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206 P. G. Ruud and R. Keown Irreducible representations of finite groups 207<br />

in which each subgroup Hi is a subgroup of index two in Hi+l, 1 e i =S<br />

r- 1, where G is a 2-group of order 2’. Our irreduci’ole representations are<br />

monomial representations constructed by induction on the normal series<br />

(1.1). Originally the authors believed that each self-conjugate representation<br />

of an Hi in this series would generate the two associated representations<br />

of Hi+1 under multiplication by the appropriate scalar matrix.<br />

This idea proved false. Presently, it is conjectured (not proved) that a<br />

minor modification of the method and program will avoid this error.<br />

The second section of the paper discusses the manner of obtaining the<br />

Cayley table of a 2-group from the defining relations of Hall and Senior.<br />

The third section explains the inductive construction of the irreducible<br />

representations from the Cayley table. The fourth section describes the<br />

programs used in the calculation. Until the early part of 1967, the present<br />

authors were unaware of the very significant work on representation theory<br />

in progress abroad, see Brott [2], Gerhards and Lindenberg [4], Lindenberg<br />

[8], and Neubiiser [10]. Excellent sources of information on the theorems<br />

quoted in this paper are the monographs of Boerner [l], Curtis and<br />

Reiner [3], and Lomont [7].<br />

2. Development of the Cayley tables of 2-groups. The method of calculation<br />

of the irreducible representations of 2-groups described in this paper<br />

depends upon the availability within the computer of the Cayley table of<br />

the group under investigation. The work of Hall and Senior describes each<br />

group of order 2”, 1 =z y1 =z 6, in three ways: “(1) by generators and defining<br />

relations; (2) by generating permutations; and (3) by its lattice of<br />

normal subgroups, together with the identification of every such group<br />

and its factor group”. The generation of the Cayley table from the permutation<br />

presentation of a group appeared to be the most expedient<br />

method, if not the most concise. R. F. Hansen [6] wrote the necessary<br />

program and assumed the burdensome task of preparing the necessary<br />

input for all 2-groups of order greater than 4 and less than 128. All Cayley<br />

tables were computed by this method and checked for accuracy. A very<br />

small number of typographical mistakes in the lists of permutation generators<br />

was apparently uncovered in the process. D. L. Stambaugh [12]<br />

attacked the problem of discovering a satisfactory method of obtaining<br />

the Cayley tables directly from the generators and the defining relations.<br />

An examination of a number of Cayley tables strongly suggests that a<br />

presentation of the generators as regular permutations with degrees equal<br />

to that of the group can be obtained in a direct manner. In order to describe<br />

the method discovered by Stambaugh, it is convenient to briefly discuss<br />

the definition of the groups by means of the Hall-Senior defining relations.<br />

Each group G is described by a set B of generators [bI, . . . , b,] where<br />

the number r is the exponent of 2 in the order 2’ of the group. Every element<br />

g of G has a unique standard expansion,<br />

g = bi’ . . . b:, (2.1)<br />

I<br />

~<br />

I<br />

I<br />

in terms of these generators where each ei, 1 < i 4 r, is either 0 or 1. The<br />

element g with corresponding exponents the set [er, . . . , e,] is numbered<br />

e,2’-l+ . . . +er+l. (2.2)<br />

We adopt the notation Hj for the subgroup (bl,. . . , bj) generated by the<br />

first j generators. The ascending normal series,<br />

{l)cH1 c . . . c H, = G, (2.3)<br />

is the basis of the present calculation of the irreducible representations of G.<br />

The Hall-Senior defining relations are given in terms of a subset [al,. . . , aj]<br />

of B. The squares a!, 1 4 i--j, of these are listed either in terms of central<br />

elements or a’s with smaller subscripts. The collection of all commutators<br />

[ai, a,] = a,yl ai’aia,, 1 g i < m ~j, is similarly described. The<br />

set [al,. . . , aj] is a proper subset of [bl, . . . , b,] when G is not a stem group.<br />

Stem 2-groups are those in which the center Z is contained in the derived<br />

group G’ of G. Additional information is given for non-stem groups enabling<br />

one to extend the information from the set [al,. . . , aj] to the set<br />

h, . . . , b,]. The computational scheme of Stambaugh is based on a set of<br />

defining relations which gives all squares b;, 1~ i < r, and all commutators<br />

[bi, b,], 1 =z i-=m =z r, in terms of generators with smaller subscripts.<br />

Stambaugh writes the commutators in the form<br />

bib, = b,,bixy 1 < i-z m < r, (2.4)<br />

where x is obtained at an earlier stage in an inductive computational scheme.<br />

We refer to the description of each group in terms of the b’s as the<br />

Hall-Senior defining relations although, strictly speaking, these correspond<br />

exactly to those of their monograph only for stem groups.<br />

,<br />

I The set [vr,. . ., v,] of regular permutations corresponding to the set<br />

[h, . . . , b,] of generators of the group G has a number of properties conveniently<br />

discussed together. Each permutation yi is associated with three<br />

sets, Bi, El, and Si, which are defined as follows: Bi consists of the set<br />

[l,. . . ,2’-l] of the first 2’-l integers; Ei consists of the set [2’-l+ 1, . . . ,2’]<br />

of the next 2’-l integers; while 5’i, the union of Bi and Ei, consists of the<br />

first 2’ integers. Each yi is determined by a permutation pi defined on the<br />

set Si where it maps Bi in a one-one fashion on Ei and conversely. Consequently,<br />

its inverse p;l has the same domain, but the opposite effects<br />

on Bi and Ei. Each permutation pi is extended to the set of the first 2<br />

integers by means of a family of permutations [cl,. . . , crml]. The permutation<br />

ci is defined on the set Si+l in the following fashion:<br />

S(k) = k+2’, k E Bi+l,<br />

ci(k) = k-2’, k E Ei+ 1,<br />

l=zi=r-1. (2.5)<br />

The ith permutation pi, defined on the set Si, is extended by successive

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