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16 J. Neubiiser Investigations of groups on computers 17<br />

Fe g. K. FERBER and H. JORGENSEN: A programme for the drawing of lattices. These<br />

Proceedings, pp. 83-87.<br />

Fl 1. S. FLODMARK: Theory of symmetry projections in applied quantum mechanics.<br />

Phys. Rev. 132 (1963), 1343-1348.<br />

Fl 2. S. FL~DMARK: Symmetry projection program. Mimeographed notes, Stockholm,<br />

1964.<br />

Fl 3. S. FLODMARK and E. BLOKKER: A computer program for calculation of irreducible<br />

representations of finite groups. Znternat. J. Quantum Chem. Symposium 1<br />

(1967), 703-711.<br />

Fr 1. J.S. F~~~~:Thecharacters_ofthe Weyl groupE,.TheseProceedings.pp. 111-130.<br />

Ge 1. I. M. GEL’FAND and Z. Y. SAPIRO: Representations of the group of rotations of<br />

3-dimensional space and their applications. Uspehi Mat. Nauk (N.S.) 7 (47)<br />

(1952), 3-117; A.M.S. Transl. (2) 2 (1956), 207-316.<br />

Ge. 2. L. GERHARDT and E. ALTMANN: A computational method for the determination of<br />

the automorphism group of a finite solvable group. These Proceedings, pp. 61-74.<br />

Ge 3. L. GE RHARDS and W. L<strong>IN</strong>DENBERG: Ein Verfahren zur Berechnung des vollstandigen<br />

Untergmppenverbandes endlicher Gruppen auf Dualmaschinen. Numer.<br />

Math. 7 (1965), l-10.<br />

Gu 1. M. J. T. GUY: Coset enumeration. Lecture delivered at the Conference on Computational<br />

Problems in Abstract Algebra, Oxford, 29 Aug.-2 Sept. 1967.<br />

Ha 1. M. HALLJR.: Discrete variable problems, pp. 518-542 of J. Todd (ed.), A Survey<br />

of Numerical Analysis (McGraw Hill, New York, San Francisco, Toronto,<br />

London, 1962).<br />

Ha 2. M. HALL JR. and D. E. KNUTH: Groups of exponent 4. Notices American Math.<br />

sot. 11 (1964), 12%121.<br />

Ha 3. M. H&L JR.: Generators and relations in groups-The Bumside problem,<br />

pp. 42-92 of T. L. Saaty (ed.), Lectures on Modern Mathematics II (Wiley, New<br />

York, London, Sydney, 1964).<br />

Ha 4. M. HALL JR. and D. E. KNUTH: Combinatorial analysis and computers. Amer.<br />

Math. Monthly 72 II (1965), 21-28.<br />

Ha 5. M. HALL JR.: A search for simple groups of order less than one million. These<br />

Proceedings, pp. 137-168.<br />

Ha 6. P. HALL: A contribution to the theory of groups of prime power order. Proc.<br />

London Math. Sot. (2) 36 (1933), 29-95.<br />

Ha 7. P. HALL: The classification of prime power groups. J. reine angew. Math. 182<br />

(1940), 130-141.<br />

Ha 8. P. HALL: On the Sylow systems of soluble groups. Proc. London Math. Sot. (2)<br />

43 (1937), 316-323.<br />

Ha 9. D. R. HAYES: The calculation of the character-table of a given finite group.<br />

Mimeographed notes, 1963.<br />

He 1. W. HEWMAX Note on “An algebraic substructure algorithm”. Mathematical<br />

Algorithms 1.2 (1966), 40.<br />

Hi 1. G. HIGMAN: The orders of relatively free groups. Proc. Znternat. Conf. Theory of<br />

Groups. Austral. Nat. Univ. Canberra, August 1965,153-165.<br />

Hi 2. G. HIGMAN and J. MCKAY: On Janko’s simple group of order 50 232 960.<br />

Bull. London Math. Sot. 1 (1969), 89-94.<br />

Hu 1. D. R. HUGHES: A problem in group theory. Research problem 3. Bull. American<br />

Math. Sot. 63 (1957), 209.<br />

Hu 2. D. R. HUGHES and J. G. THOMPSON: The HP-problem and the structure of Hpgroups.<br />

Pacific J. Math. 9 (1959), 1097-1101.<br />

Ja 1. Z. JANKO: A new finite group with abelian 2-Sylow subgroups. Proc. Nat. Acad.<br />

Sci. U.S.A. 53 (1965), 657-658.<br />

Ja 2. Z. JANKO: Still one more new simple group of finite order. Mimeographed notes,<br />

