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214 P. G. Ruud and R. Keown 4. Current computer programs. During the study and analysis of finite groups at Texas A &M University, several computer programs have been written. These programs are all written in FORTRAN IV language and are operational on the IBM 7094 digital computer. The following paragraphs are devoted to a discussion of the capabilities of available programs the extent to which each has been used and the relative merits or demerits of each. (1) A program has been written to test whether a Cayley table presentation is in fact a group by appealing to the group axioms. This program is completely general and the size of the group that can be tested is limited only by the machine storage capacity. The highest order group tested on this program to date is a group of order 64. Should the set being tested fail to satisfy the requirements of a group, the program indicates which axioms were violated and which elements of the set failed to comply. (2) Given the Cayley table of a finite group, a program was written to determine how many conjugacy classes the group has and to provide a listing of the elements in each class. (3) A program was written to determine the order of each element of the group. (4) A program was written which first determines all subgroups of a given group when provided with the Cayley table of the group in question. This is accomplished by using the test program to verify which combinations of elements are in fact groups. It then determines which subgroups are normal. Finally, using the normal subgroups, the corresponding factor groups are computed. The total output from this program for a given group includes all proper subgroups, indicates which subgroups are normal and gives the Cayley table of the corresponding factor group. This program has been run for groups only as high as order 16. It is not efficient in the sense of computer time for groups of higher order. (5) As noted in Q 2, a program was written to construct the corresponding group Cayley table from the generating permutations for the group. This program has been used to construct the Cayley tables of all groups of order 2”, n < 6, using the permutations provided in the work of Hall and Senior [5]. (6) The procedure discussed in $2 for computing Cayley tables of 2-groups from the generators and commutator relations was programmed. This program has been used to generate the Cayley tables for all groups of order 2”, n < 5, and some of the groups of order 26. (7) In the analysis of a particular group, it is beneficial if the student can examine different Cayley table presentations of the same group. Some of the variations studied were rearrangements of the table according to element order, conjugacy classes or by positioning a particular normal subgroup of index four or less in the first part of the table. A program was written to produce the transformed Cayley table from the original by providing the computer with the desired isomorphism and the original Cayley table. Irreducible representations of finite groups (8) An algorithm similar to the one discussed ins 3 for computing irreducible representations was programmed. This algorithm differed only in that the programmed version did not permit the calculation of two or fourdimensional representations which arose from self-conjugate two-dimensional representations of the subgroup of index two. Consequently, this program cannot be used for those groups of order sixty-four where the above situation arises. The program does calculate one element from each class of equivalent irreducible representations for groups of order 2”, IZ < 5. The program is contingent only upon having a suitable Cayley table presentation of the group available. This poses no restriction in 2” since any group may be appropriately transformed using the program in paragraph (7) above. The logic of the procedure is to use the known irreducible representations of the group of order 2l to obtain those of the group of order 22, then use these representations of 22 just determined to obtain those of the next subgroup and so on to the group of order 2”. The output from the program consists of the matrix representations evaluated at each element of the group. All groups of order 2”, n < 5, have been subjected to this program with appropriate results obtained. Approximately 3& minutes of computer time were used. The same program has been used to calculate the irreducible representations of some of the groups of order 64. In actual practice, many of these programs are used simultaneously with results from one conveyed to others as necessary. For example, the 3+ minutes of computer time above included generating the Cayley tables from the generating permutations, verifying that the result was in fact a group satisfying the generating relations, and determining the conjugacy class structure and the irreducible representations. As this study of finite groups, and in particular 2-groups, continues, several new problems are being contemplated. Clearly a modification of the representation program to carry out the complete algorithm of Q 3 is immediate. The method of 9 2 for generating Cayley tables looks promising in considering the step towards 2-groups of order 128. Now that irreducible representations are available for other 2-groups, a study of their subgroup structure and other properties is simplified. The question of whether the representation algorithm would apply with reasonable modification to groups of order p”, p a prime, also merits consideration. Readers who might be interested in programs or results of the foregoing are invited to contact the authors at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, or at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas. REFERENCES 1. H. BOERNER: Representations of Groups (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1963). 2. C. BROTT: Diplomarbeit, Kiel, 1966, unpublished. 3. C. W. CURTIS and I. REINER: Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Associative Algebras (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1963). CPA 15 215

