paper was submitted. REFERENCES 1. H. S. M. COXETER: Regular Polytopes (Macmillan, 1963). 2. W. L. EDGE: An orthogonal group of order 213-35.52.7. Annali di Matematica (4) 61 (1963), l-96. 3. J. S. FRAME: The degrees of the irreducible representation s of simply transitive permutation groups. Duke Math. Journal 3 (1937), 8-17. 4. J. S. FRAME: The classes and representations of the groups of 27 lines and 28 bitangents. Annali di Matematicu (4) 32 (1951), 83-169. 5. J. S. FRAME: An irreducibIe representation extracted from two permutation groups. Annals of Math. 55 (1952), 85-100. 6. J. S. FRAME: The constructive reduction of finite group representations. Proc. of Symposia in Pure Math. (Amer. Math. Sot.) 6 (1962), 89-99. 7. C. M. HAMILL: A collineation group of order 213-35.52-7. Proc. London Math. Sot. (3) 3 (1953), 54-79. 8. T. KONDO:~ The characters of the Weyl group of type F4. J. Fat. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 1 (1965), 145-153. 9. F. D. MURNAGHAN: The Orthogonal and Symplectic Groups. Comm. of the Dublin Inst. for Adv. Study, Ser. A, No. 13 (Dublin, 1958). 10. R. H. DYE: The simple group FH (8,2) of order 2i2 35 52 7 and the associated geometry of triality. Proc. London Math. Sot. (3) 18 (1968), 521-562. 11. R. H. DYE: The characters of a collineation group in seven dimensions. J. London Math. Sot. 44 (1969), 169-174. On some applications of group-theoretical programmes to the derivation of the crystal classes of R, R. Bii~ow AND J. NEUB~~SER 1. In mathematical crystallography symmetry properties of crystals are described by group-theoretical means [l, 71. One considers groups of motions fixing a (point-)lattice. These groups can therefore be represented as groups of linear or affine transformations over the ring Z of integers. For such groups certain equivalence relations are introduced. In particular two subgroups 8 and Q of GL,(Z) are called geometrically equivalent, if there exists an integral nonsingular matrix X, such that x-wx = sj. If, moreover, such X can be found with det X = f 1 (i.e. with X-l integral, too), @ and 8 are called arithmetically equivalent. The equivalence classes are called geometrical and arithmetical crystal classes respectively. The lists of both geometrical and arithmetical crystal classes for dimensions n = 1,2,3 have been known for some time. In 1951 A. C. Hurley [5] published a list of the geometrical crystal classes for n = 4, which has since been slightly corrected [6]. 2. In 1965 E. C. Dade [2] gave a complete list of representatives of the “maximal” arithmetical crystal classes, a problem which had also been considered by C. Hermann [4]. Dade’s list consists of 9 groups: grow Q, cu, sx, c3 cu, sx3 @ ccl, % Sx,'Z) PY38 CUl PY4 sxz@2 order 1152 384 96 96 240 288 96 240 144 All crystal classes can be found by classifying the subgroups of these nine groups. Obviously subgroups conjugate in one of these groups are arithmetically and hence geometrically equivalent. Therefore it suffices to take 131

