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222 N. S. Mendelsohn (b) The cube of a commutator can be expressed as a product of two commutators, e.g. (a, by = (a-lb-la-lba, a-lb-%z)(ubu-lb-Q& b). (c) Each of the products (a, b) (c, a) and (a, b) (b, c) can be expressed as a single commutator. (d) c-~(cx)~x-~ = (xc*, ~-lx-~). This last relation leads to a very interesting theorem of group theory. THEOREM. Let G be a group for which every commutator has order 1 or 3. Then G’ is periodic. Remark. This theorem was proved by a colleague of mine, N. D. Gupta. He used a more complicated lemma than that used in the proof below. Proof. From the identity c-~(cx)~x-~ = (xc2, ~-lx-~) it follows that (cx)~ = c*x3 where c and c* are commutators. Hence if cl, c2, cs, . . ., c, are commutators (crc~ . . . c,)~ = c~*cz*. . . ct-r. By iteration (cite . . . &J3m = 1. Concluding remarks. The above examples indicate that there can be a fruitful symbiosis between machine and mathematician. The author would also point out that it is well worth while for him to scan the output of a computer even though it may appear random and disconnected. There is the possibility of real discovery. REFERENCES 1. E. N. GILBERT: Latin squares which contain no repeated digrams. SIAM Rev. 7 (1965), 189-198. 2. B. GORDON: Sequences in groups with distinct partial products. Pacific J. Math. 2 (1961), 1309-1313. 3. R. G. SANDLER: The collineation groups of free planes II: A presentation for the group G,. Proc. Amer. Math. 5’0~. 16 (1965), 181-186. Construction and analysis of non-equivalent finite semigroups ROBERT J. PLEMMONS 1. Introduction. In searching for examples of finite algebraic systems that satisfy certain identities or have specific properties, it is often convenient to have available a listing of all non-equivalent (i.e., non-isomorphic or anti-isomorphic) systems of given types and orders, together with information concerning their properties. This paper is concerned with the development of algorithms used to design computer programs for the purpose of constructing and analyzing certain systems such as groupoids and semigroups, having small orders. Of course, the basic problem in such projects is to develop an efficient algorithm to construct one representative system from each class of those that are either isomorphic or anti-isomorphic. Digital computers were first applied to the construction of non-equivalent finite semigroups by G. E. Forsythe in 1954 [3], when he constructed all semigroups of order 4 by use of the computer SWAC, at Los Angeles. Hand computations [10] had previously yielded those of order N g 3. In 1955, T. S. Motzkin and J. L. Selfridge obtained all semigroups of order 5, also by using SWAC, and about the same time similar results were obtained in Japan by hand computations [11]. It was not until 1966 that the results for N = 6 were obtained at Auburn University [8]. In $2 we develop an algorithm to construct all non-equivalent semigroups of order N e 6, the results for N = 6 being new. The analysis of these semigroups is discussed in 0 3. In addition, some applications to the development of certain theorems about finite semigroups are mentioned, along with the formulation of an associated conjecture. All notation and definitions follow [1] and [2]. 2. The construction algorithm. As we have mentioned, the problem of constructing all non-equivalent finite algebraic systems of given type and order is essentially the problem of efficiently choosing a representative system from each class of those that are either isomorphic or anti-isomorphic. It is trivial to construct an algorithm to do this. One needs only to compute all possible systems of that type, to determine which are isomorphic or anti-isomorphic and then to choose one system from each 223