216 P. G. Ruud and R. Keown 4. L. GERHARDS and W. LINDENBERG: Em Verfahren zur Berechnung des vollst%ndiger Untergruppenverbandes endlicher Gruppen auf Dualmaschinen. Numer. Math. 7 (1965), l-10. 5. MARSHALL HALL JR. and JAMES K. SENIOR: The Groups of Order 2” (n =s 6) (The Macmillan Co., New York; Collier-Macmillan, Ltd., London, 1964). 6. R. F. HANSEN: M.A. Thesis, Texas A & M University, 1967, unpublished. 7. J. S. LOMONT: Applications of Finite Groups (Academic Press, New York, London, 1959). 8. W. LINDENBERG: Uber eine Darstellung von Gruppenelementen in digitalen Rechenautomaten. Numer. Math. 4 (1962), 151-153. 9. E. R. MCCARTHY: M.A. Thesis, Texas A & M University, 1966, unpublished. 10. J. NEIJB~~SER: Bestimmung der Untergruppenverbinde endlicher p-Gruppen auf einer programmgesteuerten elektronischen Dualmachine. Numer. Math. 3 (1961), 271-278. 11. P. G. RULJD: M.A. Thesis, Texas A & M University, 1967, unpublished. 12. D. L. STAMBAUGH: M.A. Thesis, Texas A & M University, 1967, unpublished. Some examples of man-machine interaction in the solution of mathematical problems N. S. MENDELSOHN Summary. Three illustrative examples are given of how the enormous speed and capacity of computing machines can be used to aid the mathematician in the solution of problems he might not otherwise be willing to undertake. The ways in which man and machine can interact are many and varied. The examples given indicate three distinct directions in which such interplay can take place. Example 1. The Sandler group. The collineation group of the free plane generated by four points was studied by R. G. Sandler in [3]. The group has its own intrinsic interest but there were two directions in which it appeared that interesting information might be obtained. Two natural analogies suggested themselves. In the first case, by analogy with the situation in classical projective planes, there was the possibility that this group, or at least a very large subgroup, might yield a new simple group of very large order, and if this were so one might expect an infinite class of such groups based on the collineation groups of the free planes which are finitely generated. Secondly, an analogy with group theory is possible. In group theory, every group on k generators is a homomorphic image of the free group with k generators. It might then be possible to show that the collineation group of every projective plane generated by k points is a homomorphic image of the collineation group of the free plane generated by four points. We show here that the second possibility is closer to the true situation. Sandler’s group has the presentation G= {A, B, C 1 A2 = B4 = Cz = (AB)3 = ((B2A)W)3 = CBAB”ACB2 = I}. It can be shown that the element AC has infinite order. To study this group it is convenient to look at homomorphic images in which AC is of finite order. Accordingly, let G,, be the group obtained from Sandler’s group by adjoining the relation (AC)” = I. It is not hard to see that A and B generate the symmetric group S4 on four symbols, and that in any homomorphic image of G the image of the subgroup generated by A and B must be the full group S4 or the identity. Coset enumeration is used for the first 15' 217

214 P. G. Ruud and R. Keown<br />

4. Current computer programs. During the study and analysis of finite<br />

groups at Texas A &M University, several computer programs have been<br />

written. These programs are all written in FORTRAN IV language and are<br />

operational on the IBM 7094 digital computer. The following paragraphs<br />

are devoted to a discussion of the capabilities of available programs the<br />

extent to which each has been used and the relative merits or demerits of<br />

each.<br />

(1) A program has been written to test whether a Cayley table presentation<br />

is in fact a group by appealing to the group axioms. This program is<br />

completely general and the size of the group that can be tested is limited<br />

only by the machine storage capacity. The highest order group tested on<br />

this program to date is a group of order 64. Should the set being tested fail<br />

to satisfy the requirements of a group, the program indicates which axioms<br />

were violated and which elements of the set failed to comply.<br />

(2) Given the Cayley table of a finite group, a program was written to<br />

determine how many conjugacy classes the group has and to provide a listing<br />

of the elements in each class.<br />

(3) A program was written to determine the order of each element of the<br />

group.<br />

(4) A program was written which first determines all subgroups of a given<br />

group when provided with the Cayley table of the group in question. This is<br />

accomplished by using the test program to verify which combinations of<br />

elements are in fact groups. It then determines which subgroups are normal.<br />