132 R. Biilow and J. Neubiiser Derivation of the crystal classes of R4 133 one representative from each of the classes of conjugate subgroups of the nine groups and classify the set of subgroups of GL,(Z) thus obtained. This has been done using a programme @ [3] developed at the "Rechenzentrum der Universitat Kiel” for the investigation of given finite groups by a computer.. This programme determines, for a finite subgroup @ of GL,(Z) given by a set of generating matrices, among other things the following : 1. a list of all elements of 8, 2. the classes of elements conjugate in @, 3. the lattice of subgroups of @, where for a representative U of each class of subgroups conjugate in CV the following information is given: (a) generating elements of U, ‘: (b) all maximal subgroups of ll, (c) for each class 0. of elements conjugate in U the number of elements in 0. and their order, trace, and determinant. The lattice of subgroups of the group Q4 exceeded the capacity of the store of the machine at our disposal. For this group we first computed the classes of conjugate elements with the programme di. From these it is easily seen that the element -E (where E = unit element) is contained in the intersection of the centre and the derived group and hence in the Frattini subgroup of Q4. Hence -E is contained in all maximal subgroups of Q4 and we found these by computing the lattice of subgroups of Q4/( - E) which could be handled in our machine. There are three maximal subgroups of order 576 normal in Q4, two classes of three conjugate maximal subgroups each, of order 384 and one class of sixteen conjugate maximal subgroups of order 72. One representative of each of these six classes of maximal subgroups of Q4 and the other eight Dade groups were then investigated with the programme @, giving a total of 1869 representatives of classes of conjugate subgroups of these groups, which had to be classified into crystal classes. This has been done in the following way: Let us call two subgroups @, @ of G,%,(Z) similar, if there is a l-1 correspondence between the classes of conjugate elements in @ and those in @, such that corresponding classes contain the same number of elements and these have the same order, trace, and determinant. Obviously this similarity is an equivalence relation, implied by both geometrical and arithmetical equivalence. The 1869 groups mentioned above were first sorted into similarity classes using the information provided by the programme. 227 such classes were thus obtained, consisting of 1 up to 43 groups. Geometrical and arithmetical equivalence then had to be decided only within these classes. 3. To some extent geometrical and arithmetical equivalence were treated simultaneously. We therefore speak just of equivalence, if a distinction is not relevant. By definition two subgroups @ and .$ of G&(Z) are equivalent (geometrically or arithmetically), if there is an isomorphism v of @ onto $$ and an integral matrix X (with det X + 0 or det X = + 1 resp.) such that XG = (Gv)X for all G E @. (3.1) The work involved in checking this for the groups in each similarity class has been substantially reduced by the following arguments: 1. An equivalence established between groups 8 and @ implies equivalence between the corresponding subgroups of @ and @. We therefore started deciding the equivalence of big groups and used the information gained for smaller groups. 2. On the other hand, if a group @ contains a class of conjugate subgroups Ui distinguished from all other subgroups of @ by their isomorphismtype and the invariants of their elements, then a group @S* equivalent to C&j must have again a unique class of subgroups UT with the same properties, and the UI)s must be equivalent to the UF’s. This remark often allows US to deduce nonequivalence of groups from nonequivalence of certain subgroups. 3. In order to prove nonequivalence of @ and .Y$ it suffices to show that for some set of elements G1, . . ., Gk E C!i there is no set of elements Hr, . . ., Hk E ,$ such that XG( = HiX holds for some X (with det X + 0 or det X = + 1 resp.). For this purpose preferably Gr, . . . , Gk were chosen as a class CS of conjugate elements, which is distinguished from all other classes of @ by the invariants determined by the programme @ (number of elements in B, order, trace, determinant). A group @* similar to csj then contains just one class E* with the same properties. If %* is small enough, a programme has been used to try all j&J*\ ! permutations of the elements of B* as possible images of the elements of C$ in a fixed order. A similar procedure was sometimes applied for two classes with either different or equal properties. 4. In order to prove equivalence, one has to show that for some system of generators Gr, . . . , G, of 8 there is a system HI, . . . , H, of generators of@such thatXG, = H$(i = 1, . . ., s) for some matrix X. This was done in the following way: A subgroup lI of order as low as possible and an element B of order as high as possible were chosen such that U and B together generate @ and that both the classes of conjugates of lI and of B are unique in @ with respect to isomorphism-type and invariants. If 8* is equivalent to @ there is a subgroup ll* and an element B* of a)* having the same properties as U and B in 8. It then suffices to fix lI* as image of U and to try all conjugates of B* as images of B. 4. All the choices described so far lead to some sets of elements Gi, . . . , G, of @andHI, . . . . H, of @ for which we have to decide if there is an integral

132 R. Biilow and J. Neubiiser Derivation of the crystal classes of R4 133<br />

one representative from each of the classes of conjugate subgroups of the<br />

nine groups and classify the set of subgroups of GL,(Z) thus obtained.<br />

This has been done using a programme @ [3] developed at the "Rechenzentrum<br />

der Universitat Kiel” for the investigation of given finite groups<br />

by a computer.. This programme determines, for a finite subgroup @ of<br />

GL,(Z) given by a set of generating matrices, among other things the<br />

following :<br />

1. a list of all elements of 8,<br />

2. the classes of elements conjugate in @,<br />

3. the lattice of subgroups of @, where for a representative U of each<br />

class of subgroups conjugate in CV the following information is given:<br />

(a) generating elements of U,<br />

‘:<br />

(b) all maximal subgroups of ll,<br />

(c) for each class 0. of elements conjugate in U the number of elements<br />

in 0. and their order, trace, and determinant.<br />

The lattice of subgroups of the group Q4 exceeded the capacity of the<br />

store of the machine at our disposal. For this group we first computed the<br />

classes of conjugate elements with the programme di. From these it is<br />

easily seen that the element -E (where E = unit element) is contained<br />

in the intersection of the centre and the derived group and hence in the<br />

Frattini subgroup of Q4. Hence -E is contained in all maximal subgroups<br />

of Q4 and we found these by computing the lattice of subgroups of Q4/( - E)<br />