Melbourne, 1967.<br />

Ju 1. H. J~~RGENSEN: Calculation with the elements of a group given by generators and<br />

defining relations. These Proceedings, pp. 47-57.<br />

Ka 1. S. KATSURA: Tables of representations of permutation groups for the many electron<br />

problem. Unbound report, Eugene, Oregon, 1962, available as: Document<br />

No 7567 AD1 Auxiliary Publications Project, Lib of Congr., Washington, D.C.<br />

Ka 2. S. KATSIJRA: Tables of representations of permutation groups for molecular<br />

integrals. J. Chem. Phys. 38 (1963), 3033.<br />

Ke 1. E. R. KEO~N: The ordinary representations of the groups of order 2”, 14 n=n6.<br />

Notices American Math. Sot. 14 (1967), 116.<br />

Kr 1. E. F. KRAUSE: On the collection process. Proc. American Math. Sot. 15 (1964),<br />

497-504.<br />

Kr 2. E. F. KRAUSE: Groups of exponent 8 satisfy the 14th Engel congruence. Proc.<br />

American Math. Sot. 15 (1964), 491-496.<br />

Kr 3. E. F. KRAUSE and K. WESTON: The restricted Bumside group of exponent 5.<br />

Notices American Math. Sot. 14 (1967), 416-417.<br />

Kr 4. E. F. KRAUSE and K. WESTON: An algorithm related to the restricted Burnside<br />

group of prime exponent. These Proceedings, pp. 185-187.<br />

Le 1. J. LEECH: Some deiinitions of Klein’s simple group of order 168 and other<br />

groups [with Appendix]. Proc. Glasgow Math. Assoc. 5 (1962), 166-175.<br />

Le 2. J. LEECH: Coset enumeration on digital computers. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Sot.<br />

59 (1963), 257-267; with supplementary notes and references, privately circulated<br />

1967.<br />

Le 3. J. LEECH: Generators for certain normal subgroups of (2,3,7). Proc. Cambridge<br />

Phil. Sot. 61 (1965), 321-332.<br />

Le 4. J. L&X-I: Coset enumeration. These Proceedings, pp. 21-35.<br />

Li 1. W. L<strong>IN</strong>DENBERG: Uber eine Darstellung von Gruppenelementen in digitalen<br />

Rechenautomaten. Numer. Math. 4 (1962), 151-153.<br />

Li 2. W. L<strong>IN</strong>DENBERG: Die Struktur eines Ubersetzungsprogramms zur Multiplikation<br />

von Gruppenelementen in digitalen Rechenautomaten. Mitt. Rh.- W. Inst. Instr.<br />

Math. Bonn 2 (1963), l-38.<br />

Li 3. W. L<strong>IN</strong>DENBERG and L. GERHARDS: Combinatorial construction by a computer<br />

of the set of all subgroups of a finite group by composition of partial sets of its<br />

subgroups. These Proceedings, pp. 75-82.<br />

Li 4. A. Lru~xvrcu~s: Coalgebras, resolutions, and the computer I, II, III. Mathematical<br />

Algorithms 1.1 (1966) 4-12; 1.2 (1966) 2-10; 1.4 (1966) l-68.<br />

Ma 1. M. D. MACLAREN: Notes on the machine computation of a spectral sequence.<br />

Argonne Nat. Lab. Working paper (1965), 26 pp.<br />

Ma 2. M. D. MACLAREN and M. E. MAHOW~D: Topological calculations by machine.<br />

Argonne Nat. Lab. Working paper (1966), 14 pp.<br />

Ma 3. R. N. MADDI~~N: Diploma Dissertation, Cambridge, 1958.<br />

Ma 4. W. MAGNUS, A. KARRA.%S and D. SOLITAR: Combinatorial Group Theory (Interscience,<br />

New York, London, Sydney 1966).<br />

Ma 5. W. D. MAWR: Computer experiments in finite groups. Brown University<br />

(1965), 30 pp.<br />

Ma 6. W. D. MAURER: Computer experiments in finite algebra. Project MAC, M.Z.T.<br />

Memorandum MAC M 246 (1965), 17 pp.<br />

Ma 7. W. D. MAURER: Computer experiments in finite algebra II. Project MAC, M.I.T.<br />

Memorandum MAC M 282 (1965), 39 pp.<br />

Ma 8. W. D. MAURER: Computer experiments in finite algebra. Project MAC, M.Z.T.<br />

(1966), 19 pp. Comm. Assoc. Comp. Mach. 9 (1966), 598-604.<br />

Ma 9. W. D. MAURER: An algebraic substructure algorithm. Mathematical Algorithms<br />

1.1 (1966), 101-113.<br />

MC 1. J. K. S. MCKAY: Symmetric group characters. Algorithm 307. Comm. ASSOC.<br />

Comp. Mach. 10 (1967), 451-452.

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