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250 Takayuki Tamura Dejinition. Let G(0) and G’(P) be groupoids with binary operations 8, 8’ respectively. If there are three bijections h, q, r of G(8) to G’(0’) such that (xOy)r = (xh)@(yq) for all x, y E G (e), then we say that G(8) is isotopic to G’(V). If it is necessary to specify h, q, r, we say G(8) is (h, q, r)-isotopic to G’(0’). We denote it by G(B) 25 (h. 4. I) G’(W) or G(8) z G’(0’). THEOREM 2.2. Let S and T be a fixed set and a semigroup respectively. Let (a,~)o = fx,,, (a, PI@’ = eg,, a, fl E T. SZ@T is restrictedly isomorphic onto SY’o T with respect to the projections of SZ eT and SXelTto T tf and only tf there is an automorphism a +a’ of T and a system (fa; a E T) of permutations of S such that a groupoid S(e,,,) is (f,, fp, f,)-isotopic to S(OiP,P) for all a,BET. Let 9 and d be relations on a semigroup D. As usual the product e .CY of e and o is defined by p.0 = {(x,Y); (4 4 E 0, (z, y) E u for some z E D}. Let u) = DxD, L = {(x, x); x E D}. THEOREM 2.3. A semigroup D is gp-decomposable if and only if there is a congruence q on D and an equivalence o on D such that in which (2.6) can be replaced by e-0 = co, eno=L, (2.6) (2.7) a*,o = co. (2.6’) Then D % (D/o)K(D/e) where D/e is the factor semigroup of D module q and D/a is the factor set of D module o. We know many examples of general products: Direct product, semidirect product [3], [6], group extension [3], Rees’ regular representation of completely simple semigroups [l], the representation of commutative archimedean cancellative semigroups without idempotent [ll], Q-semigroups [15], and so on. 2.4. Left general product. As a special case of a general product, we make the Definition. A general product SFeT is called a left general product of S by T if and only if (a, B)@ = (c(, y)@ for all a, B, y E T. (2.8) SYeT is called a right general product of S by T if and only if (a, /?)@ = (y, p)@ for all a, /3, y E T. (2.8’) Semigroups and groupoids 251 In case (2.8), 8, B depends on only a, so 8,, B is denoted by e,.. Then (2.4) is rewritten : 8 OT. a* empe= 0,. h ea. for all a, ? E T, all a C S. (2.9) In case (2.8’), 8,, B is independent of CC, and 8,> B is denoted by 8., and (2.4) is e .(L (I * e., = ttcls +k II e., for all a, fi E T, all a E S. (2.9’) A left congruence is a left compatible equivalence, namely an equivalence 0 satisfying xoy * zxazy for all z. THEOREM 2.4. Let D be a semigroup. D is isomorphic onto a left general product of a set S by a semigroup T if and only if there is a congruence e on D and a left congruence o on D such that and D/q = T, 1 D/u ! = j S 1 o-0 = w (equivalently 0.q = o), ena = L. EXAMPLE. Let T be a semigroup, F a set, and let x denote a mapping of F into T: lx = aa where ;Z E F, aA E T. The set of all mappings x of F into T is denoted by S. For /? E T and x E S we define an element /3*x as follows: lx = aA * &9*x) = PaA. Then uh4*x = B*(Y-x). A binary operation is defined on G = SX T as follows: (x, a)(v, B> = (a*% 40. (2.10) Then G is a semigroup with respect to (2.10) and it is a left general product of S by T. Further the semigroup G with (2.10) is completely determined by a semigroup T and a cardinal number m = IF[, and G is denoted by G = G5%(T). We can describe the structure of B&+K) in terms of the semigroup of this kind. THEOREM 2.5. Let m = /El - 1 and Se be the full transformation semigroup over E (cf 111). %3&S) is isomorphic onto CBJ,,(%~). 2.5. Sub-generalproduct. In Q 2.3 we found that the two concepts, h-homomorphism and general product, are equivalent. What relationship does there exist between general products and homomorphisms?

252 Takayuki Tamura Let U be a subset of SFT, and define Prj,(U) = {a E T; (~3 a> E U}. Dejinition. If U is a subsemigroup of Sy@T and if p*j,( U) = T, then U is called a sub-general product of SXoT. In the following theorem, the latter statement makes the theorem have sense. THEOREM 2.6. If a semigroup D is homomorphic onto a semigroup T under a mapping g, then D is restrictedly isomorphic into SY@T with respect to g and the projection of SEoT to Tfor some S. Furthermore there exists an SO among the above S such that 1 S o j is either the minimum of 1 S/ or possibly the minimum plus one. Proof. Let D = U D,, D,g = a, Clearly 1 D,] e 1 D j for all a E T. The set =ET {lDol[; a E T} has a least upper bound. (For this the well-ordered principle is used.) Let m = 1 f1.u.b. {/DE 1; a E T} and take a system of sets S, of symbols such that 1 S, 1 = m for all a E T and a set So with I So I = m. Further we assume that D, & S, and S, contains a special symbol 0,, 0, t Dw and So contains a special symbol 0. Now let fb be a bijection of S to S, such that Of, = 0,. We define a binary operation on G = SX T as follows: (x, a)(y, j) = ~~~$$xG1~ aI@ ~~f2ra.s-$EDp i Then we can prove that G = SFoT where K~f,)(Yfs)>f$ XQ9Y = xf=EDg, YfpED, { 0 otherwise. Let D’ = {(x, a); xf, E D,, a E T). Then Prj, (D’) = T and D’ 2 D under b, a> -, xf,, a E T. 2.6. Construction of some general products. As a simplest interesting example of general product, we will construct all general left products of a set S by a right zero semigroup T. ra B Let T = {a, B), a a j B a B The equations (2.9) are Semigroups and groupoids e cc. cl* es. = 8,. %a 6,. 6. a% 8,. = e,. +kc, 0,. 8 L1. 0 j+ 8,. = 8,. +ka 0,. %I+ (I++ e,. = eB. +kc, 0,. 253 (2.11) 8,. and %,. are semigroup operations. In order to construct all left general products G = S??,T we may find all ordered pairs of semigroup operations on S: (%a., RJ.> which corresponds to G = G&L) U GK’$.>, ( G, 1 = 1 GB /. For fixed T and S, G is denoted by G(%,., %,.). Clearly G(%,., %,.) z G(%,., %a.). Instead of ordered pairs it is sufficient to find pairs (%,., %@,) regardless of order. Let G,s denote the set of all semigroup operations defined on S. (Gs contains isomorphic ones.) We define a relation w on Gs as follows: %-~ifandonlyif%a~~=%~Aca~and~.~%=~~cn%forallaES. The relation N is reflexive symmetric. Let YE, y: be transformations of S defined by zcp: = zex, zv: = X~Z respectively. Then 8 =+++~cy = %+#, 7 for all a E S, if and only if y&p; = @y$ for all x, y E S. As special cases we will determine the relation N on Gs in the case /SI=Z3. I. Left generalproduct of S, ISI = 2, by right zero semigroup T. a b Let S = {a, b}. m , x, y, z, u = a or b, is the table a x y b,z ru Explanation of the notations which will be used later: For example 4 denotes the semigroup abl b a j , i.e. 40 = 4. 4i denotes lbai i abi which is the isomorphic image of 4 under 1

