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268 Donald E. Knuth and Peter B. Bendix Word problems in universal algebras 269<br />

are involved, we can have unrelated words such as<br />

.&wwlv1v2 # f32.Z2'2Vl, (2.4)<br />

f2w'z # f2v2v1, (2.5)<br />

where f& fi fs are operators of degrees 2, 3, 5 respectively.<br />

The principal motivation for the given definition of a z B is the following<br />

fact:<br />

THEOREM 2. If a > B then s(el, e2, . . . , en; g) > s(el, e2, _ ..,e,; /%for<br />

all words f&, . . ., 0,.<br />

Proof Let U’ = s(el, e2, . . . , 8,; E> and /I’ = s(el, e2, . . . , 8,; p).<br />

If condition (1) holds for x and B, then it must hold also for a’ and p’.<br />

For in the first place, every word has weight Z= We, so<br />

w(4 = w(x) fjzl n(vj, sc>(+@j> - ~0)<br />

=- w(B) + j~ln(V.i, B)(w@j> - wo) = WW.<br />

Secondly, fl(Vi, 4 =j;l n(vj> x>n(vi, ej> aJzln(vj2 &(Vi, ej> = n(Vi, B’>.<br />

If condition (2) holds for M. and ,!I, then similarly we find ~(a’) = w(/?‘)<br />

and n(vi, a’) = n(~i, /3’) for all i, and CC’ =&I . . . a& b’ = fk& . . . &<br />

where CC: = S(&, . . ., 6,; a,) and p: = S(&, . . ., 6,; brs,> for all r. Hence<br />

either j =- k, or an inductive argument based on the length of a will<br />

complete the proof.<br />

Corollary. There is no infinite sequence of words such that a, r a2 ><br />

=-as> . . . . For if there were such a sequence, we could substitute a<br />

nullary operator f for each variable vj, j 3 1; Theorem 2 implies that this<br />

would give an infinite descending sequence of pure words, contradicting<br />

Theorem 1.<br />

It should be emphasized that Theorem 2 is a key result in the method<br />

which will be explained in detail in subsequent sections; and the fact that<br />

cz # fl can occur for certain words a and /3 is a serious restriction on the<br />

present applicability of the method. The authors believe that further theory<br />

can be developed to lift these restrictions, but such research will have to<br />

be left for later investigations.<br />

It may seem curious that f5 ~1 vlvlvlvz # f3v2v2vl; surely f5vlvlvlvlv2<br />

appears to be a much “bigger” word than f3v2v2v1. But if we substitute a<br />

short formula for VI and a long formula for v2, we will find f&v2v1 is<br />

actually longer than f5v1v1vlvlv2.<br />

Theorem 2 is not quite “best possible”; there are words a and /I for<br />

which a # B yet S(&, e2, . . . , 0,; a) z S(&, e2, . . . , 0,; @) for all “pure”<br />

words el, . . . , en. For example, consider<br />

f3Vl # fifl (2.6)<br />

where f3 and fi are unary operators of weight one, and fl is a nullary<br />

operator of weight one. If we substitute for v1 a pure word 8 of weight 1,<br />

we have f30 =-JZfi by case (2a); but if we substitute for v1 any word 6<br />

of weight greater than one, we get f& =- fifi by case (1). We could therefore<br />

have made the methods of this paper slightly more powerful if we had<br />

been able to define fgrl =- fifi; but such an effort to make Theorem 2<br />

“best possible” appears to lead to such a complicated definition of the relation<br />

0: P- p that the comparatively simple definition given here is preferable.<br />

So far in practice no situation such as (2.6) has occurred.<br />

Let CI and ,4 be words with V(E) < n, v(p) G n. In the following<br />

discussion we will be interested in the general solution of the equation<br />

sh . . . . 8,; 4 = s(el, . . ., 0,; b) (2.7)<br />

in words or, . . ., 0,. Such an equation can always be treated in a reasonably<br />

simple manner:<br />

THEOREM 3. Either (2.7) has no solution, or there is a number k, 0 G k s n,<br />

and words 01, . . . , a, with ~‘(0~) =S k for 1 4 j == n, where<br />

{R, g2, . - ., Vk} c (01, . . ., G},<br />

(2.8)<br />

such that all solutions of (2.7) have the form<br />

6j==S(vr ,..., pk;Uj), lGj

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