224 Robert J. Plemmons such class [3]. However, the computation time is then proportional to the total number of such systems. The algorithm presented in this paper constructs only those groupoids that are neither isomorphic nor anti-isomorphic; and, after adding a routine to ensure associativity, it makes feasible the construction of all semigroups of order N G 6, on most modern digital computers. The algorithm will be given for the most general binary system, the groupoid, since routines to restrict the binary operations can readily be added. Let N be a positive integer and let S be the set of all positive integers less than or equal to N. We choose this as the set of elements for our groupoids of orderN, since they are readily used as subscripts in FORTRAN. Let RN denote the set of all NXN matrix arrays A = (Uij) where each aij E S. Then each array (ajj) represents a groupoid of order N with binary operation o defined by io j = OTij. Conversely, each groupoid of order N has such a representation. Let PM denote the permutation group on S and let AT denote the transpose of A E RN. For each CL E PN and each A = (aii) E RN we define Aa = B = (bij) where bij = a[a,-l(Ql-lcjj], i, j E S. Then two groupoids of order N, represented by A and B in RN, are isomorphic if and only if Aa = B for some a E PN, and are anti-isomorphic if and only if AT/3 = B for some B E PN. Now the set RN is ordered by the relation G) defined by the rule that ifA, BERNthen AsB if and only if aij = b, for each i, j E S, oL p _else there is a pair tn, k E S such that ‘&nk -== bmk and aij = b, for all i, j E S where j+(i-l)N -C k+(m-l)N. In other words the ordering is row-wise. Non-equivalent finite semigroups 225 Now for each A E RN we let IA denote the set of all Aa, as a ranges over Phr. Then either IA = IA2. or else IA 17 1,, = 0, and moreover I, = ZAT if and only if Aa = AT for some a E Pni. In order to construct only those groupoids that are non-equivalent, we construct only the minimal matrix (with respect to the ordering) in the set I, (J IAT. This can be accomplished in the following way, using the familiar backtrack method of exhaustive search. Starting with all ones (the null groupoid), we initiate a process of backing up and going forward, row-wise, in defining terms in the table, beginning with the last position, Now whenever the process backs up in the table, the previous position is zeroed and we consider the product there as undefined. In general, suppose the process is at position (i, j). The term aij is replaced by a,+ 1. Then: 1. If Uij > N, we set aG = 0 and back up in the table. If i = j = 1, the process is complete and we have all the desired systems; if not, the process goes to position (i, j- 1) if j + 1 or (i- 1, N) if j = 1. 2. If aij

224 Robert J. Plemmons<br />

such class [3]. However, the computation time is then proportional to the<br />

total number of such systems. The algorithm presented in this paper constructs<br />

only those groupoids that are neither isomorphic nor anti-isomorphic;<br />

and, after adding a routine to ensure associativity, it makes<br />

feasible the construction of all semigroups of order N G 6, on most<br />

modern digital computers.<br />

The algorithm will be given for the most general binary system, the<br />

groupoid, since routines to restrict the binary operations can readily be<br />

added. Let N be a positive integer and let S be the set of all positive integers<br />

less than or equal to N. We choose this as the set of elements for our<br />

groupoids of orderN, since they are readily used as subscripts in FORTRAN.<br />

Let RN denote the set of all NXN matrix arrays<br />

A = (Uij)<br />

where each aij E S. Then each array (ajj) represents a groupoid of order N<br />

with binary operation o defined by<br />

io j = OTij.<br />

Conversely, each groupoid of order N has such a representation.<br />

Let PM denote the permutation group on S and let AT denote the transpose<br />

of A E RN. For each CL E PN and each A = (aii) E RN we define<br />

Aa = B = (bij)<br />

where<br />

bij = a[a,-l(Ql-lcjj], i, j E S.<br />

Then two groupoids of order N, represented by A and B in RN, are isomorphic<br />

if and only if<br />

Aa = B<br />

for some a E PN, and are anti-isomorphic if and only if<br />

AT/3 = B<br />

for some B E PN.<br />

Now the set RN is ordered by the relation G) defined by the rule that<br />

ifA, BERNthen<br />

AsB<br />

if and only if aij = b, for each i, j E S, oL p _else<br />

there is a pair tn, k E S such<br />

that<br />

‘&nk -== bmk<br />

and aij = b, for all i, j E S where<br />

j+(i-l)N -C k+(m-l)N.<br />

In other words the ordering is row-wise.<br />

Non-equivalent finite semigroups 225<br />

Now for each A E RN we let IA denote the set of all Aa, as a ranges over<br />

Phr. Then either IA = IA2. or else IA 17 1,, = 0, and moreover I, = ZAT if<br />

and only if Aa = AT for some a E Pni.<br />

In order to construct only those groupoids that are non-equivalent, we<br />

construct only the minimal matrix (with respect to the ordering) in the<br />

set I, (J IAT. This can be accomplished in the following way, using the familiar<br />

backtrack method of exhaustive search. Starting with all ones (the null<br />

groupoid), we initiate a process of backing up and going forward, row-wise,<br />

in defining terms in the table, beginning with the last position, Now whenever<br />

the process backs up in the table, the previous position is zeroed and<br />

we consider the product there as undefined. In general, suppose the process<br />

is at position (i, j). The term aij is replaced by a,+ 1. Then:<br />

1. If Uij > N, we set aG = 0 and back up in the table. If i = j = 1,<br />

the process is complete and we have all the desired systems; if not, the<br />

process goes to position (i, j- 1) if j + 1 or (i- 1, N) if j = 1.<br />

2. If aij

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