252 Takayuki Tamura<br />

Let U be a subset of SFT, and define<br />

Prj,(U) = {a E T; (~3 a> E U}.<br />

Dejinition. If U is a subsemigroup of Sy@T and if p*j,( U) = T, then U is<br />

called a sub-general product of SXoT.<br />

In the following theorem, the latter statement makes the theorem have<br />

sense.<br />

THEOREM 2.6. If a semigroup D is homomorphic onto a semigroup T under<br />

a mapping g, then D is restrictedly isomorphic into SY@T with respect to g<br />

and the projection of SEoT to Tfor some S. Furthermore there exists an SO<br />

among the above S such that 1 S o j is either the minimum of 1 S/ or possibly the<br />

minimum plus one.<br />

Proof. Let D = U D,, D,g = a, Clearly 1 D,] e 1 D j for all a E T. The set<br />

=ET<br />

{lDol[; a E T} has a least upper bound. (For this the well-ordered principle is<br />

used.) Let<br />

m = 1 f1.u.b. {/DE 1; a E T}<br />

and take a system of sets S, of symbols such that<br />

1 S, 1 = m for all a E T<br />

and a set So with I So I = m. Further we assume that D, & S, and S, contains<br />

a special symbol 0,,<br />

0, t Dw<br />

and So contains a special symbol 0. Now let fb be a bijection of S to S, such<br />

that<br />

Of, = 0,.<br />

We define a binary operation on G = SX T as follows:<br />

(x, a)(y, j) = ~~~$$xG1~ aI@ ~~f2ra.s-$EDp<br />

i<br />

Then we can prove that G = SFoT where<br />

K~f,)(Yfs)>f$<br />

XQ9Y =<br />

xf=EDg, YfpED,<br />

{ 0 otherwise.<br />

Let D’ = {(x, a); xf, E D,, a E T). Then Prj, (D’) = T and D’ 2 D under<br />

b, a> -, xf,, a E T.<br />

2.6. Construction of some general products. As a simplest interesting<br />

example of general product, we will construct all general left products of<br />

a set S by a right zero semigroup T.<br />

ra B<br />

Let T = {a, B), a a j<br />

B a B<br />

The equations (2.9) are<br />

Semigroups and groupoids<br />

e cc. cl* es. = 8,. %a 6,.<br />

6. a% 8,. = e,. +kc, 0,.<br />

8 L1. 0 j+ 8,. = 8,. +ka 0,.<br />

%I+ (I++ e,. = eB. +kc, 0,.<br />

253<br />

(2.11)<br />

8,. and %,. are semigroup operations. In order to construct all left general<br />

products G = S??,T we may find all ordered pairs of semigroup operations<br />

on S:<br />

(%a., RJ.><br />

which corresponds to<br />

G = G&L) U GK’$.>, ( G, 1 = 1 GB /.<br />

For fixed T and S, G is denoted by G(%,., %,.). Clearly<br />

G(%,., %,.) z G(%,., %a.).<br />

Instead of ordered pairs it is sufficient to find pairs (%,., %@,) regardless of<br />

order.<br />

Let G,s denote the set of all semigroup operations defined on S. (Gs contains<br />

isomorphic ones.) We define a relation w on Gs as follows:<br />

%-~ifandonlyif%a~~=%~Aca~and~.~%=~~cn%forallaES.<br />

The relation N is reflexive symmetric.<br />

Let YE, y: be transformations of S defined by<br />

zcp: = zex, zv: = X~Z<br />

respectively. Then<br />

8 =+++~cy = %+#, 7 for all a E S, if and only if<br />

y&p; = @y$ for all x, y E S.<br />

As special cases we will determine the relation N on Gs in the case<br />

/SI=Z3.<br />

I. Left generalproduct of S, ISI = 2, by right zero semigroup T.<br />

a b<br />

Let S = {a, b}. m , x, y, z, u = a or b, is the table a x y<br />

b,z ru<br />

Explanation of the notations which will be used later: For example<br />

4 denotes the semigroup abl<br />

b a j , i.e. 40 = 4.<br />

4i denotes lbai i<br />

abi<br />

which is the isomorphic image of 4 under 1

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