Finally, using the normal subgroups, the corresponding factor groups are<br />

computed. The total output from this program for a given group includes<br />

all proper subgroups, indicates which subgroups are normal and gives the<br />

Cayley table of the corresponding factor group.<br />

This program has been run for groups only as high as order 16. It is not<br />

efficient in the sense of computer time for groups of higher order.<br />

(5) As noted in Q 2, a program was written to construct the corresponding<br />

group Cayley table from the generating permutations for the group. This<br />

program has been used to construct the Cayley tables of all groups of order<br />

2”, n < 6, using the permutations provided in the work of Hall and Senior [5].<br />

(6) The procedure discussed in $2 for computing Cayley tables of<br />

2-groups from the generators and commutator relations was programmed.<br />

This program has been used to generate the Cayley tables for all groups of<br />

order 2”, n < 5, and some of the groups of order 26.<br />

(7) In the analysis of a particular group, it is beneficial if the student can<br />

examine different Cayley table presentations of the same group. Some of the<br />

variations studied were rearrangements of the table according to element<br />

order, conjugacy classes or by positioning a particular normal subgroup of<br />

index four or less in the first part of the table. A program was written to<br />

produce the transformed Cayley table from the original by providing the<br />

computer with the desired isomorphism and the original Cayley table.<br />

Irreducible representations of finite groups<br />

(8) An algorithm similar to the one discussed ins 3 for computing irreducible<br />

representations was programmed. This algorithm differed only in that<br />

the programmed version did not permit the calculation of two or fourdimensional<br />

representations which arose from self-conjugate two-dimensional<br />

representations of the subgroup of index two. Consequently, this<br />

program cannot be used for those groups of order sixty-four where the<br />

above situation arises. The program does calculate one element from each<br />

class of equivalent irreducible representations for groups of order 2”,<br />

IZ < 5. The program is contingent only upon having a suitable Cayley table<br />

presentation of the group available. This poses no restriction in 2” since any<br />

group may be appropriately transformed using the program in paragraph<br />

(7) above. The logic of the procedure is to use the known irreducible representations<br />

of the group of order 2l to obtain those of the group of order 22,<br />

then use these representations of 22 just determined to obtain those of the<br />

next subgroup and so on to the group of order 2”. The output from the<br />

program consists of the matrix representations evaluated at each element<br />

of the group. All groups of order 2”, n < 5, have been subjected to this<br />

program with appropriate results obtained. Approximately 3& minutes of<br />

computer time were used. The same program has been used to calculate the<br />

irreducible representations of some of the groups of order 64.<br />

In actual practice, many of these programs are used simultaneously with<br />

results from one conveyed to others as necessary. For example, the 3+<br />

minutes of computer time above included generating the Cayley tables from<br />

the generating permutations, verifying that the result was in fact a group<br />

satisfying the generating relations, and determining the conjugacy class<br />

structure and the irreducible representations.<br />

As this study of finite groups, and in particular 2-groups, continues, several<br />

new problems are being contemplated. Clearly a modification of the<br />

representation program to carry out the complete algorithm of Q 3 is immediate.<br />

The method of 9 2 for generating Cayley tables looks promising in<br />

considering the step towards 2-groups of order 128. Now that irreducible<br />

representations are available for other 2-groups, a study of their subgroup<br />

structure and other properties is simplified. The question of whether the<br />

representation algorithm would apply with reasonable modification to<br />

groups of order p”, p a prime, also merits consideration.<br />

Readers who might be interested in programs or results of the foregoing<br />

are invited to contact the authors at Texas A&M University, College<br />

Station, Texas, or at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas.<br />


1. H. BOERNER: Representations of Groups (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1963).<br />

2. C. BROTT: Diplomarbeit, Kiel, 1966, unpublished.<br />

3. C. W. CURTIS and I. RE<strong>IN</strong>ER: Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Associative<br />

Algebras (John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1963).<br />

CPA 15<br />


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