which could be handled in our machine. There are three maximal subgroups<br />

of order 576 normal in Q4, two classes of three conjugate maximal<br />

subgroups each, of order 384 and one class of sixteen conjugate maximal<br />

subgroups of order 72. One representative of each of these six classes of<br />

maximal subgroups of Q4 and the other eight Dade groups were then investigated<br />

with the programme @, giving a total of 1869 representatives<br />

of classes of conjugate subgroups of these groups, which had to be classified<br />

into crystal classes. This has been done in the following way:<br />

Let us call two subgroups @, @ of G,%,(Z) similar, if there is a l-1<br />

correspondence between the classes of conjugate elements in @ and those<br />

in @, such that corresponding classes contain the same number of elements<br />

and these have the same order, trace, and determinant. Obviously this<br />

similarity is an equivalence relation, implied by both geometrical and<br />

arithmetical equivalence.<br />

The 1869 groups mentioned above were first sorted into similarity<br />

classes using the information provided by the programme. 227 such<br />

classes were thus obtained, consisting of 1 up to 43 groups. Geometrical<br />

and arithmetical equivalence then had to be decided only within these<br />

classes.<br />

3. To some extent geometrical and arithmetical equivalence were treated<br />

simultaneously. We therefore speak just of equivalence, if a distinction<br />

is not relevant. By definition two subgroups @ and .$ of G&(Z) are equivalent<br />

(geometrically or arithmetically), if there is an isomorphism v of<br />

@ onto $$ and an integral matrix X (with det X + 0 or det X = + 1 resp.)<br />

such that<br />

XG = (Gv)X for all G E @. (3.1)<br />

The work involved in checking this for the groups in each similarity class<br />

has been substantially reduced by the following arguments:<br />

1. An equivalence established between groups 8 and @ implies equivalence<br />

between the corresponding subgroups of @ and @. We therefore<br />

started deciding the equivalence of big groups and used the information<br />

gained for smaller groups.<br />

2. On the other hand, if a group @ contains a class of conjugate subgroups<br />

Ui distinguished from all other subgroups of @ by their isomorphismtype<br />

and the invariants of their elements, then a group @S* equivalent to C&j<br />

must have again a unique class of subgroups UT with the same properties,<br />

and the UI)s must be equivalent to the UF’s. This remark often allows US<br />

to deduce nonequivalence of groups from nonequivalence of certain subgroups.<br />

3. In order to prove nonequivalence of @ and .Y$ it suffices to show that<br />

for some set of elements G1, . . ., Gk E C!i there is no set of elements Hr,<br />

. . ., Hk E ,$ such that XG( = HiX holds for some X (with det X + 0 or<br />

det X = + 1 resp.). For this purpose preferably Gr, . . . , Gk were chosen<br />

as a class CS of conjugate elements, which is distinguished from all other<br />

classes of @ by the invariants determined by the programme @ (number of<br />

elements in B, order, trace, determinant). A group @* similar to csj then<br />

contains just one class E* with the same properties. If %* is small enough,<br />

a programme has been used to try all j&J*\ ! permutations of the elements<br />

of B* as possible images of the elements of C$ in a fixed order. A similar<br />

procedure was sometimes applied for two classes with either different or<br />

equal properties.<br />

4. In order to prove equivalence, one has to show that for some system<br />

of generators Gr, . . . , G, of 8 there is a system HI, . . . , H, of generators<br />

of@such thatXG, = H$(i = 1, . . ., s) for some matrix X. This was done<br />

in the following way: A subgroup lI of order as low as possible and an<br />

element B of order as high as possible were chosen such that U and B<br />

together generate @ and that both the classes of conjugates of lI and of<br />

B are unique in @ with respect to isomorphism-type and invariants. If 8*<br />

is equivalent to @ there is a subgroup ll* and an element B* of a)* having<br />

the same properties as U and B in 8. It then suffices to fix lI* as image of<br />

U and to try all conjugates of B* as images of B.<br />

4. All the choices described so far lead to some sets of elements Gi, . . . , G,<br />

of @andHI, . . . . H, of @ for which we have to decide if there is an integral

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