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94<br />

hence<br />

C<br />

*<br />

a@ = C atma,<br />

t<br />

and so x = a,m,.<br />

John McKay Construction of characters of a Jinite group 95<br />

We have the following situation.<br />

The entries in the ith column of M are the eigenvalues of A’ and the<br />

rows of M correspond to the common eigenvectors normalized so that<br />

rn; = 1. If the entries in the column of M corresponding to the eigenvalues<br />

of A’ are all distinct then the whole matrix M can be determined from the<br />

matrix A’ alone. This, however, is not usually the case. An extreme case<br />

occurs when G = Z2XZ2X.. . X22, the direct product of n copies. of the<br />

cyclic group Zz. Here each column of M (except the first) has entries f 1<br />

each sign occurring 2”-l times.<br />

A method is described to overcome the difficulty inherent in multiple<br />

eigenvalues.<br />

The idea of the method is that if a matrix has distinct eigenvalues, then<br />

the eigenvectors are determinate (each to within a scalar multiple).<br />

Let Ui, i=l,2 ,..., r, be indeterminates and consider the matrix<br />

CD = c UiA’ which has eigenvalues c Uimb 1 e s =S r.<br />

I I<br />

By choosing suitable values for the indeterminates we can arrange that the<br />

eigenvalues are distinct; if so, the eigenvectors of @ are just ms, 1 < s =S r.<br />

For computational purposes we replace the indeterminates by random<br />

numbers. We may then associate a probability to the numerical separability<br />

of the eigenvalues.<br />

We require that for each p =l= CJ (= 1, 2, . . . , r) the eigenvalues corresponding<br />

to rnp and rnq should be separable, i.e.<br />

1 C Bimf-C 8imf 1 =- E(t) for all p * fJ = 1, 2, . . . , r,<br />

i<br />

where the 6, are chosen from some suitable normalized distribution and<br />

e(t) is a small number dependent on the accuracy of the computer.<br />

The largest eigenvalue of A’ is 1. We introduce a normalizing factor of<br />

r-l and choose 8i to be the coordinates of a point on an n-dimensional<br />

hyperellipsoid of semi-axes hz:1/2 so that 6i hii are points distributed on<br />

the hypersurface of an n-dimensional sphere.<br />

A detailed error analysis is hindered because of lack of adequate prior<br />

knowledge of the mp.<br />

The numerical method for solving the eigenvalue problem is the accelerated<br />

QR method [3]. The eigenvectors are found by inverse iteration.<br />

Derivation of the algebraic form from the numerical. By normalizing<br />

the solution vectors of di so that the first component is unity, we have the<br />

numerical values of mf. To find the dimension of the representation we<br />

.use the relation, derivable from the row orthogonality relations<br />

By multiplying rnf by d, and dividing by hi we find the numerical characters.<br />

As decimal numbers, these are of little interest; we would prefer them<br />

in an algebraic form.<br />

For a representation of degree d over the complex field and an element<br />

of period p,<br />

x(x) = i 095, OGtiGp-1,<br />

i=l<br />

where w is a primitive pth root of unity. Let xN(x) be a numerical approxi-<br />

mation t0 x(X). We may rearrange the terms so that tl =S tz < . . . =S td.<br />

There are ( d+z- ‘) such sequences. We could generate the sequence sys-<br />

tematically starting at 0, 0, . . . , 0 and ending atp - 1, p- 1, . . . , p - 1, and<br />

examine the value of the cyclic sum each yields. We can improve on this.<br />

The problem may be visualized geometrically in the complex plane as<br />

follows :<br />

Each root of unity may be represented by a unit vector which lies<br />

at an angle which is a multiple of b/p to the horizontal. We form a sum of<br />

these vectors by joining them up, end to end. We seek such a sum starting<br />

from the origin and reaching to x(x). We generate the sequences described<br />

above but check to see whether, after fixing the first s vectors, the distance<br />

from the sum of first s terms to X&Y) is less than d-s; if not, we<br />

alter ts.<br />

Even with the above improvement, the algebraic form of the character<br />

of an element of period p in a representation of degree d such that p, d > 10<br />

would be very time-consuming to determine, and in cases such as presented<br />

by the representations of JI, this is out of the question. The following<br />

fact may be used: among the terms of the sequences computed may be<br />

some whose sum contribution to the total is nil. Each such subsequence<br />

may be decomposed into disjoint subsequences each containing a prime<br />

number of terms. These correspond to regular pi-gons for prime p,. From a<br />

computational viewpoint this implies that, provided u > 0, we can attempt<br />

to fit X&X) with only u = d- i$lcipi (ci 2 0) terms where pi are prime<br />

divisors of p. We now compute the values that c cipi can take.<br />

If p has only one prime factor, the values assumed are multiples of<br />

that factor.<br />

Let pl, p2 be the smallest two distinct prime factors of p. All integers not<br />

less than (pr- 1) (p2- 1) are representable as clpl+c~p~ (cl, cg z= 0). In

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