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200 John J. Cannon<br />

stack. The Cayley table may then be stored compactly as a Latin square<br />

with several entries stored in a single machine word. In this manner the<br />

multiplication tables of groups of order up to 380 may be kept in-the core<br />

of a 32K machine. Only when group elements are being output is reference<br />

made to the stack of group words.<br />

The user has the option of outputting either the generators and relations<br />

of each subgroup or the elements of the subgroup or both.<br />

So far the program has been run successfully for a number of small groups<br />

(all of order less than 100). Before larger groups can be run more sets of<br />

generators and relations have to be checked and included in the program.<br />

Investigation of groups of ordeq#,p =- 2. R. James has been enumerating<br />

the p-groups of order p6, p > 2, checking the work of Easterfield, by the<br />

method of isoclinism.<br />

Isoclinism [2, 3] splits the possible sets of generators and relations into<br />

classes so that all members of a class have the same commutator relations.<br />

The problem then is to find all the non-isomorphic groups within each<br />

isoclinism class.<br />

We may suppose that isomorphism is an automorphism and apply a<br />

general automorphism to a general set of generators and relations (remembering<br />

that commutator relations are invariant within an isoclinism class).<br />

This will give rise to a set of relations on the integers mod n, for some n<br />

(obtained by equating indices of each generator before and after the<br />

automorphism). For p-groups, n = pr for some r. These relations can be<br />

expressed as an equivalence relation on a set of matrices over GF(p).<br />

The equivalence classes of these matrices give the non-isomorphic groups<br />

of this isoclinism class.<br />

Difficulties arise in the determination of a set of equivalence class representatives<br />

for general p and it is to this problem that a computer has been<br />

applied. Using a computer it is simple to calculate the equivalence classes<br />

and to select a suitable equivalence class representative (an element which<br />

will give the corresponding generators and relations in the simplest possible<br />

form) for each class, for the first few primes. It is then usually easy to<br />

write down a set of equivalence class representatives for general p.<br />

The groups of order p5 (p > 2) were checked by this method and the<br />

groups of orderpe (p * 2) are being found.<br />

Hughes’ conjecture and commutator calculations. Consider a group G of<br />

order p” where p is a prime. Take the subgroup H of G generated by the<br />

elements of G having order greater than p. We suppose that G has some<br />

elements whose orders are greater than p. Then Hughes’ conjecture is that<br />

H is of index 1 or p in C. It is true for p = 2, 3.<br />

G. E. Wall has shown that the conjecture is false for p if a certain expression<br />

E is zero in a Lie algebra generated by two elements of nilpotency<br />

class 2p- 1, satisfying the (p - 1)th Engel condition, over GF(p).<br />

Combinatorial and symbol manipulation programs 201<br />

Hand calculations carried out by Wall show that the conjecture is false<br />

for p = 5. As the calculations are extremely long and tedious, it was<br />

decided to develop programs to verify the calculations for p = 5, and to<br />

carry them out for p = 7 and 11.<br />

The problem will be considered in four parts:<br />

(1) Determination of a basis for the two-generator free Lie algebra of<br />

nilpotency class 2p - 1.<br />

(2) Determination of a basis of the algebra in (1) with the (p- 1)th<br />

Engel condition imposed.<br />

(3) Calculation of the expression E.<br />

(4) Expression of E in terms of the basis elements found in (2).<br />

These will now be considered in turn.<br />

(1) Let 5 and 7 denote the two generators of the algebra. We define the<br />

weight of an arbitrary element of the algebra as follows: The elements 5<br />

and 7 are of weight one. If A = (P, Q) is an element of the algebra, then<br />

weight A = weight P+weight Q.<br />

Basic commutators are next defined together with an ordering (0 on<br />

them. The elements 5 and 7 are basic. Under the ordering all basic commutators<br />

of weight w come after those of weight w- 1. Ordering is arbitrary<br />

among basic commutators of weight w, but once an ordering is chosen it<br />

must be adhered to. A commutator C = (A, B), A = (P, Q), where A<br />

and B are basic, is basic if A =- B and B 3 Q.<br />

The elements of weight w form a subspace of the algebra and a basis<br />

of this subspace is provided by the basic commutators of weight w [4].<br />

Given an element of the algebra, (A, B), where A = Z&C’,, B = ZpjC”,<br />

Ci, C’ basic, we describe a collection process [5].<br />

’<br />

(i) Put (A, B) = zlipj (Ci, Cj)*<br />

(ii) If Ci and C’ are basic, put<br />

ta) (Ci9 cj) = O if cg.Z Cip tb) tci9 cj) = - (Cj, Ci) if Ci ( Cj,<br />

(C) (Ci, Cj) = (Ci, Cj) if Ci > C* J’<br />

(iii) If Ci * Cj are basic and Ci = (Pi, Qi), put<br />

(a) (Ci, C+‘> = ((pi, Qi>, C’I<br />

if Cj * Qi,<br />

Cb) Cci9ccj> = -((Qi, cj), pi) +((pi, cj), Qi> if Cj < Qi*<br />

(iv) Return to (i) and repeat the process until (A, B) is expressed as a<br />

linear combination of basic commutators.<br />

A program has been developed which calculates the basic commutators

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