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76 W. Lindenberg and L. Gerhards Set of all subgroups of a finite group 77<br />

(‘% !8 C @), we define<br />

B(%)VB(~) = ‘E’(ajVbj)*2j-‘,<br />

j=l<br />

B(%)AB(%J) =‘f’(aj,bj)*2J-l,<br />

i=l<br />

(1.1)<br />

where aV b resp. ai\ b are the usual boolean operators. In particular we<br />

have [4]:<br />

B(%n%) = B(B) A B(B) (1-2)<br />

B(W u ‘B}) == NW v N’B)+ (1.3)<br />

9lE5.3 * W20 A B(B) = N90. (1.4)<br />

2. The generation of the partial set of subgroups. In 0 1, the set of the wanted<br />

subgroups of @ was represented by a set of certain numbers of l&i digits.<br />

Let S be the normal sequence of the first 2!=nl binary numbers. To each<br />

element of S belongs-as discussed above-a well-defined partial set G<br />

of 2,. By (5 there is also defined a subgroup 9X = (6,) of @i, which is generated<br />

by all elements of e,; it is GC 9X n 2,. Thus theoretically we can obtain<br />

the wanted set of all subgroups of 8 by taking all elements of S, constructing<br />

the corresponding subsets of Z,,, generating the groups defined by these<br />

subsets and finally storing their characteristic numbers, if they have not yet<br />

been determined. But a method of this kind cannot be used because of the<br />

large number 21znl of operations to be done.<br />

Therefore in [2] a method has been described for systematically reducing<br />

the above set S of binary numbers used for the determination of the desired<br />

set of all subgroups of @5. Beyond this, however, it is practicable to divide<br />

the listed elements of 2, into s sections Ci (i = 1, . . . , s) of length 2 + lZ,l<br />

and one further section C,,, of length r (with lZ,J = s*Z+r(r-= r);<br />

c s+l = 0, if r = 0) wr‘th ou tpermuting<br />

the sequence of elements of Z,, i.e.<br />

z, = [Zl, * . -3 ZlZ,ll<br />

= fz19 * * * 3 212 . - * 9 zif+12 * * * 3 Z(i+l)f, - - * 7 Z(s-1)1+1, * * + 3<br />

Zsl, Zsl+l, * * -, Zsr+#<br />

If now the method of [2] is used for each of these sections Ci (i = 1, . . . , sf 1)<br />

we obtain for each Ci a set Gi of subgroups of 8. Generally any two of these<br />

sets will not necessarily be disjoint, i.e. the characteristic number may occur<br />

more than once, but by eliminating those multiple elements, we obtain the<br />

disjoint sets Gj. Naturally in general Ui Gi is not yet the wanted set of all<br />

subgroups of (8. In 0 3 we give a detailed description of the method of combining<br />

the characteristic numbers.<br />

t The equality does not hold, because generally 2X U bc{% U S}.<br />

$ Empirically it seems useful to choose 6 G I =S 9.<br />

3. The method of constructing the set of all subgroups of a. First we give<br />

some definitions and notations :<br />

DEF<strong>IN</strong>ITION 1. The determination of the characteristic numbers of the<br />

group Q = {‘$.I, !-B} by the characteristic numbers B(‘9.l) and B(8) is called<br />

composition; the characteristic number of 6 is denoted by c(B(%), B(8)),<br />

the order of 6 by lc(B(%), B(B))].+<br />

DEF<strong>IN</strong>ITION 2. Let Sbe a set of characteristic numbers; Sis said to be closed<br />

(relative to composition) if c(Br, Bs) E S for arbitrary elements Bl, BzE S.<br />

DEF<strong>IN</strong>ITION 3. Let S be a (not necessarily closed) set of characteristic numbers.<br />

The closed set C(S) 2 S is called the closure of S.<br />

We shall denote by<br />

Ej the set of characteristic numbers of all subgroups of Gi (i = 1, . . . , S+ 1)<br />

(see Q 3,<br />

\,?&I the number of elements of Ej,<br />

&,a,...,i =C(ElU . . . U&J-(EIU . . - UG)<br />

El 1 2 ,...,I, ’ = C(EllJ . . . IJEi)<br />

IJL2,. . . . i] is the number of elements of El,2,. . ., i<br />

K = {c(B,B’) 4 Et U El z<br />

, ,...I<br />

Clearly we have:<br />

i-11 BE& B’CEl,2,. ..,i-1 arbitrary<br />

(i = 2, . . ., s+l)}.<br />

c(c(B1, Bz), c(B;, B;)) = c(c(BlVB;), c(BzV@), (3.1)<br />

Ei = C(Er’) (i= 1, . . . . s + l), but in a way we may also assume Ei = C(Ei)*<br />

Now we prove<br />

(3.2)<br />

3.1. If BA E Ki (A = 1,2; 2 s i 4 sf l), then there always exist BTE Ei and<br />

B,*EEl,2,...,i-l such that c(B1, Bz) = c(B,*, B$).<br />

Proof. BnE Kt implies by definition Bn = c(BA, B;‘), B;E Er, B;’ E El, 2, . . . , t-1<br />

(A= 1,2). Hence using (3.1): c(Bl, Bz)=c(c(B;, Bi’), c(Bi, B;‘))= c(c(B;V B;),<br />

c(Bi’V B;‘)). According to (3.2) we obtain: c(BiV B.$ = Bf E Ei, according<br />

to the definition of E,,2,. . . , f-1: c(B;’ V Bi’) = B.f E El.2,. . . , i-1. Thus<br />

c(B1, B2) = c(Bf, B,*), as required.<br />

Using 3.1 we immediately obtain:<br />

3.2. KiiJEi!JEl 2<br />

, ,..., i-1 is the closure of El IJ . . . U Ei (i = 2, . . . , s + 1).<br />

Now we are able to describe the method of constructing the set of all subgroups<br />

of 8. From (3.2) we have C(El) = El. Suppose C(ElU . . . UEr) =<br />

K1, 2,. . . , i U E1 U . . . U Et = E1, 2,. . . , i has already been determined.<br />

f For abbreviation we shall often write B1, B,, . . . , B’, B”, , . ., etc., instead of<br />

W%), B(b), . . . .

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